Page 139 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 139


        come just from big industry. Startups and   participants  discussed  how connectivity   Martin, Director of ITU’s Telecommunication
        entrepreneurs  make  vital  contributions  in   and technological innovations are enabling   Development  Bureau  and  Executive
        this area, and we should continue to work   swift  adaptation  to hybrid  education;   Director of the Commission, “we need the
        toward ensuring greater participation from   empowering  learners  through  open  right regulatory environment and the right
        small business throughout ITU’s work.”  education  resources  and  data;  building   strategies  and  policies.”  Commissioners
        A forum for multistakeholder engagement  capacities  of civil servants  for  effective   leading  working  groups on  Smartphone
        More  than  40  Commissioners  and   digital  transformation; and  providing   Access and AI Capacity Building presented
        representatives  attended  the  Broadband   platforms for strengthening  the  literacy   findings  and  recommendations  of  their
        Commission     meeting   comprising  necessary for  navigating  digital spaces.   final  reports.  The  preliminary  findings  of
        government leaders,  as  well  as  heads   Addressing  the persistent  digital  divide   the interim discussion paper of the Working
        of international  organizations, private   and  meeting  the  Commission’s  advocacy   Group on  Data for Learning  were  also
        sector companies,  civil  society  and   targets  requires strategies,  policies  and a   introduced.  During the  meeting,  Mr. Zhao,
        academia. Special  guests  also attended,   conducive regulatory environment, says the   whose second term as  Secretary-General
        including  Amandeep  Singh  Gill,  UN   report. That environment should encourage   at  ITU ends  this  year, was presented
        Envoy on  Technology, and  Rabab Fatima,   affordable, meaningful, safe and inclusive   with  a  certificate  of  appreciation  for  his
        UN Under-Secretary-General and High   broadband services, and it  should attract   commitment to bringing  broadband  to
        Representative  for the  Least  Developed   the  large investment  that  is  needed. “The   the top of the global policy agenda and to
        Countries,  Landlocked    Developing  need for greater access to broadband that   supporting digital cooperation for reaching
        Countries  and  Small  Island  Developing   is fit for purpose in this new world has never   universal connectivity.
        States (UN-OHRLLS). Among other topics,   been  more  urgent,”  said  Doreen  Bogdan-

        Government  to Ensure  5G  Services Remain  Affordable  in India:  Union IT
        Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw

        Telecom companies will  now not require   from  the  appropriate authority," the   by a structural engineer, authorized by
        any  approval  from authorities  for laying   notification dated August 17 said. However,   the  appropriate authority, attesting  to the
        cables or installing mobile towers or poles   the telecom companies will need to submit   structural safety of the building or structure,
        over private  properties.  Government  has   an intimation, in writing, to the appropriate   where the mobile tower or pole is proposed
        said that it will ensure that the 5G services   authority, prior to the  establishment  of a   to  be  established.  Telecom companies
        are affordable  in  India.  The  Union IT   mobile tower or pole over a private building or   using street furniture for the installation of
        Minister  Ashwini  Vaishnaw  has  said  that   structure, according to the Indian Telegraph   small cells will be required to pay Rs 300
        his  expectation  was that  5G  services will   Right of Way (Amendment) Rules, 2022. In   per annum in urban areas and Rs 150 per
        reach in  every part  of the  country.  "Our   their intimation to government authorities,   annum in rural areas per street furniture, the
        expectations  are that  5G should reach in   telecom  companies  will  need  to submit   notification said. For installing cable using
        every  part  of  the  country  in  next  two  to   details  of the  building  or structure, where   street furniture, telecom companies will be
        three  years. We'll  ensure  that  it  remains   the establishment of a mobile tower or pole   required to pay Rs 100 per annum per street
        affordable.  The  industry  is  focusing  on   is  proposed,  and  a  copy  of  certification   furniture, according to the notification.
        both urban as well as rural areas: Union IT
        minister," ANI tweeted quoting the minister.
        Meanwhile,  telecom  companies  will  now
        not  require  any  approval  from authorities
        for laying cables or installing mobile towers
        or poles over private properties, according
        to new Right of Way Rules notified by the
        government recently. The government also
        notified rules for using electric poles, foot
        over bridges  etc  for installation  of small
        mobile radio antennas  or  laying  overhead
        telecom cables along with charges to ease
        roll  out of telecom  networks specially  5G
        services.  "Where  the  licensee  proposes
        the establishment of overground telegraph
        infrastructure over any private property, the
        licensee  shall  not require  any permission

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