Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 86


        Vox Launches Uncapped Satellite Internet

        Satellite  connectivity  in  the  South  more geographical areas, including  the   social impact in rural areas of the country,
        African  market  is  set  for  a  shakeup,  with   Northern  Cape  locally,  giving  us  for  the   as  small  businesses  or  farmers  can  now
        infrastructure  provider  Vox  announcing   first time coverage on Ka-band across the   affordably provide their workers with free
        the  introduction  of  several  capped  and   entire country, as well as into much of sub-  calls  so  that  they  can  stay  in  touch  with
        uncapped  data and voice  plans,  made   Saharan  Africa,”  says  Visser.  According   family and friends. As a result of increased
        available  through  its  partnership  with   to Visser, the partnership with Avanti will   reliability and stability, a growing number
        Avanti Communications. “Ka-band satellite   allow Vox to offer an uncapped data plan,   of businesses are also turning to Ka-band
        has  been  growing  around  the  world;  it’s   as  well  as  several  capped  data  plans.   satellite services as a failover connectivity,
        quick to install for end-users, and provides   Subscribers to the capped data plans can   or even to connect their software-defined
        them  with  much  higher  throughputs  as   add on an uncapped voice channel. While   wide  area  networks  (SD-WAN).  “Being
        compared to other satellite technologies,”   the uncapped data plan runs off the HYLAS   able to offer our customers options such
        says  Jacques  Visser,  head  of  wireless  at   2  satellite,  the  capped  data/uncapped   as high throughput  uncapped  data and
        Vox.  “Our  partnership  with  Avanti  helps   voice  plans  run  off  the  newer  HYLAS  4   uncapped voice plans, at this price point, is
        us  expand  our  existing  Ka-band  satellite   satellite  with  a  local  landing  station  in   a  game-changer  for  telecommunications
        services portfolio, bring new data and voice   South  Africa  that  reduces  latency.  Visser   in  South  Africa,”  says  Visser.  “Gone  are
        offerings to the South African market, and   adds that increased promotional offers for   the  days  when  satellite  internet  was
        give  our  customers  more  choice.”  Based   data and voice plans, as well as consumer   seen  as  a  slow,  expensive  service.”  Data
        in the UK, Avanti makes use of its fleet of   premise  equipment  (CPE)  subsidies,  are   plans available through Avanti include an
        four Ka-band HYLAS satellites and ground   now  making  satellite  services  far  more   uncapped data plan for R1 999 per month,
        infrastructure  in  Amsterdam,  Frankfurt,   competitive  against  other  forms  of  fixed,   as well as capped data options, with 5GB
        Istanbul,   Johannesburg,   Lagos   and   fixed-wireless,  or  wireless  connectivity.   for R399 pm, 10GB for R699 pm, and 20GB
        London among others, to provide satellite   This  makes  satellite  a  solution  for  users   for R1099 pm. Capped data plan customers
        connectivity to individuals and businesses   who  are  not  in  major  urban  areas  that   can  further  subscribe  to  an  uncapped
        in over 118 countries in Europe, the Middle   benefit  from  high-speed  connectivity   voice channel, which offers them unlimited
        East and Africa. “This partnership expands   such  as  fiber  or  LTE-A.  Products  such   calls  to  South  African  numbers,  at  R172
        the  coverage  of  our  satellite  services  to   as  uncapped  voice could  have a  positive   per month including VAT.

        Ka-Band Connectivity for China’s Aircraft

        Ka-band  satellite  communications  will
        drive  an  inflight  connectivity  agreement
        coming  to  the  Chinese  market.  AirNet
        Technology  Inc,  an  in-flight  solution
        provider   focusing   on   connectivity,
        entertainment  and digital multimedia
        in  China,  has  announced  that  one  of  its
        subsidiaries,  Air  Esurfing  Information
        Technology Co Ltd, has signed a strategic
        cooperation  agreement  with  Lufthansa
        Technik,  a  provider  of  technical  aircraft
        services,  to  provide  inflight  connectivity
        retrofit packages to aircraft in the Chinese
        market. During the term of this agreement,
        Lufthansa Technik will design and certify
        Ka-band-based   connectivity   retrofit   airlines. Lufthansa Technik will also supply   of digital fleet support, maintenance, repair,
        packages for both the Airbus A320ceo and   material  and provide material  handling   overhaul,  modification,  completion  and
        A320neo  aircraft  families  as  well  as  the   services  for  the  installation  of  packages   conversion as well as the manufacture of
        Boeing  737NG  and  737MAX.  Lufthansa   that  can  be  tailored  to  the  specific   innovative  cabin  products.  Collaborating
        Technik will also work with ARE to provide   requirements of airline customers of ARE.   with  its  partners,  AirNet  offers  Chinese
        Civil  Aviation  Administration  of  China   Lufthansa  Technik’s  portfolio  covers  the   airlines internet  connections  through
        (CAAC)-validated European Union Aviation   entire  range  of  services  for  commercial   a  network  of  satellites  and  land-based
        Safety Agency (EASA) Supplemental Type   and VIP/special mission aircraft, engines,   beacons.
        Certificates  (VSTC)  to  support  Chinese   components and landing gear in the areas

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