Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        Huawei Launches New AI Storage Product for The Era of Large Model at

        GITEX GLOBAL 2023

        Huawei  has  launched  a  new AI  storage model,  the OceanStor   of the leading businesses  in the world."  Enterprises  face four
        A310, designed for the era of large AI models at GITEX GLOBAL   significant  challenges  in  the  development  and  implementation
        2023.  The  solution  provides optimal storage  capability for   of large model applications. First, data preparation takes a long
        basic model  training,  industry model  training,  and inference  in   time, with dispersed data sources and slow aggregation. Currently,
        segmented scenario models, unleashing new AI capabilities. The   preprocessing  about a  hundred terabytes  of  data  takes  around
        launch demonstrates Huawei's alignment with the latest trends of   ten days. Secondly, for multi-modal large models using massive
        AI development in the era of large models. The OceanStor A310   text and images as training sets, the current loading speed for a
        deep learning data lake storage caters to different industries and   large number of small files is less than 100MB/s, resulting in low
        scenarios in large AI model applications. Peter Zhou, President   efficiency in loading training sets. Third, frequent tuning of large
        of Data Storage Product Line, Huawei said, "With the OceanStor   model parameters and instability in the training platform leads to
        A310, we are bringing our customers and partners a cutting-edge   training interruptions approximately every two days on average.
        AI storage solution to unleash new AI capabilities and create value   The Checkpoint  mechanism  is  needed  to  recover training, and
        for various industries. Visitors to our GITEX stand can witness how   the  fault recovery process  takes more than a day.  Finally, the
        Huawei is committed to accelerating the intelligent era, leveraging   high threshold for large model implementation, complex system
        a trusted, secure, and reliable OceanStor platform used by some   construction,  difficult  resource  scheduling,  and  GPU  resource
                                                               utilization is usually below 40%. Huawei OceanStor A310’s deep
                                                               learning  data  lake storage caters to  different industries  and
                                                               scenarios  in large model applications. In  the context  of basic/
                                                               industry  large model scenarios,  OceanStor  A310  is  a  deep
                                                               learning data lake storage solution that offers unlimited horizontal
                                                               scalability and high performance for mixed workloads. It enables
                                                               end-to-end massive data storage management for AI processes,
                                                               including data collection, preprocessing, training, and inference.
                                                               It possesses data analysis capabilities consistent with HPC and
                                                               big data, allowing for the processing of data from similar sources.
                                                               Huawei is a Gold Sponsor of GITEX GLOBAL 2023 and the lead
                                                               sponsor for the event's cybersecurity program, Cyber Valley. Visit
                                                               the Huawei booth in Hall 22, Dubai World Trade Center, at GITEX
                                                               GLOBAL to experience the latest technology innovations and learn
                                                               how the company is accelerating intelligence.

        Huawei and  Mindware  Showcased Optical Network  Innovations at ISP
        Summit 2023 in Iraq

        Huawei, a leading  provider of information and communications   accelerate Iraq's digital transformation while having the opportunity
        technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices, together with   to meet with our key partners and address the challenges they face
        strategic partner Mindware, successfully hosted the ISP Summit   in their network transformation journeys." James Zhang, Managing
        2023 in Baghdad, Iraq. The eventbrought together industry leaders   Director of Huawei Iraq Enterprise Business Group, said, "We are
        to  address  the increasing demand  for broadband services and
        explored opportunities to accelerate the deployment of all-optical
        Internet and next-generation networks. Under the theme of "F5G
        Evolution  Unleashing  Green  Digital" the  Summit served  as a
        platform for industry leaders in the Internet Service Provider (ISP)
        sector to exchange information on all-optical networks trends and
        showcase leading technologies and solutions in the optical field
        aiming to create a smarter and more resilient Internet infrastructure.
        The event witnessed the participation of prominent players from
        executives to technical experts in the ISP industry. Philippe Jarre,
        President of Mindware Group, said, "We are excited to partner with
        Huawei to provide advanced solutions to ISPs, as Iraq enters an era
        of rapid growth. By bringing the industry together for the Summit,
        we were able to demonstrate how Huawei's optical solutions can

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