Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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                         Ireland’s Commission for Communications Regulation   terms of next steps, ComReg has confirmed it will now
                         (ComReg) has published the results of the main stage   advance to the ‘Assignment Stage’ of the sale process,
                         of its  ‘Multi  Band Spectrum  Award’  sale  process, to   in which the specific frequency assignments for each
                         determine the winners and prices for a total of 470MHz   band will be determined. ComReg will make a further
        Ireland          of bandwidth  being  offered  across  four  frequency   announcement  regarding  this  stage  ‘in  due course’.
                                                                        However, the regulator did reiterate that, in line with an
                         bands  – 700MHz,  2100MHz,  2300MHz  and  2.6GHz.
                         According to ComReg, the allocation of new spectrum   order from the Court of Appeal dated 8 November 2022,
                         is  expected  to  ‘significantly  increase  (by  46%)  the   it will not notify the winning bidders of their entitlement
                         spectrum available for fixed and mobile services, while   to  apply  for  licenses  until  a  final  determination  has
                         facilitating  operators in  making  long-term  investment   been made by the courts relating to an appeal lodged
                         decisions  essential  for  the  widespread rollout of 5G   by Three Ireland against the spectrum sale back in July
                         services in Ireland’. Further, the spectrum sale will raise   2022. (December 15, 2022)
                         around EUR448 million (USD477 million) for the state,
                         subject  to the  determination  of legal  proceedings.   Ireland’s Commission for Communications Regulation
                         A  total  of  four  companies  were  confirmed  to  have   (ComReg) has announced that the Court of Appeal has
                         successfully  bid  for new  spectrum, with  Vodafone   made an order varying a stay on the implementation of
                         Ireland  emerging  as  the  biggest  spender, having bid   the country’s planned multi-band spectrum auction, with
                         EUR145.9 million for frequencies in the 700MHz (one   this decision allowing the regulator to now progress the
                         2×10MHz  block), 2100MHz  (two 2×20MHz  blocks)   sale process. In a press release regarding the matter,
                         and 2.6GHz (two lots of 2×35MHZ FDD spectrum and   ComReg  revealed  that  the  Court  of Appeal  made  an
                         two 1×30MHz TDD  blocks)  bands.  For its  part, Three   order on 8 November altering a stay which had previously
                         Ireland also secured frequencies in three bands, having   been granted by the country’s High Court back in July
                         bid  for EUR140.4  million  for a  2×10MHz  block in  the   2022, following an appeal lodged against the spectrum
                         700MHz band, 2×20MHz blocks in the 2100MHz band,   sale by local cellco Three Ireland. Now, according to the
                         and  two 2×35MHz  FDD  blocks in  the  2.6GHz  band.   Court of Appeal’s ruling, ComReg will be permitted to
                         Meanwhile,  eir laid  claim to spectrum  in  the  700MHz   proceed to the ‘Main Stage’ of the multi-band spectrum
                         (one 2×10MHz  block), 2100MHz  (one  2×5MHz  block   award (i.e. the auction itself), although the regulator will
                         and one 2×20MHz block) and 2300MHz (two 1×60MHz   notably be prevented from ‘notifying the winning bidders
                         block), after agreeing to pay a total of EUR140.2 million   of their entitlement to apply for licenses’, pending a final
                         for  these  frequencies.  Rounding  out the  winning   determination  regarding  the  matter from  the  courts.
                         bidders,  Imagine  Communications  secured  spectrum   As a result of the Court of Appeals’ order, ComReg has
                         in  the  2300MHz (two 1×40MHz  blocks)  and  2.6GHz   confirmed it is now progressing the main stage of its
                         (two 1×15 TDD blocks), with a bid of EUR21.5 million. In   spectrum sale process. (November 10, 2022)

                         The  telecom watchdog  the  Communications and   mobile markets’,  the  regulator  has  said  that  should it
                         Utilities  Regulatory Authority (CURA) has  announced   uncover  evidence  which  suggests  that  there  is  cause
                         the  launch  of  a  first  stage  competition  assessment   for concern with regards to the competitive nature of
                         relating  to  the  British  Crown Dependency’s  retail   the mobile market, it would then commence a ‘Market
        Isle of Man      mobile markets. According  to the  regulator the  move   Review’ under Part 5 Division 4 of the Communications
                         is  the  first  step  in  ‘a  more  comprehensive  review  of   Act 2021 and devise appropriate remedies in order to
                         the competitive dynamics in the Isle of Man telecoms   encourage  effective  competition  in  those  markets.
                         markets, in line with best practice and the Authority’s   A previous  mobile  market  review by the  Isle  of Man
                         statutory obligations. In announcing the development,   authorities was conducted in 2019, although following
                         the CURA said that as part of its routine monitoring it   this no operator was designated as holding significant
                         had noted  a number  of areas  for  potential  concern   market power (SMP) in the retail mobile market, while
                         within some markets, particularly certain retail markets.   the  market  itself was not  found  to be  susceptible  to
                         With  the  stated  purpose of its  market  assessment   ex-ante  regulation. As such, there are currently  no
                         being  ‘to gather  evidence  on whether  there  is  likely   regulatory remedies in place.
                         to  be  sufficient  competition  within  the  Isle  of  Man’s   (November 17, 2022)

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