Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 134


                          A new consultation on local commercial radio licence   Manx Telecom has been fined £100,000 by the Isle of
                          renewals has been  published  by  Ofcom. The Media   Man’s  telecommunications regulator  for its  handling
                          Act 2024 makes a  number  of changes  to how the   of a competitor's request to connect to a UK provider.
                          commercial radio sector is regulated, which includes   Sure  had  asked Manx  Telecom  (MT) to  facilitate  an
        United            a new route for renewal of local analogue commercial   interconnection with BT’s sub-sea cable. In August 2023,
                          licenses. Until now, renewal has only been possible if
                                                                        Sure formally complained to the Communications and
        Kingdom           the holder of the analogue license is also broadcasting   Utilities Regulatory Authority (Cura) over MT's failure to
                          on a relevant DAB multiplex. Following the passing of   fulfil the request using infrastructure it controlled. Cura
                          the Act, a licensee can now also apply for renewal if   said the firm had “breached its regulatory obligations”
                          there is not a “suitable” DAB multiplex available. The   by withdrawing the options  to make the connection
                          consultation sets out how Ofcom proposes to decide   “without  justification".  Sure’s  access  request  was
                          whether  a  multiplex is  “suitable” and it  is  open  for   ultimately  fulfilled  by  MT.  “Consumer  choice”  In  its
                          responses until 5pm on 5th February 2025.     decision notice the regulator said as a condition of MT's
                          (December 13, 2024)      operating  license  the  firm  was  required  to  facilitate
                                                                        interconnection  requests  and conclude  agreements
                          Ofcom  has  approved  significant  changes,  allowing   “in  a  reasonable  period  of time".  “The authority held
                          greater flexibility in the programming requirements of   that the withdrawal of the options for solutions at the
                          community radio stations across the UK. Following a   two sites where BT has its points of presence on the
                          public  consultation, the media regulator  will  remove   island was not reasonable,” Cura said. “By withdrawing
                          the majority of Key Commitments  quotas for all   options presented to Sure and BT during the process
                          community  radio stations.  These changes  include   without any objective justification, Manx Telecom had
                          aspects such as the primary types of music and speech   breached its regulatory obligations.” “No other operator
                          content,  the required hours  of original programming   can provide the access that is required to interconnect
                          per week, and the hours of locally produced content.   with BT,” it added. Responding to the decision, Manx
                          To maintain  service integrity, Ofcom will  implement   Telecom  said it was  “proactively taking steps to
                          specific  safeguards  for  stations  that  broadcast  in   enhance  its  processes".  “By  collaborating  closely
                          languages  other than English,  ensuring  that these   with Cura and other operators and implementing new
                          languages  remain  integral to  the station’s  character.   policies to improve future interconnection procedures,
                          Ofcom will now formally notify all analogue community   the company is demonstrating a strong commitment
                          radio licensees  to  initiate  the license  variation   to collaboration and innovation,” it said. In a statement,
                          process, proposing updated draft character-of-service   Sure said it  welcomed  the regulator's  decision  and
                          descriptions.  These  descriptions will retain core   the  “subsequent  fulfilment  of  our  access  request,
                          elements from each station’s original character while   which directly supports the delivery of our services to
                          applying standardized wording to reflect programming   customers". “Telecommunication services are critical
                          aspects essential to each station’s identity.  to not only our customers but to the island as a whole,
                          (November 14, 2024)       and fair  competition  is  vital  for innovation, value for
                                                                        money and consumer choice,” it added.
                                                                        (October 8, 2024)

                          The Federal Communications Commission has voted   and more.  The availability  of additional unlicensed
                          unanimously to allow Very Low Power (VLP) devices   spectrum for VLP device use is meant to help support
                          to operate,  unlicensed,  across the entirety of the 6   a cutting-edge device category that is still emerging.
                          GHz band  where unlicensed  operations  are allowed.   FCC  Chairwoman  Jessica Rosenworcel said  that  the
        United            VLP devices that operate across short distances with   FCC’s action would “help jumpstart the next generation
                          very high connection speeds are an emerging device
                                                                        of unlicensed  wireless devices.” While the FCC had
        States            category  that  the FCC said  is  “ideal for the types of   already opened up 850 megahertz of the 6 GHz band
                          high-data rate cutting-edge  applications  that will   for unlicensed use that would include VLP devices, FCC
                          both  enrich  consumer  experiences  and bolster  the   Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said in a statement
                          nation’s economy.” The  regulatory agency  said that   that the move to allow  VLP  devices in additional
                          making  additional  spectrum  available  for unlicensed   spectrum  “take[s]  the effort  to  support  unlicensed
                          VLP device use will provide more capacity for devices   activity  in the 6  GHz  band even further.” The FCC’s
                          and applications  including  augmented  reality  and   action now means that VLP  devices will  be allowed
                          virtual reality (AR/VR), in-car connectivity, wearables,   to operate across the total of 1,200 megahertz which
                          healthcare  monitoring,  short-range mobile hotspots,   the FCC designated for unlicensed use back in 2020.
                          high-accuracy  location and navigation, automation,   (December 12, 2024)

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