Page 53 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 53


        Nokia Technology Strategy 2030: Emerging Technology Trends and Their

        Impact on Networks

        Nokia presented its Technology Strategy 2030 that identifies trends   the exponential power of networks.” Nokia’s Technology Strategy
        and emerging technologies that will shape technology, networks   2030 identifies the trends and emerging technologies that will im-
        and the world for the next seven years. According to its new Glob-  pact the networks of service providers, enterprises and industries
        al Network Traffic 2030 report, network traffic is growing and will   over this decade, and how Nokia will help networks evolve. The
        rise dramatically over this decade. Driving this growth are recent   key trends influencing Nokia’s Technology Strategy 2030 are AI,
        trends such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML),   cloud continuum, metaverse, API economy, Industry 5.0, Internet
        extended reality (XR), digital twins, automation, and billions of de-  of value, sustainability, and security. These trends will all rely on ul-
        vices. To capitalize on the exponential potential of these technol-  tra-responsive and secure networks at their core. In the Global Net-
        ogies to solve tomorrow’s greatest challenges, networks will need   work Traffic 2030 report, Nokia projects that end-user data traffic
        to adapt and transform. Delivering lasting, accessible, sustainable   demand will increase at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR)
        innovation hinges on reliable, secure, cognitive networks. Nishant   of 22% to 25% from 2022 through 2030. Global network traffic de-
        Batra, Chief Strategy and Technology Officer, Nokia, said: “Nokia’s   mand is expected to reach between 2,443 to 3,109 exabytes (EB)
        Technology Strategy 2030 is a direct response to the proliferation   per month in 2030. If there is a higher adoption rate of cloud gam-
        of cutting-edge technologies over the last decade. One thing is for   ing and XR in the second half of this decade, Nokia projects a CAGR
        certain: radical changes are needed  now to evolve networks to   that reaches as high as 32%. For networks to support the increas-
        meet the challenges of tomorrow and beyond. Enterprises across   ing demands of the future, they will need to be more cognitive and
        industry face three trends bearing down on them: AI, cloud and the   automated utilizing AI and ML, as well as address the transforma-
        constant evolution of connectivity. Our Technology Strategy 2030   tive needs and operating models of organizations and consumers.
        lays out a future network architecture for our customers and the   Technology breakthroughs like XR and digital twins, combined with
        industry. It brings to life opportunities for innovation, sustainabil-  Web3 and other much-lauded emerging innovations, will transform
        ity, productivity and collaboration, which can only be enabled by   businesses, society and the world. Jerry Caron, Global Head of Re-
                                                               search & Analysis, GlobalData Technology, said: “By 2030 the pace
                                                               of technological advancements we are currently seeing will signifi-
                                                               cantly increase traffic on networks. Nokia’s Technology Strategy
                                                               2030, with its emphasis on effective use of AI, cloud, connectivity,
                                                               and API economy, is the type of framework that service providers
                                                               and enterprises will need to embrace. The service provider industry
                                                               will need to transform itself from the traditional, vertically integrat-
                                                               ed structure to a more horizontal, API-driven future that is sustain-
                                                               able, simpler, more scalable, automated, and offering much more
                                                               flexible service delivery. Nokia, and the industry as a whole, must
                                                               show that they understand the problems and potential, with a revi-
                                                               talized approach as indicated by the long-term Nokia Technology
                                                               Strategy 2030.”

        Nokia Collaborates with  Hololight  to  Deliver Reliable  Immersive XR
        Experiences with Latency-Improving Technology L4S

        Nokia announced a collaboration with Hololight to explore how
        L4S, a Nokia-invented internet protocol, can enable applications
        and networks to simultaneously achieve high throughput and low
        latency in a scalable way. This greatly boosts the performance
        of real-time applications,  particularly cloud-rendered  extended
        reality (XR) services, which depend on very low levels of latency
        to generate fully  immersive experiences.  Hololight, a  leading
        innovator of enterprise  XR solutions,  and Nokia developed
        a  proof-of-concept that utilizes L4S to support  high-quality
        multi-user  XR  experiences  under  real-world  traffic  conditions.
        Nokia and  Hololight are showcasing the  proof  of concept  in a
        demonstration at the Brooklyn 6G Summit (31 Oct – 2 Nov). The
        proof-of-concept will, for first time, test the performance of L4S
        with  a  scalable number  of XR users simultaneously connected

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