Page 141 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 141


        Internet Surge Slows, Leaving 2.7 Billion People Offline in 2022

                                                                               the Internet but are able to use it regularly and
                                                                               effectively to improve their lives – is complex.
                                                                               Often,  such challenges  are  overlooked
                                                                               or under-estimated.  Barriers  can include
                                                                               slow Internet  speed;  limited  affordability
                                                                               of hardware and  subscription  packages;
                                                                               inadequate digital awareness and skills; and
                                                                               linguistic  and  literacy barriers,  as  well  as
                                                                               issues like gender discrimination or the lack
                                                                               of reliable a power source. All these need to
                                                                               be addressed if everyone is to enjoy equitable
                                                                               access to online resources.
                                                                              Doreen  Bogdan-Martin,  Director of the  ITU
                                                                              Telecommunication Development Bureau, said:
                                                                              “While  the  rise  in  the  number of people  using
                                                                              the Internet worldwide is positive, we should not
                                                                              assume the robust growth witnessed in recent
                                                                              years will continue unabated. Those who are still
                                                                              not using the Internet will be the most difficult
                                                                              to bring online. They live in remote areas, often
                                                                              belong  to disadvantaged  groups,  and  in  some
                                                                              cases are unfamiliar with what the Internet can
                                                                              offer. That is why our target needs to be not just
                                                                              universal connectivity, but universal meaningful
                                                                              connectivity."   ITU   defines   'meaningful
                                                                              connectivity' as a level of connectivity that allows
                                                                              users  to  have  a  safe,  satisfying,  enriching  and
                                                                              productive online experience  at an affordable
        An  estimated  2.7  billion  people  –  or   focus on  skills development  as  we   cost. Globally, the number of Internet users grew
        one-third  of  the  world's  population  –   move  to  a  post-pandemic  era."  ITU's   by 7 per cent and Internet penetration – the share
        remain  unconnected  to  the  Internet  in   new  estimate  of 2.7  billion  people   of individuals using the Internet – grew by 6 per
        2022.  New data  from  the  International   unconnected compares with an updated   cent between 2021 and 2022. However, growth
        Telecommunication Union (ITU), the   estimate of 3 billion people unconnected   is  unevenly  distributed  across  regions.  Areas
        United  Nations  specialized agency   worldwide in  2021.  In 2019,  prior  to   with low Internet penetration have achieved the
        for information and  communication   the  COVID  pandemic, an  estimated  3.6   fastest growth over the past year – following a
        technologies,  point  to  slower  growth  in   billion people, or nearly half the world's   typical diffusion pattern for new and emerging
        the number of Internet users than at the   population, were  unconnected. Amid   technologies.
        height  of COVID-19.  An estimated  5.3   concerns about  slowing  progress,  ITU   •   Africa, the least connected of ITU's six world
        billion  people  worldwide are  now using   analysis indicates two major challenges   regions,  achieved  13  per cent year-on-year
        the  Internet.  While  continued  growth   in terms of advancing the world's digital   growth of Internet penetration. Today, 40 per
        is  encouraging, the  trend  suggests   transformation:                cent of the population in Africa is online.
        that  without  increased  infrastructure   •   First,  achieving  universal  connectivity   •   The Arab States showed robust growth, with
        investment and a new impetus to foster   – which in effect means bringing the   the Internet now reaching 70 per cent of the
        digital  skills,  the  chance of connecting   remaining one-third of humanity online   population.
        everyone  by  2030  looks  increasingly   –  will  prove  increasingly  difficult.   •   In  Asia  and  the  Pacific,  Internet  penetration
        slim. “The COVID-19 pandemic gave us   Most  relatively  easy-to-connect  grew from 61 per cent in 2021 to 64 per cent
        a big connectivity  boost, but we need   communities now have  access  to   in 2022, relative to the region's population.
        to keep the momentum going to ensure   technologies  like mobile broadband,   •   The  Americas,  the  Commonwealth of
        that  everyone,  everywhere  can  benefit   spurring rapid and widespread uptake   Independent States, and Europe each achieved
        from digital technologies and services,"   of  digital  services.  Those  still  offline   3 per cent growth, with more than 80 per cent
        said  ITU  Secretary-General  Houlin  mostly  live  in  remote, hard-to-reach   of the population online in each region.
        Zhao.  “This  can only be  achieved  with   areas.                    •   Europe remains the  most connected  region
        more  investments  in  digital  networks   •   Second, the  shift  from basic  to   globally, with 89 per cent of its  population
        and  technologies,  implementing  best   meaningful  connectivity  –  by  which   online.
        practice regulation, and  a continued   people not only have ready access to

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