Page 75 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 75
BNET Acquires Amwaj Islands” ICT Infrastructure Assets
Developers, commented: “Through our
partnership with BNET, we look forward
to enabling the residents of Amwaj
Islands to receive efficient, uninterrupted
telecommunications services. We also
strive to support the government’s
directives toward achieving a single
network in Bahrain.” This acquisition
marks a landmark achievement in the local
telecommunications sector as BNET will
increase its reach to over 6,000 additional
addresses. This step aims to benefit
consumers as it creates fair competition
between all licensed operators, while also
providing equal access to their services.
Once the migration to BNET’s fiber-
optic broadband network is completed
Bahrain Network (BNET), the national to all users and residents of the area. in a few months, all existing consumers
company responsible for providing Ahmed Jaber Alhogbani Aldoseri, CEO will have the freedom to select their
fiber-based broadband network in of BNET, said: “This acquisition aims to preferred service provider. Bahrain’s
Bahrain, has announced its complete support the vision of His Royal Highness Fifth National Telecommunications Plan
acquisition of Amwaj Islands” fixed-fiber Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, (NTP5) stipulates the transfer of all
infrastructure network assets. Since the Crown Prince and Prime Minister to fixed telecommunications infrastructure
2022, both parties have been working achieve the competitive and sustainable assets to BNET, reinforcing its role
closely to complete the asset acquisition growth of the telecommunications and as the kingdom’s national broadband
agreement, which will enable BNET to ICT sector, which stands as supportive operator providing equal access to all
expand its network coverage and deliver foundation for a variety of industries.” telecommunications companies operating
high-quality telecommunications services Saud Kanoo, Chairman of Ossis Property in the retail sector
PTCL First Ever in Pakistan to Achieve EPI Data Center Certification
Pakistan’s leading telecom and located in major cities across Pakistan, businesses reduce costs, enhance IT
integrated ICT services provider, Pakistan the data centers ensure high levels of value, and maintains efficient operational
Telecommunication Company Limited security, resilience, and flexibility, helping footprint.
(PTCL) has raised the data center industry
benchmark by achieving the prestigious
TIA-942-C data center certification
form Enterprise Products Integration
(EPI) – a global leader in data center
certification. The meticulously audited and
certified milestone underscores PTCL’s
unwavering dedication to excellence and
innovation in the mission-critical data
center industry in Pakistan. PTCL’s state
of the art data centers offer rack hosting
services designed to accommodate
servers, networking devices, and other
data center computing equipment. The
purpose-built facilities provide carrier
customers with a secure, cost-effective,
and space-efficient solution for housing
essential infrastructure. Strategically
75 OCT-DEC 2024