Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        Nokia Demos Voice-Based Network Capabilities

        Nokia  Bell Labs  showcased  Natural-  these networks will allow service providers   which it explained would “redefine network
        Language Networks, a  proof-of-concept   to deliver and maintain the ideal network   software and systems the same way UNIX
        enabling  networks  to  be  operated  configuration for any customer the moment   reshaped  computing”  by “evolving the
        through speech or text prompts, in what it   it is requested.” The networks continuously   network itself  into  an  operating  system”.
        claimed was a step towards autonomous   learn from their actions to optimize set-ups   Csaba Vulkan, network systems automation
        capabilities. It  stated Natural-Language   based on each new request Nokia Bell Labs   research leader for Nokia Bell Labs, stated
        Networks  use verbal or text  inputs to   stated the networks would understand the   Natural-Language Networks would remove
        automatically allocate network resources,   intention of users “and have the intelligence   the need for operators to “explore technical
        a  feature Nokia  said  will  make it  easier   to act upon them autonomously”. Natural-  catalogues  or complex API  descriptions
        to manage  infrastructure and respond  to   Language  Networking is  a  component  of   when they configure networks”.
        changing requirements. “By leveraging AI,   UNEXT, a Nokia Bell Labs research initiative

        Nokia Bell Labs Breaks Submarine Transmission Speed Record

        Nokia announced it has set two new world
        records in submarine optical transmission,
        both of which will shape the next generation
        of optical  networking equipment. The
        first  sets  a  new  optical  speed  record  for
        transoceanic  distances. Nokia  Bell Labs
        researchers were able to demonstrate an
        800-Gbps data rate at a distance of 7865
        km  using a  single wavelength  of light.
        That distance  is  two times greater than
        what current state-of-the-art equipment
        can transmit at the same capacity and is
        approximately the  geographical  distance
        between  Seattle  and Tokyo.  Nokia  Bell
        Labs achieved this milestone at its optical
        research testbed in Paris-Saclay, France.
        The second record was achieved by both
        Nokia  Bell  Labs  and  Nokia  subsidiary   or “blinks”. Higher baud rates mean higher   networks can take advantage of next-
        Alcatel  Submarine  Networks  (ASN),  data  throughput  and will  allow future   generation  higher-baud-rate  transceivers
        establishing a net throughput of 41 Tbps   optical systems to transmit the same   to boost  their performance  and increase
        over 291  km  via  a  C-band unrepeated   capacities per wavelength over far greater   their long-term viability. Sylvain Almonacil,
        transmission system. C-band unrepeated   distances. In  the case of transoceanic   Research Engineer at  Nokia  Bell  Labs,
        systems are commonly used  to connect   systems, these  increased  baud rates will   said: “With these higher baud rates, we can
        islands  and offshore  platforms to  each   double  the distance  at  which  we could   directly link most of the world’s continents
        other  and  the mainland proper.  The   transmit  the same  amount of capacity,   with 800 Gbps of capacity over individual
        previous record for these kinds of systems   allowing  us  to  efficiently  bridge  cities  on   wavelengths. Previously,  these distances
        is 35 Tbps over the same distance. Nokia   opposite sides of the Atlantic and Pacific   were inconceivable for that  capacity.
        Bell  Labs  and ASN broke  the record  at   oceans. In the case of C-band unrepeated   Furthermore, we’re not resting on our
        ASN’s research testbed  facility, also in   systems, higher baud would allow service   achievement. This world record is the next
        Paris-Saclay.  Nokia  Bell  Labs  and ASN   providers connecting islands or off-shore   step toward  next-generation  Terabit-per-
        presented  the  scientific  findings  behind   platforms to achieve higher capacities with   second  submarine  transmissions over
        both records on the 4th and 5th of October   fewer transceivers and without the addition   individual  wavelengths.”  Hans Bissessur,
        at  the European Conference  on Optical   of new frequency  bands. The  research   Unrepeated Systems Group leader at ASN,
        Communications (ECOC), held in Glasgow,   behind  these  two records will  have   said: “These research advances show that
        Scotland.  Nokia  Bell Labs  and Alcatel   significant impact on the next generation   that  we  can achieve better performance
        Submarine Networks were able to achieve   of  submarine  optical  transmission  over  the  existing  fiber  infrastructure.
        both world records through the innovation   systems. While future deployments of   Whether  these optical systems are
        of higher-baud-rate technologies.  “Baud”   submarine  fiber  will  take  advantage  of   crisscrossing the world or linking the
        measures the number of times per second   new  fiber  technologies  like  multimode   islands of an archipelago, we can extend
        that an optical laser switches on and off,   and multicore, the existing undersea fiber   their lifespans.”

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