Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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                         million) made available to fund rural network rollouts.   went  to  community  associations  set  up  to  improve
                         The regulator says the funding covers 384 projects and   rural connectivity. PTS expects around SEK1.3 billion to
                         33,867  buildings  in  the  targeted  regions  of Norrland,   made available for similar projects in 2023.
                         Svealand  and  Gotaland.  44%  of  the  total  subsidies   (November 11, 2022)

                         The  Federal  Supreme  Court  has  upheld  a  ruling  from   The apex court has now upheld that ruling, stating that
                         the  Administrative  Court  regarding  Swisscom’s  fiber   the decision was not arbitrary. For its part, Swisscom
                         rollout. In December 2020 the Competition Commission   issued  a statement  on the  matter, noting  that  it  had
                         (Wettbewerbskommission, WEKO) opened proceedings   decided  in  October 2022  to install  the  majority of
        Switzerland      against Swisscom amidst concerns that its decision in   fiber-to-the-home  (FTTH)  lines  using  a  point-to-point
                         February  that  year  to  migrate  to  a  point-to-multipoint   (P2P) architecture and to convert some existing P2MP
                         (P2MP)  topology  would restrict  competition  by   connections  to P2P.  The  state-owned  provider added
                         preventing  other  telcos  from gaining  physical  access   that the P2MP system allows for a faster buildout and
                         to Layer 1  infrastructure. As part  of its  investigation,   WEKO’s  intervention  had  prevented  it  from putting
                         WEKO  imposed  precautionary  measures  on  the   into operation  or marketing  lines  using  this  topology.
                         operator, barring it from arranging its fiber network in   Swisscom claimed  that  500,000  connections  were
                         a  way  that  would restrict  access  to its  competitors.   affected by the order. Swisscom went on to say that it
                         The Federal Administrative Court rejected Swisscom’s   offers all of its competitor’s non-discriminatory access
                         subsequent appeal against the measures in September   to its networks under regulated or commercially agreed
                         2021 and confirmed WEKO’s precautionary measures.   conditions. (November 30, 2022)

                         The  Tanzania  Communications Regulatory Authority   aims to launch in the country during the first quarter of
                         (TCRA) has  announced that  Starlink,  the  satellite   2023, subject to regulatory approval. Starlink’s low orbit
                         internet  service of SpaceX, has  applied  for a  license   satellites are designed to offer high speed, low latency
                         to operate high speed, low latency satellite broadband   broadband internet in remote and rural locations across
        Tanzania         services in Tanzania. According to The Citizen, Starlink   the globe. (November 28, 2022)

                         The government of Uganda has transferred the assets   to UTCL. UTL was part-privatized in 2000 and in 2007
                         of Uganda Telecom Limited (UTL) to the state-owned   Libyan investment vehicle Libya Africa Portfolio Green
                         company  Uganda  Telecommunications Corporation   Network (LAP GreenN) took control of a 69% interest in
                         Limited  (UTCL).  UTCL  is  60%  owned  by  the  Ministry   the telco. By 2017, however, UTL was struggling to stay
        Uganda           of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and   afloat and the Ugandan government announced that it
                         40% by the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance. The   would take control of the firm in an effort to revive its
                         firm was established in April 2021 when UTL went into   fortunes. A report from PML Daily says the management
                         administration, and in February this year signed an asset   of UTCL now plans to offer improved mobile money and
                         sale agreement to take over the business of UTL. With   broadband services to help turn the business around.
                         effect from 1 December all UTL employees will transfer   (November 21, 2022)

                         British telecoms regulator Ofcom has announced that   According to Ofcom, it will now consider whether the
                         it has been notified of new fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP)   notified  offer  raises  competition  concerns  requiring
                         pricing  arrangements  – known  as  ‘Equinox  2’  – that   intervention  and  reach  a  provisional  view. It  has  said
                         Openreach  intends to put  in place  from 1 April  2023.   it expects to publish a consultation on this provisional
        United           Announcing the  development, the  watchdog noted   view by early February, to which stakeholders will have
                                                                        30 days to respond. For its part, Openreach has claimed
                         that under its wholesale fixed telecoms market review
        Kingdom          rules, Openreach – the network unit of BT Group – is   that Equinox 2 will amend and supplement its original
                         required  to notify it  of certain  offers  90  days  before   ‘Equinox  Offer’  (the  pricing  schedule  which became
                         they come into effect. This requirement, Ofcom claims,   effective  from 1  October 2021)  by  introducing new
                         allows  it  and  the  wider industry to assess  the  offer,   rental and connection discounts and certain new terms
                         with  the  regulator where  necessary  having  the  power   and conditions. According to the network operator: ‘In
                         to  intervene  to  prevent  such  terms  being  introduced.   particular, Equinox 2 will provide additional commercial
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