Page 109 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
P. 109


                         The Peruvian Ministry of Transport and Communications   already  in  place from a number of mobile operators.
                         (MTC)  has  announced plans  to begin  reassigning   However, the 800MHz band is at the lower frequency
                         spectrum in  the 800MHz  band in  order to allow the   end of mobile-friendly spectrum, which means that such
                         deployment  of 4G  and  rural  services.  The  band  in   signals  are  attractive  for delivering  wide  geographic
        Peru             question  has  so far been  used  for  the  deployment   coverage – notably in rural areas. Thus, the hope is also
                         of trunked networks, technology inherited  from  the
                                                                        that these measures will contribute to closing the digital
                         operator Entel which is described as currently obsolete.   divide, especially  in  rural  areas. In fact, MTC argues
                         MTC hopes  that the  reassignment  process will  allow   that  the  investment  commitments  obtained  from the
                         these  frequency  bands  to be  better  used,  suggesting   process  could be  allocated  to the  implementation  of
                         that  the  reassignment  of the  800MHz  band  (806  –   telecommunications infrastructure in underserved rural
                         824MHz 851 – 869MHz) could benefit more Peruvians,   and remote areas of the country. It’s not clear, however,
                         not  only  through  the  deployment  of modern services   when this process will begin or, for that matter, how or
                         based on mobile technologies such as 4G but through   whether an auction process will be involved.
                         the development of smart cities. There is 4G coverage   (November 27, 2022)

                         The  Office  of  Electronic  Communications  (Urzad   competition regulator when approving the takeover of
                         Komunikacji Elektronicznej, UKE) in Poland is launching   rival Multimedia Polska. In January 2020 the Office of
                         a consultation process on 20 December ahead of the   Competition and Consumer Protection (Urzad Ochrony
                         planned  award of 5G licenses in  the  3.5GHz  band   Konkurencji i Konsumentow, UOKiK) gave the green light
                         (3480MHz-3800MHz) next year. The allocation process   to the merger of Vectra and Multimedia if Vectra agreed
        Poland           has  been  delayed  while  the  government  updates  the   to sell networks in eight cities and offer customers in
                         Electronic Communication Law and  the  Act on the   a further 13  markets  the  option of changing  provider
                         National Cybersecurity System (KSC). In October 2022   without  costs.  The  watchdog  now says  that  the
                         industry body Digital  Poland  (Cyfrowa Polska)  wrote   cableco has  sold  networks  in  just  three  cities  and  it
                         to the  government to request  that  3.5GHz  C-band   faces a fine of up to EUR10,000 (USD10,539) per day.
                         spectrum be made available for 5G services ‘as soon as  has  published  a  response  from Vectra  which
                         possible’, saying that the prompt allocation of licenses   states: ‘To date, Vectra has met the vast majority of the
                         was  ‘necessary and  urgent’.  Among EU countries,   conditions imposed by [UOKiK], and the networks not
                         only Poland and the Netherlands have failed to award   yet sold represent only an insignificant percentage of
                         3.5GHz concessions to support 5G. UKE had previously   Multimedia Polska’s assets.’ It says that it has increased
                         opened an auction for four 3.5GHz licenses in March   competition in the affected markets by deploying fiber-
                         2020, with each offering 80MHz of spectrum, but the   to-the-home (FTTH)  infrastructure and allowing rival
                         process was cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.   operator Play to offer services over its networks. It goes
                         (December 14, 2022)        on to add: ‘Our actions directly address issues regarding
                                                                        the possibility for customers to use the services of more
                         Cable  operator  Vectra  is  facing  fines  for  failing   than one supplier.’
                         to meet  the  conditions  imposed  by the  country’s   (December 5, 2022)

                         Telecoms watchdog the National Authority for Manage-  Telecoms watchdog the National Authority for Manage-
                         ment & Regulation  in  Communications (ANCOM)  has   ment & Regulation  in  Communications (ANCOM)  has
                         announced that the country’s mobile network operators   announced the completion of its 5G multi-band spec-
                         (MNOs)  have  fulfilled  an  obligation  to  provide  voice   trum  auction, which saw the  three  bidders  – Orange
        Romania          services to at  least  98%  of the country’s  population.   Romania,  Vodafone Romania  and  RCS&RDS  – agree
                         According to field measurements conducted between
                                                                        to pay a total of EUR432.6 million (USD448.3 million)
                         May and October of this year, RCS&RDS (DIGI) covered   for 420MHz of frequencies in the 700MHz, 1500MHz,
                         98.8% of the population with mobile voice services, Or-  2600MHz  and 3400MHz-3800MHz  bands, equivalent
                         ange Romania 98.5%, Telekom Romania Mobile Com-  to 75.6% of the spectrum on offer. The country’s fourth
                         munications 98.5% and Vodafone Romania 98.4%. Tele-  mobile network operator (MNO), Telekom Romania Mo-
                         kom Romania was fined RON700,000 (USD149,250) in   bile Communications, opted to sit out the tender pro-
                         January 2021 for non-fulfilment of its spectrum license   cess. Orange Romania was the highest bidder, paying
                         obligation  to achieve the  required coverage by April   EUR264.61 million for two blocks of 2×5MHz FDD spec-
                         2017, after an earlier monitoring survey found 97.25%   trum in the 700MHz band, all eight blocks of 5MHz in the
                         of the  population were within  its  voice services foot-  1500MHz band, and 16 lots of 10MHz in the 3400MHz-
                         print. (December 8, 2022)  3800MHz band. For its part, Vodafone Romania bid a

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