Page 110 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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                         total of EUR122.5 million for 2×5MHz of 700MHz FDD   commitments, the winning bidders will be required to
                         spectrum and  ten  blocks  of 10MHz  in  the  3400MHz-  provide mobile broadband services to at least 70% of
                         3800MHz  band, while  RCS&RDS  was awarded  four   the country’s population, most urban areas, highways,
                         blocks of 2×5MHz of 2600MHz FDD spectrum and five   international airports and modernized railways, as well
                         lots of 10MHz in the 3400MHz-3800MHz band, paying a   as 240 localities identified as having no or poor mobile
                         total of EUR45.5 million. User rights for spectrum in the   coverage. The EUR432.61 million raised by the auction
                         700MHz and 1500MHz bands will be valid for 25 years   will be paid in instalments, with the first payment total-
                         from 1 January 2023, the 3400MHz-3800MHz frequen-  ing EUR119 million scheduled for 8 December and the
                         cies for 22 years starting from 1 January 2026, while   final instalment of EUR80.01 million due on 17 Novem-
                         rights in the 2600MHz band will be valid for the period   ber 2029.
                         1 January 2023 until 5 April 2029. In terms of coverage   (November 16, 2022)

                         The  State  Commission  for Radio  Frequencies  (SCRF)   spectrum is reportedly set to be offered in the 700MHz,
                         reportedly plans to formally allocate mobile frequencies   800MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz and 2600MHz
                         to Russian-backed  network  operators in  occupied   bands.  The  LPR  separatist  authorities  transferred
                         territories of Ukraine, namely parts of the Zaporozhye   the  mobile  operations  of Lugansk  Communications
        Russia           and  Kherson  regions  currently  under Russian  military   (Lugacom) – launched in 2015 – to the newly established
                         occupation and the self-proclaimed People’s Republics   Mobile  Communications Systems  (’MKS’)  on  1  July
                         of Donetsk and Luhansk (DPR and LPR). According to   2022 – claiming ‘one million active subscribers’ at that
                         an RBC article, the companies to be licensed are named   date (unconfirmed). Lugacom continues to operate as
                         as  MirTelecom, Mobile  Communications Systems   a  wholesale  internet  network  provider.  LPR  and  DPR
                         (Luhansk), K-Telecom (an established Crimean network   networks  have  used  the  Russian  numbering  prefix  ‘7’
                         operator using the WIN Mobile brand) and separatist-  since 1 May for mobile and 1 August for fixed telephony.
                         owned DPR operator Phoenix (Feniks). GSM/UMTS/LTE   (December 13, 2022) TelecomDaily

                         The Regulation Authority for Telecommunications and   January 2023, is intended to gather feedback on a range
                         Posts (L’Autorite de Regulation des Telecommunications   of issues including the most suitable frequency bands,
                         et des Postes, ARTP) is seeking stakeholders’ views on   the amount of spectrum to be allocated, license fees
                         the  future  deployment  of 5G  services  in  the  country,   and validity, potential rollout schedules, and coverage
        Senegal          ahead of the planned publication of its 5G roadmap in   obligations.
                         March next year. The consultation, which will end on 3   (December 16, 2022)

                         There was a recent  announcement of what Somalian   market  and  the  investment  in  technology  and
                         regulator the  National  Communications Authority   innovation, and I hope that this agreement will put an
                         (NCA) calls an important milestone: an interconnection   end to discussions that have lasted since the inception
                         agreement with Somali telecommunication companies   of telecom  companies  in  the  country.”  The  National
        Somalia          that will allow customers of the various operators in the   Communications Authority (NCA) is the regulatory body
                                                                        for the  communications  sector in  Somalia. NCA was
                         country to call each other seamlessly across different
                         networks. The agreement was said to be the result of   established through the Communications Act of 2017.
                         a series of discussions and consultations between the   Its mandate is to regulate the communications sector
                         relevant  parties  that  worked out  all  the  fundamental   including  telecommunications, internet,  broadcasting,
                         issues necessary for the signing of the deal, including   information,  communications  technology  and
                         the  tricky (as  Kenyan  operators  may agree)  mobile   e-commerce services.
                         termination  rate  (MTR)  issue.  The  interconnection   (December 12, 2022) www.
                         agreement  comes  into  force  on  10  January  2023;
                         the  interconnection  process  will  be  completed  by   The  National  Communications Authority  (NCA)
                         February of the  same  year. Mustafa  Yasin  Sheikh,   has  begun  the  process  of  awarding  official  mobile
                         General  Manager  of the  National  Communications   spectrum licenses to the country’s telecoms operators.
                         Authority, said  of the  agreement:  “In  addition  to the   The  move  follows  the  finalization  and  approval  of
                         interconnection  agreement  being  a  requirement   regulations  concerning  the  allocation  and  licensing
                         and  a right  for the  customer, it is  also  an  important   of radio frequency spectrum,  as  well  as  network
                         benchmark for the growth of the telecommunications   interconnection, on 24  September. According  to the

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