Page 107 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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The Netherlands’ Telecommunications Agency to demonstrate that with new technology, such a large
(Agentschap Telecom [AT], soon to be renamed zone is not necessary. The first results of the pilot are
the National Inspectorate for Digital Infrastructure expected by mid-2023. (December 12, 2022)
[Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur]) is launching a
The ‘Dynamic Spectrum Management & Sharing’ (DSMS) On 1 January 2023 the Netherlands’ Telecommunications
Agency (Agentschap Telecom – AT) will be renamed
pilot in the 3.8GHz-4.2GHz frequency band with the
Netherlands Dutch Trade Association of Major Telecom Users the National Inspectorate for Digital Infrastructure
(BTG), Schiphol Airport and satellite communications (Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur) to reflect a
operator Speedcast in Biddinghuizen. Nokia and the broadening of its scope. As reported by Dutch news
Finnish research institute VTT are also involved. The site AGConnect, the government agency will retain
pilot was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic its current responsibilities but will widen its remit to
Affairs & Climate Policy. AT notes that the DSMS pilot ‘invest in the digital security of the Netherlands’. The
will explore new methods that can allow local private Dutch telecoms operators are chiefly regulated by
(industrial) networks to exist in the 3.8GHz-4.2GHz the autonomous Authority for Consumers & Markets
band, without interference of the reception by satellite (ACM) while AT is responsible for the management of
ground stations. With the test results, the agency aims radio frequency spectrum, operating under telecoms
to create possibilities for new methods in European policymaker the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate
regulation for frequency allocation. Testing will take Policy (MEACP) and including a subordinate division,
place with two users in the 3.8GHz-4.2GHz band: a local the Antenna Bureau. AT Director Angeline van Dijk told
5G network at Schiphol Airport and the satellite ground AGConnect: ‘In the past we only had to deal with the
station in Biddinghuizen. Under certain atmospheric [MEACP], but now we are also often at the table with
conditions, a local network can cause incidental the Interior and Security and Justice [Ministries]. The
interference on the reception of satellite signals even field of work is therefore broadening, especially with
in case of low power from a large distance. Therefore, the deepening of cybersecurity.’ The name change and
a large protection zone applies around satellite ground renewed focus will be officially presented to the MEACP
stations. With the DSMS pilot, the parties involved want on 7 November. (November 4, 2022)
The government has announced the successful Some of New Zealand’s most remote communities
completion of the second phase of the Ultra-Fast will receive broadband for the first time thanks to
Broadband (UFB) network, concluding an eleven-year a new government-led initiative. The Remote Users
national program which has provided fiber connectivity Scheme (RUS) will equip as many remote households
New Zealand to 1.8 million homes across 412 towns and cities, as possible with the connectivity infrastructure needed
to access broadband services, Minister for the Digital
equivalent to 87% of the country’s population. The
project, a partnership between Crown Infrastructure Economy and Communications, David Clark announced.
Partners (CIP) and wholesale fixed line providers ‘Whilst these locations might be off the grid, it doesn’t
Chorus, Enable, Northpower and Tuatahi First Fiber, mean they can’t be connected to it in some way,’ the
was completed on time and on budget. The first stage Minister said, noting NZD15 million (USD9.2 million)
of the UFB project was completed in November 2019, was allocated to the scheme in the 2022 budget as part
at which point fiber broadband was available to 79% of the broader NZD60 million rural connectivity package
of New Zealanders, while an extension to the program announced earlier in the year. Crown Infrastructure
announced in January 2017 expanded the footprint Partners (CIP) will administer the RUS and will soon
to smaller and more remote towns. The four fiber be calling for applications from potentially eligible
companies and their contractors have spent more households and communities. Through the initiative,
than 45 million work hours installing cabling over the eligible households and communities in the country’s
past decade, with Chorus alone deploying more than most remote areas – where broadband is not currently
98,000km of fiber in the two stages. ‘Today’s milestone available and there is only access to voice calling and
wouldn’t have been possible without a successful text services – will be able to apply for support. The RUS
public and private partnership. I commend all of those will also be available in rural areas with poor internet
companies who have helped deploy UFB up and down coverage. The first phase of the scheme aims to provide
the country over the past twelve years,’ said Minister a broadband internet service to an area by extending
for the Digital Economy and Communications David existing networks. Those still without coverage after
Clark. ‘Taken alongside other government connectivity this has been done may be eligible to receive a one-off
programmes such as the Rural Broadband Initiative grant of up to NZD2,000 towards set up and installation
and Mobile Blackspot Fund, we are firmly on track costs of a suitable broadband solution. It is expected
for ensuring 99.8% of the population has access to that new broadband connectivity infrastructure for the
improved broadband by the end of 2023,’ he added. eligible areas and households can begin being built in
(December 16, 2022) mid-2023. (November 18, 2022)