Page 78 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 78


        Bahrain  Partners With UNDP  to Drive  Digital Transformation  for Human


        The United Nations Development Program   NHDR:  Mapping  Bahrain’s  Digital  technologies for both social and economic
        (UNDP) in Bahrain and the Bahrain Center   Transformation. The NHDR  on  Digital   progress, alongside  the challenges and
        for Strategic,  International,  and Energy   Transformation  will explore how digital   considerations  for ensuring  safe and
        Studies (Derasat)  have signed a  project   advancements  can  propel  human  equitable  implementation.  The NHDR
        document  aimed at advancing Bahrain’s   development across Bahrain, with a focus   will  not  only assess  Bahrain’s  digital
        National  Human  Development  Report   on key areas such as reducing the digital   ecosystem  but will  also  benchmark  its
        (NHDR).  This strategic  initiative focuses   divide,  enhancing  privacy, strengthening   progress against regional and international
        on accelerating digital transformation to   cybersecurity, and integrating  digital   standards.  Through  actionable  insights
        promote inclusive and sustainable growth,   technologies  into public  services. This   and recommendations,  the  report aims
        aligning with Bahrain Vision 2030 and the   comprehensive  report  will  highlight  to  strengthen digital  inclusion, privacy
        Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  the transformative  potential of  digital   protection,  and digital infrastructure
                                                                                 security to create a more resilient society.
                                                                                 Collaborating  for  a  Digital  and  Inclusive
                                                                                 Future. UNDP’s partnership  with Derasat,
                                                                                 alongside contributions from government
                                                                                 agencies,  civil  society,  and private  sector
                                                                                 entities, ensures that the NHDR is informed
                                                                                 by  diverse perspectives and aligned  with
                                                                                 Bahrain’s  national goals.  Together, these
                                                                                 stakeholders aim to lay the groundwork for
                                                                                 policies  that integrate  digital technology
                                                                                 to foster inclusive, sustainable growth
                                                                                 throughout Bahrain. UNDP Bahrain remains
                                                                                 committed  to empowering  communities
                                                                                 through  digital  transformation, ensuring
                                                                                 all  citizens and residents  have  equitable
                                                                                 access  to technology  and opportunities.
                                                                                 With Derasat and the Kingdom of Bahrain
                                                                                 as  key partners, UNDP looks forward
                                                                                 to driving impactful progress toward a
                                                                                 digitally inclusive and resilient society.

        Pakistan’s Telecom Sector Faces Surge in Cyber Attacks

        A   recent  report  from  Pakistan’s  The report  highlights  the growing threat   agencies,  internet  infrastructure,  and
        Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  from Advanced  Persistent Threats  (APT)   healthcare organizations.  The report
        reveals  alarming  figures  in  the  country’s   groups, considered the most sophisticated   emphasizes that geopolitical  factors
        telecom  and digital sectors,  with 720   and  dangerous  cyber  adversaries.  influence  these  attackers”  objectives, as
        malware attacks recorded in 2023 alone. In   APT groups  continuously  evolve their   they seek to steal sensitive information
        addition, the digital landscape experienced   attack  strategies,  often  staying ahead of   and disrupt operations in critical sectors.
        550 phishing attacks, 300 DDoS incidents,   traditional defenses, and target high-value   The  telecom  sector  in Pakistan was
        200  ransomware intrusions,  and 150   sectors  with geopolitical  motivations,   particularly impacted,  with  Gamaredon
        insider  threats.  These  figures  underline   posing  significant  risks  to  national   responsible for 20 attacks, Donot with 14,
        the urgent need for stronger cybersecurity   security.  Notable  APT  groups  targeting   Bitter  with  13,  and Kimsuky  and Lazarus
        measures to  protect Pakistan’s  rapidly   Pakistan  in 2023  include  Gamaredon,   each  conducting 8 attacks.  Sidewinder
        expanding  digital economy  and secure   Donot,  Sidewinder,  and Lazarus, which   accounted  for 7 incidents,  along  with 17
        user data  and critical infrastructure.   have primarily  focused  on government   attacks from various other APT groups.

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