Page 45 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 45


        Commissioner  of the UN  Broadband
        Commission for Development;  as  well  as
        representatives from telecommunications
        ministries and regulators, including some
        from Pakistan  and Ghana. Attendees
        explored how digital  infrastructure can
        better drive sustainable development and
        help build a  greener  and more  inclusive
        intelligent  world.  "Next-generation digital
        infrastructure,  like  connectivity  and
        computing  power, are as  vital  to driving
        socio-economic  development  as  our
        physical infrastructure, just  like  roads.
        This new  infrastructure will  be crucial  to
        sustainable development for all of society,"
        Dr. Liang said. "Computing is a core driver
        of productivity in  the digital  economy.
        Faster rollout of computing infrastructure
        will help speed up digital transition in many
        industries, and promote deeper integration
        of the digital and real economies. This can
        further promote global economic stability   Doreen Bogdan-Martin the Secretary-General of ITU gave a keynote speech
        and sustainable development."  Further
        adding to  Dr.  Liang's  comment,  Doreen   in their projects to use digital technology   We want  youth  to push  the envelope  on
        Bogdan-Martin, the Secretary-General   to drive community development. Jeff   the evolving global digital ecosystem and
        of ITU, said: "Let's  not choose between   Wang, President of Huawei's Public Affairs   make their transformative contributions.
        tech and sustainable development. We   and Communications Department, noted:   I thank Huawei for this great partnership,
        need both! Let's thrive together with tech.   "Huawei is proud  to partner with ITU for   and I  look forward to seeing  the global
        Let's  build a  digital  future that  advances   this important cause,  and to see  young   impact of  this  innovative  project."  The
        progress for people  and planet." Huawei   visionaries making a  tangible impact   P2C Coalition, launched  by ITU, fosters
        firmly  believes  digital  talent  is  key  to   for digital  inclusion all  across  the world.   meaningful  connectivity  and  digital
        future technological innovation. To foster   The support that participants will receive   transformation globally, prioritizing remote
        more widespread digital engagement   includes  financial  contributions  to  their   communities  in countries  and regions
        and develop  future leaders,  the  company   projects, mentoring from ITU and Huawei   that  lack  digital  access. Huawei signed
        has  deepened  its  partnership  with  ITU   experts, and opportunities  to participate   the global  commitment last  year,  setting
        by  launching a  fellowship called "ITU   in joint events." "Through ITU and Huawei's   goals to bring  connectivity  to about 120
        Generation  Connect  Young  Leadership   joint  efforts,  young people  will  learn,   million people in remote areas in more than
        Programme in Partnership with Huawei".  contribute and lead in the digital world," said   80 countries by 2025. So far, Huawei has
        The fellowship will be open for applications   Dr  Cosmas  Luckyson  Zavazava,  Director   provided 2,066 training opportunities in the
        early next year, and will  last  three years.   of ITU's Telecommunication Development   ITU's first P2C partner country Cambodia,
        Each year, 30 young visionaries (aged 18-28)   Bureau. "Digital is a  prerequisite for   in collaboration with local ministries and
        from around the world will receive support   accelerating the achievement of the SDGs.   universities.

        Huawei Launches The 5.5G Intelligent Core Network Solution to Empower

        More New Business

        At the 5G Core Summit hosted by Informa   an intelligent world. Gao noted that future   and network foundation  models to the
        Tech,  George Gao, President  of Huawei   mobile  networks should  be  deterministic   core network, helping  operators build
        Cloud Core Network Product Line, launched   and deliver several key features including   service,  network,  and O&M  intelligence
        the 5.5G Intelligent Core Network solution.   10 Gbps downlink,  1 Gbps  uplink,  up to   to achieve business success.  Service
        The  solution  is equipped  with native   100 billion  IoT connections,  harmonized   Intelligence, Expanding the Profitability of
        intelligence, making it powerful enough to   communication  and sensing,  and native   Calling Services By incorporating ultra-HD,
        implement  service intelligence,  network   intelligence.  Huawei's  5.5G  Intelligent   interactive, and intelligent capabilities into
        intelligence, and O&M intelligence, so as to   Core Network solution applies intelligence   calls, New Calling-Advanced  upgrades
        empower more new business, and light up   as  well  as  intent-driven technologies   traditional single-modal communication

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