Page 138 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 138


        Broadband Commission Highlight’s Role of Digital Technology in Globe’s

        Future - Commissioners  Address  Pandemic-Driven Realities and  Review

        Next Steps for Meaningful Universal Connectivity

        Digital  technologies  should  form the   Advocacy targets aimed  at broadband   the opening of the 77th Session of the U.N.
        foundation of education and skills-building   development                General Assembly, the Commission called
        as  communities  continue  to adapt  to   To mobilize  efforts  to achieve  universal   for universal,  inclusive  and  affordable
        the  realities  brought  on  by  the  COVID-19   connectivity–the  international  aim  to   connectivity  for  the  digital  transformation
        pandemic, according  to  the  Broadband   connect all of humanity to the Internet—the   of education.  “Accelerating  broadband
        Commission for Sustainable Development,   Broadband  Commission  puts  broadband   for the new realities of a rapidly changing
        which  met  on  Sunday  at  its  annual  fall   connectivity at the forefront of global policy   world is as important as it is timely,” said
        meeting.  The  Broadband  Commission,   discussions.  The  Commission’s  “2025   Catherine  M. Russell,  Executive Director
        made up  of public and  private  sector   Advocacy  Targets“  focus on providing   of UNICEF  and  a  Commissioner  of the
        leaders,  makes  policy recommendations   policy  and  programmatic  guidance  Broadband  Commission,  who hosted  the
        centered  around  broadband  connectivity   for national  and  international  action  in   meeting. “Three years since UNICEF and ITU
        to accelerate  progress  toward  achieving   broadband development. About 2.7 billion   launched the Giga initiative with this group
        the  UN’s 2030  Agenda for  Sustainable   people— one-third of the global population—  of Commissioners, we have  connected
        Development. At the New York meeting, the   still lack access to the Internet, with even   more than 2 million children to the Internet.
        global  technology  and  development  body   fewer people enjoying  reliable  broadband   However, the global learning crisis remains
        also emphasized the need for public-private   access, according  to the  latest statistics   real and the pandemic has made it worse.
        cooperation to develop national strategies   from the International Telecommunication   The  Transforming Education Summit is  a
        to enhance digital skills and advance school   Union (ITU). With  only three  years left   rare opportunity to drive new commitments
        connectivity.  “We  have  made  significant   to  meet  the  Commission’s  set  of seven   and  investments  in  innovation  so we can
        progress  globally  in  ensuring  universal   targets, the fall meeting set out to address   reach every child.”
        access to broadband continues to improve,   the remaining gaps for reaching universal   Smaller  businesses  can  make  big
        but much remains to be done,” said Paula   broadband connectivity. “The  successful   contributions
        Ingabire, Rwanda’s Minister of Information   expansion  and rapid  adoption of high-  The  meeting  also  explored  innovative
        Communication Technology and Innovation   speed  connectivity  experienced  over  the   approaches  to increasing  affordability  of
        representing  Rwandan President  Paul   recent  decades,  and  especially over the   access  to digital  services  and  devices—
        Kagame, Co-Chair of the Commission. “The   last two years of the pandemic, has been   including  for home-based  work and
        mission  of the  Broadband  Commission   transformative for our daily lives, societies   learning—with  a focus  on micro, small
        still  rings  as  relevant  today  as  when  it   and  economies,”  said  Commission  Co-  and  medium-sized  enterprises  (MSMEs)
        was  first  formed.  We  must  continue  to   Chair  Carlos Slim. “Digital  services that   and  the  most  vulnerable  populations.
        strive  for universal  access  to meaningful,   have proven so essential during this crisis   The  approaches  examined  considered
        safe, secure, and sustainable  broadband   are however still out of reach, too expensive   the  current  economic  environment.  “I
        communications  services  that  are  or complicated to use for too many people   am  pleased  that  MSMEs  are  featured
        reflective  of  human  and  children’s rights.   around the world.”      prominently  in  this  year’s  State  of
        Public-private partnerships continue to be   Technology’s role in education  Broadband report,” said  ITU Secretary-
        a key tactic towards enabling us to achieve   During the meeting, convened ahead of the   General  Houlin  Zhao, a Co-Vice Chair  of
        this objective.”                     U.N.’s  Transforming  Education Summit at   the  Commission.  “Innovation  does  not

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