Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 73


                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        CST Holds A Workshop on “Digital Wellbeing” in Cooperation with “Ithra"

        The Communications, Space and Technol-  ital environment; as he invited other coun-  hance the use of digital technologies and
        ogy Commission (CST)  held  a workshop   tries to adopt the Global Digital Wellbeing   maximizing their  impact. The  Index  also
        on “Digital Wellbeing“, in cooperation with   Index. The  Global Digital Wellbeing  Index   aims to bridge the digital divide for uncon-
        King  Abdulaziz  Center  for World  Culture   aims  to promote collaboration  between   nected communities, promote digital bal-
        (Ithra), on the sidelines of the Internet Gov-  policymakers and regulators by providing   ance and raise awareness of digital users
        ernance Forum (IGF) in Riyadh. The work-  the best practices  and standards to en-  around the world.
        shop aims to highlight the Saudi Arabia’s
        efforts to keep up with the developments in
        global digitization and its impact on qual-
        ity of life, discuss the Global Digital Well-
        being Index and its importance in enabling
        sustainable development  goals, and en-
        sure digital sustainability by meeting dai-
        ly needs while maintaining  a sustainable
        future for all. The workshop witnessed the
        participation of Mr.  Naif  Sheshah,  Depu-
        ty Governor of Strategy and Digitalization
        Sector  at  CST, through  which he high-
        lighted  the  importance  of enhancing  the
        relationship  between  the  beneficiary  and
        digital technologies, and achieving digital
        balance  and inclusiveness  through  a  se-
        cure, reliable, balanced and inclusive dig-

        Oman Launches Its First Earth Observation Satellite, Powered by AI

        Oman has successfully launched its first earth observation satellite, named OL-1,
        marking a significant milestone in the country’s technological advancement. The
        satellite, developed by  Oman  Lens Company, is  equipped  with  advanced  optical
        sensors and artificial intelligence capabilities for real-time data capture and analysis.
        “With the successful deployment of this satellite, the Sultanate officially enters the
        realm of space technology,” announced the Oman Lens Company. OL-1 is the first
        in a planned constellation of satellites that will provide Oman with comprehensive
        earth observation capabilities. The  satellite’s  AI-powered features enable  it  to
        capture high-resolution imagery and analyze data more rapidly than conventional
        satellites, delivering valuable insights for various applications. The satellite’s data
        will be used to monitor Oman’s environment, infrastructure, and natural resources,
        providing valuable information for decision-making in both the public and private
        sectors. “The launch of the OL-1 satellite marks a significant occasion for Oman,
        as it not only bolsters monitoring abilities but also applies artificial intelligence for
        quick analyses directly from outer space,” stated the company. The OL-1 satellite
        project aligns with Oman Vision 2040, which emphasizes technological innovation
        and data-driven solutions for national development. Oman Lens plans to launch a
        series of satellites over the next five years, contributing to the development of smart
        cities and advanced data analytics capabilities in the country. This achievement
        highlights Oman’s commitment to investing in space technology and leveraging its
        potential for economic growth and societal progress.

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