Page 146 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 146


        ITU to Promote Internet Connectivity in Rural Nigeria

        An  agency  of  the  United  Nations,  the   is  connected,  especially  for rural  women   the girl child in the ICT sector by organizing
        International     Telecommunications  that are producing most of the foods that   trainings,  and  also  curb  gender-based
        Union  (ITU),  is  to partner  the  Ministry  of   we  eat.  “We  have  discovered  that  70  per   violence.  During  the  event,  Executive
        Communications and Digital  Economy   cent  of Africa’s foods are  produced by   Vice  Chairman  (EVC)  of the  Nigerian
        to promote  Internet  connectivity  in  rural   rural women but only 34 per cent of them   Communications  Commission  (NCC),
        Nigeria.  This  was  disclosed  at  an  event   use the Internet. These women need to be   Umar  Danbatta,  prompted farmers  to use
        organized  by Women in  Technology   connected,” she said. Bogdan-Martin noted   technology to improve  agriculture, create
        in  Nigeria  (WITIN)  to  commemorate   that farmers can use technology to monitor   employment, and boost production. “Today,
        International  Women’s  Day, 2022.  The   crops, predict  weather  conditions,  and   the  telecommunications  industry plays
        recently  appointed  Secretary-General  of   fight  pests.  She  added  that  collaborating   a  crucial  role  in  providing  the  requisite
        the  ITU, Doreen  Bogdan-Martin,  stated   with  the government’s  agency will  enable   support  for  the  diversification  of  the
        that  only a  few rural  parts  of Africa are   rural women have Internet access in order   economy through improving the knowledge
        online, noting it is essential for women in   to enhance  their  productivity. Founder of   economy  using  ICT as  an  enabler. It  has
        pastoral areas to be linked to the Internet.   WITIN, Martha  Alade, said  technology is   enhanced  human  capabilities  in  areas
        “We are working with Nigeria’s Ministry of   a vital  tool in  the agricultural  sector from   such as health, education, agriculture,
        Communications and Digital  Economy  to   the  farm  to  the  market.  Alade  affirmed   finance,  transportation,  commerce,  and
        connect Nigerian rural women. We want to   that WITIN will continue to aid agricultural   governance,” he said.
        make sure that every rural area in Nigeria   research, provide  information  to  include

        Thailand Approves Landmark Merger

                                             Thailand’s  telecoms  regulator gave  the   of around 55.5  per  cent  based  on  its  Q3
                                             green  light  to a  proposed merger of  True   estimates. In addition, the NBTC will require
                                             Corp and dtac nearly a year after the tie-up   the  new  operator to provide  third-party
                                             was first mooted, but added a number of   verification of its cost structure and fees for
                                             conditions to the controversial deal aimed   at least five years, and break out voice, data
                                             at  protecting  consumers.  The National   and messaging tariffs separately based on
                                             Broadcasting  and  Telecommunications   average-cost pricing, the newspaper wrote.
                                             Commission  (NBTC)  approved  the  deal   The  merger will  reduce the  number  of
                                             after  first  confirming  it  had  the  power  to   major mobile players in Thailand to two and
                                             make a decision  on the  merger, Bangkok   faced resistance from some NBTC  board
                                             Post  reported.  Thailand’s  regulator  members, opposition  political  party  Move
                                             imposed  a  price  cap  and  controls  on  the   Forward, the  Thailand  Consumer Council
                                             combined entity, which GSMA Intelligence   and current market leader AIS. NBTC began
                                             figures showed would have a market share   reviewing the proposed tie-up in February.

        EU Targets Device Security with Draft Legislation

        Manufacturers of all manner of connected   Internal Market, highlighted many hardware   revenue,  whichever  is  higher.  Companies
        devices could face penalties  of up to   and  software  products are  not  subject  to   could also be fined up to €10 million or 2 per
        €15  million  if  they  fail  to comply with   any security requirements. “When it comes   cent of revenue for less serious violations,
        new  cybersecurity  rules  proposed  by   to cybersecurity, Europe is only as strong as   while those providing “incorrect, incomplete
        the  European Commission  (EC).  The   its weakest link, be it a vulnerable member   or misleading”  information could face
        Commission  published  a  draft  of the   state, or an unsafe product along the supply   penalties of up to €5 million or 1 per cent of
        Cyber Resilience Act which aims to boost   chain.” Breton noted any unsecured device,   revenue. The European Parliament and the
        the  security  of  connected  devices  and   ranging from computers and smartphones   Council will  now examine  the  draft  Cyber
        software  sold  throughout the  European   to toys and cars, “is a potential entry point   Resilience  Act. Once  adopted, companies
        Union. Notably, manufacturers will  be   for a cyberattack”. Penalties for violations   and member states will have two years to
        forced to take responsibility for the security   of  the  new  rules  will  be  harsh,  with  fines   adapt to the new requirements.
        of products through their entire life cycle.   for  the  most serious  breaches of up to
        Thierry  Breton,  Commissioner  for the   €15 million or 2.5 per cent of global annual
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