Page 88 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 88


        The ESA’s EarthCARE Satellite to Be Launched by Arianespace

                                                               (MSI)  and a  Broad-Band Radiometer (BBR),  plus the Launcher
                                                               and Ground Segment (with exception of the CPR data segment).
                                                               The  EarthCARE  mission  will  use  a  Soyuz  launch  vehicle,  with
                                                               the launch period starting in June 2022 from the Guiana Space
                                                               Center,  Europe’s  Spaceport  in  French  Guiana  (South  America).
                                                               The  satellite  will  have  a  mass  at  liftoff  of  approximately  2,350
                                                               kg and will circle Earth in SSO, crossing the equator in the early
                                                               afternoon to optimize daylight conditions, at an altitude of 390
                                                               km. The altitude needs to be as low as possible to optimize use of
                                                               both the lidar and radar, but not too low where atmospheric drag
                                                               would impact fuel consumption and the lifetime of the mission.
                                                               EarthCARE has a design lifetime of three years, including a six-
                                                               month commissioning phase. The mission’s goal is to provide a
                                                               picture of the 3D-dimensional spatial and the temporal structure
        Arianespace and the European Space Agency (ESA) have announced   of  the  radiative  flux  field  at  the  top  of  atmosphere,  within  the
        the signature of a launch services contract with a Soyuz launch   atmosphere  and  at  the  Earth’s  surface.  The  high-performance
        vehicle  for  the  EarthCARE  satellite.  EarthCARE  (Cloud,  Aerosol   lidar and radar technology, plus the synergistic use of the different
        and Radiation Explorer) satellite - the sixth mission in ESA’s Earth   remote  sensing  techniques  embarked  on  board  EarthCARE,  will
        Explorer program - will advance understanding of the role clouds   deliver unprecedented datasets allowing scientists to study the
        and  aerosols  play  in  reflecting  incident  solar  radiation  back   relationship of clouds, aerosols and radiation at accuracy levels
        into  space  and  trapping  infrared  radiation  emitted  from  Earth’s   that will significantly improve our understanding of these highly-
        surface. Artistic rendition of ESA’s EarthCARE satellite, which will   variable  parameters.  The  ESA/JAXA  EarthCARE  mission  will
        advance understanding of the role that clouds and aerosols play in   provide this information to improve predictions about the weather
        reflecting incident solar radiation back out to space and trapping   and  future  climate.  The  satellite  prime  contractor  is  AIRBUS
        infrared  radiation  emitted  from  Earth’s  surface.  EarthCARE  is  a   Defence  and  Space  (DE).  Josef  Aschbacher,  ESA’s  Director  of
        joint collaborative satellite mission conducted between ESA and   Earth Observation, said EarthCARE is built to better understand
        the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) that delivers the   climate change by measuring clouds and atmospheric particles.
        Cloud  Profiling  Radar  (CPR)  instrument.  ESA  is  responsible  for   It is a joint mission between ESA and JAXA, the Japan Aerospace
        the entire system - including the Spacecraft, three instruments   Exploration Agency, demonstrating once more what international
        including  ATmospheric  LIDar  (ATLID),  a  Multi-Spectral  Imager   cooperation can achieve.”

        DES Ministry Panel Working on ToR for Private Satellite Operators

        The  Digital  Economy  and  Society  (DES)   eration, Ms. Ajarin said. “ToR for the PPP   the  procedure.  Ms.  Ajarin  said  the  move
        Ministry  has  expressed  confidence  that   projects in connection with three satellites   would help ease bidders’ concerns about
        it  can  find  companies  that  will  operate   should be finished by June next year,” she   regulatory  issues.  However,  the  request
        services on satellites Thaicom 4, 5 and 6   said.  The  ministry’s  teams  are  updating   was  shot  down  by  the  NBTC.  Thanapant
        before  Thaicom’s  concessions  expire  in   which satellite assets have to be handed   Raicharoen,  Deputy  Secretary  General  of
        September 2021. The scheme will be car-  over to the state. Thaicom 4 is operated on   the NBTC, said the agency acknowledged
        ried out under the public-private partner-  the orbital slot at 119.5 East and Thaicom   the  concerns  raised  by  the  ministry.  The
        ship model. Thaicom is obliged to transfer   5 and 6 at 78.5 East. The government plans   regulator stands ready to award operating
        all concession-related assets to the state   to replace concessions with a licensing re-  licences  and  rights  for  satellite  network
        when the concession ends. Ajarin Pattana-  gime to promote liberalization of the indus-  filing  immediately  to  companies  selected
        panchai,  the  DES  permanent  secretary,   try  while  maintaining  state  benefits.  The   by the ministry under the PPP project, he
        said the ministry’s working group is in the   National Broadcasting and Telecommu-  said. Air Marshal Thanapant said the NBTC
        process of considering terms of reference   nications  Commission  (NBTC)  took  over   has finished three related regulation drafts
        (ToR) for private operators to run the ser-  regulating  all  related  satellite  businesses   for the satellite business: a master plan for
        vice. The ToR draft is expected to be com-  from the DES Ministry last year, according   satellite orbital slot rights, rules for licens-
        pleted by mid-2020. After that, bidders will   to the amended NBTC law. The DES Min-  ing  to  use  slots,  and  rules  for  using  sat-
        be  asked  to  submit  their  proposals.  The   istry  recently  wrote  to  the  NBTC,  asking   ellites owned and operated by foreigners.
        ministry  spent  6  million  baht  hiring  Ch-  if  the  ministry  could  help  arrange  orbital   The  NBTC  plans  a  public  hearing  on  the
        ulalongkorn  University  to  study  the  draft   slots and satellite network filing for satel-  drafts on Oct 21, aiming for implementa-
        conditions  in  relation  to  the satellite op-  lites throughout their lifespan to facilitate   tion by November.

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