Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
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Kuwait Ranks Third Globally for Mobile Internet Speed
Kuwait has secured an impressive third-place ranking both
globally and in the Arab world for mobile internet speed, achieving
an average speed of 258.51 Mbps, according to the October 2024
Speed Test Global Index. This achievement positions Kuwait
among the global leaders in mobile connectivity. The United Arab
Emirates (UAE) topped the global and regional rankings with a
remarkable mobile internet speed of 428.53 Mbps, while Qatar
ranked second globally and regionally with an average speed of
356.7 Mbps.
Countries within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) showed
strong performances on the index. Saudi Arabia ranked fourth
in the Arab world and 11th globally, with a mobile internet speed
of 121.9 Mbps. Bahrain secured fifth place regionally and 13th
globally, registering an average speed of 116.6 Mbps, while Oman
placed sixth in the Arab world and 29th globally, with a speed of
89.3 Mbps.
The index also highlighted the performance of other Arab nations
outside the GCC. Morocco ranked seventh in the Arab world and
67th globally, with an average speed of 42.5 Mbps. Iraq ranked
eighth regionally and 77th globally, achieving 34.7 Mbps, while
Lebanon took the ninth spot in the Arab world and 83rd globally,
with a speed of 30.8 Mbps. country’s commitment to providing high-speed mobile internet
Tunisia rounded out the top ten for the Arab region, ranking 90th services. The outstanding performances of GCC countries further
globally, with an average mobile internet speed of 26.16 Mbps. highlight the region’s investment in cutting-edge technology and
Kuwait’s strong performance reflects its significant advancements digital innovation, positioning the region as a global leader in the
in telecommunications infrastructure and underscores the digital landscape.
Saudi Arabia Selected to the International Advisory Body for Submarine Cable
Saudi Arabia, represented by His Excellency Arabia, its leadership capabilities, and its related challenges, promoting best
Engineer Abdullah bin Abdulrahman extensive expertise in enhancing the safety practices for protecting submarine cable
AlMubadal, the Deputy Governor for Telcom and resilience of this vital infrastructure. systems, and coordinating international
Sector at the Communications, Space and Established by the International cooperation, technical development, and
Technology Commission (CST), has been Telecommunication Union (ITU) in investment models. The board brings
selected to the International Advisory collaboration with the International Cable together governments, regulators, industry
Body for Submarine Cable Resilience. This Protection Committee (ICPC), the Advisory leaders, and key stakeholders involved
recognition underscores the international Body aims to set the strategic direction in enhancing the safety and resilience of
confidence in the Kingdom of Saudi for improving cable resilience, addressing submarine cable protection.
PTA opened Granting Class License for Data Services in Pakistan
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Data (Internet Services) and Class License and processed by PTA as per procedure for
(PTA) has opened/ resumed granting Class for Voice services shall remain suspended/ award of licenses. All Class Licensees for
License for Data services for provision of stopped till further notice. Therefore, PTA Data (Internet Services) for up-gradation
Data Services for Pakistan. VPN service will not be accepting any such applications. of their Class License to Nationwide and
provides are required to obtain Class However, Class License for Data (Vehicle Renewal are advised to obtain Local Loop
License for Data (Data Services) to provide Tracking Services) and CVAS Registration (LL) License.
VPN and related services. Class License for applications will continue to be received
76 OCT-DEC 2024