Page 88 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 88


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        The Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA) has issued   process is  ongoing in  Helmand  and Kandahar provinces. In  a
        a statement claiming that all telecom sites across the nation’s   related development  meanwhile,  the ATRA also  claimed that  it
        34 provinces have been operational and that services have been   had met with representatives of telecom  companies  regarding
        expanded  to unserved areas.  The regulator  – now operating   issues including  the regulation  of the sector,  expansion  of
        under the aegis of the Taliban government, following the group’s   services and security and safety. At the meeting, the acting ATRA
        takeover in August this year – noted that the operation of around   chairman issued several instructions to the operators, including
        1,300 sites had been halted during the fighting. On the order of   forbidding the monitoring of calls in relation to legal cases and
        the acting communications minister and ATRA chairman Mualawi   ordering operators to filter or block websites with pornographic
        Najeebullah  Haqani, the  Taliban government  has taken  control   content. Further, the providers were told to contact the ATRA or
        of telecom sites previously held by foreign armed forces, whilst   communications  ministry regarding  any security  concerns  and
        Afghan Telecom  (Aftel) equipment  that had been  removed has   to  take  steps  to  expand  4G  and  fibre-optic  network  coverage.
        been reclaimed by security services and re-installed. In addition,   Operators were also urged to increase investment, to lower prices
        the  official  has  ordered  that  telcos  be  barred  from  relocating   and improve coverage. The ATRA added that it had assured the
        sites and infrastructure on security  grounds. The ATRA adds   attendees  of its  cooperation  with  matters  such as  frequency
        that  sites  that  were  destroyed  during  the  fighting  have  been   rights,  SIM  registration  and  other  related  fields.  The  regulator
        restored in may  areas of the country  and that  services have   did not specify which companies attended the meeting, though
        been  expanded  to previously-unserved areas. According to the   a separate press release was issued regarding discussions with
        regulator, coverage in Nangarhar province has been increased to   Afghan Wireless Communications Company (AWCC) related to the
        99%, 3G services were activated in districts of Urzgan and Kunar   cellco’s plans for investment in the expansion and improvement
        and telecom services were made available in Kharwar district of   of services.
        Logar for the first time. Elsewhere, the infrastructure restoration    (October 21, 2021)


        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority  of the Kingdom   to Bahrain’s  digital  presence  in key  sectors  such  as  tourism,
        of  Bahrain  has  launched  its  promotional campaign aimed at   culture, and the economy. The move is aimed at accelerating the
        introducing the mechanisms for registering new domain names   kingdoms drive to deliver an increasing number  of its services
        for  Bahrain  (.bh),  demonstrating  the  importance  and  benefits   online. “TRA has launched an advanced and globally accredited
        of using  the domain name for Bahrain, and clarifying the next   online system for registering domain names, which will contribute
        stages that TRA will follow to make domain names available to   to the development of an important aspect of the future vision
        businesses and the public in an easy and accessible manner. A   of digital transformation at the public and private levels.” Says
        domain  name is a  name in English or Arabic  letters chosen  to   Director  of Cyber Security  &Technical  Affairs, Eng.  Mohamed
        be the address and the identity of the website and its services.   Abdulla Alnoaimi. “The registration of the domain name of Bahrain
        It is worth noting that the TRA is managing and regulating the   gives a Bahraini identity to local trademarks in particular or to
        domain name registration services of Bahrain in both languages.   individuals in general who are interested in the technology field,
        Domain  names will be  available for assignment  with mainly IT   which distinguishes them from  the rest of the names of other
        companies,  including  telecommunications  companies  licensed   websites in the Internet world. Registration of names will become
        by TRA wishing to assign domain names on behalf of TRA so that   accessible  to  everyone and in an  easy  way  compared to  the
        assignment  is available for local and international  customers.   previous situation.” He continued This campaign will also clarify
        The new  process  of registration is  fast,  simple, and secure   the various options for registering domain names for websites,
        cutting the time of registration from days to minutes. Being able   including global domain name registration websites, introducing
        to register your (.bh) domain in such a quick manner is a boost   the process of moving from one registrar to another in the event the

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