Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 69


        South Africa Signs Satellite Navigation Agreement with China

        South  Africa and China are developing   National Space Agency (SANSA) and Chi-  for collaboration within the field of satel-
        closer ties in the space industry, and this   na Satellite Navigation Office (CSNO) have   lite navigation, strengthening  exchanges
        now extends to  satellite  navigation.  The   signed an MoU for cooperation in satellite   and cooperation in the domains of satellite
        nations announced that the South African   navigation. The MoU includes the intention   navigation technologies, talent cultivation,
                                                                                 applications  and  industrialization as  well
                                                                                 as research  and applications  of BeiDou
                                                                                 Navigation Satellite  System (BDS)/GNSS
                                                                                 in geophysics,  space  science, geodetic
                                                                                 survey and other sectors based on GNSS
                                                                                 data  amongst other interest  areas.  This
                                                                                 MoU  is  supported by  bilateral coopera-
                                                                                 tion between South Africa and China and
                                                                                 has  been  facilitated through  South  Afri-
                                                                                 ca’s Department of Science  and Innova-
                                                                                 tion. “This is an exciting endeavor for the
                                                                                 country as greater investment  and sup-
                                                                                 port to the space engineering industry will
                                                                                 mean growth in scarce engineering skills,
                                                                                 strengthening of the knowledge economy
                                                                                 and support  to government’s goal of ad-
                                                                                 dressing poverty through unemployment,”
                                                                                 said Mmbonene Moefe, DDG at the Depart-
                                                                                 ment of Science and Innovation.

        InterSAT Partners with Kymeta and Azercosmos for Mobility Service in Africa

        InterSAT has signed  a  partnership   committed  to providing  customers with   satellite-based networks growing, this
        agreement  with Kymeta and Azercosmos   the most  advanced,  reliable,  easy-to-  partnership with Kymeta and Azercosmos
        to deliver mobile satellite communication   manage and  flexible solutions to  meet   is  a  significant  step  in  enhancing  our
        services using Kymeta’s  U8  terminals   their connectivity  requirements.  We are   solution offerings.  Being technology-
        and InterSAT’s SkyMOVE services across   pleased to have InterSAT join our partner   agnostic supports our notion that there is
        Africa, and carried by  the Azerspace-2   network as  we grow  in  this  rapidly   no one size fits all solution for our diverse
        satellite.  The partnership  agreement   expanding  market.” Mark  Guthrie, Chief   customer  base in  Africa, and this  unique
        enables  InterSAT to deliver a  complete   Commercial Officer at Azercosmos, added:   partnership  is  another  step in enhancing
        connectivity  solution  for  on-the-go  “We are pleased to expand the scope of our   our portfolio.” Subrata Roy, CTO of InterSAT,
        communications  with  the Kymeta  U8   longstanding  relationship  with InterSAT,   commented: “We are thrilled to collaborate
        terminal. The  u8 terminal  was designed   to now enter into this partnership for the   with  forward-thinking companies like
        with Kymeta’s software-defined, electronic   delivery of comm’s on the move services   Kymeta and Azercosmos  to provide
        beam steering  technology  and is  low   over the Azerspace-2 satellite throughout   affordable service to our customers, with
        profile and mounts easily on vehicles and   Africa.” Hanif  Kassam,  CEO  of  InterSAT,   the quality and reassurance  they expect
        vessels for seamless communications on   stated: “With end-markets for high-speed   from our innovative companies.”
        the move. Kymeta’s antenna technology is
        uniquely  positioned  to meet  the  demand
        for mobile broadband,  providing internet
        access  via  satellite or hybrid satellite-
        cellular  networks  on  a  user-defined
        basis to enable connectivity while on the
        move or on  the pause. Commenting  on
        the partnership,  Bill  Marks,  EVP,  Chief
        Development  Officer,  Kymeta,  said:  “This
        new satellite mobility partnership offers
        limitless opportunities for communication
        and collaboration  in Africa. We are

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