Page 62 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 62


        OneWeb Commercial Launch Delayed ‘Five or Six Months’

        BT  and other wholesale partners  of satellite  company OneWeb   have suggested to Capacity that potential  wholesale  partners
        will start testing services in January, Capacity understands, with   have received only tens of prototype receivers to try out in northern
        commercial services likely to be on offer several months later.   Canada, the UK and the US state of Alaska. All of the UK lies north
        That means OneWeb  will miss its original  planned  commercial   of 50°N latitude, in OneWeb’s initial coverage area. Delivery, which
        service date of October 2021 by at least three months, and more   started  in  November,  has  been  slowed  first  by  the  global  lack
        likely five or six. The pandemic has been a major contributor to the   of semiconductor  circuits and second  by  supply-chain  delays
        delay, because of global supply-chain issues. And consumers in   caused by the Covid pandemic. OneWeb’s main terminal partner
        the UK and elsewhere will miss the joy of finding OneWeb receivers   is South Korean company Intellian, which signed a deal in March
        in their Christmas  stockings  this weekend,  despite  the hope   2021.  Another  potential terminal supplier  is  Hanwha  Systems,
        expressed earlier this year by the company’s executive chairman,   which invested US$300  million  in  the company in  July 2021.
        Sunil Bharti Mittal (pictured), in an interview with Capacity. Mittal   Wholesale partners – which include Alaska Communications and
        gave that over-optimistic October prediction in an interview with   Pacific Dataport as well as AT&T, BT, Verizon and now Vocus – then
        Capacity  in  January  2021,  though  the  company  later  modified   have to load software on to the terminals before subjecting them
        that to “by the end of 2021”. But it has missed that deadline too,   to rigorous tests. One person who is aware of the project said it is
        especially thanks to the shortage of semiconductor circuits. The   likely that the software engineers will need to work on the receivers
        company announced its first wholesale partner in the southern   before they can be released to paying customers. OneWeb has had
        hemisphere, Australia’s  Vocus. Its  CEO  Kevin  Russell said:   a 100% successful launch record so far, all by the French company
        “Helping  to scale and deliver OneWeb’s low latency  and telco-  Arianespace on Russian Soyuz rockets – originally designed by
        grade satellite systems means we can provide more opportunity   the Soviet Union to destroy western Europe and North America in
        for customers to access the high-quality connectivity they need   a nuclear war. Its 11th launch in a row was on 14 October, from the
        to be successful, particularly in remote and regional operations.”   Vostochny cosmodrome in eastern Russia, in what had been an
        Vocus  and  OneWeb  said  that  “first  commercial  customers  are   approximately monthly sequence since early 2020. There was no
        planned for middle of 2022”, later than in those parts of the northern   November launch, because Arianespace took that slot and rocket
        hemisphere north of 50°N, in which  Mittal  said services  would   to launch satellites for the EU’s Galileo positioning service. The
        begin in October 2021. Senior staff at OneWeb and its previously   next, number 12, is scheduled for 27 December, from Baikonur,
        announced wholesale partners – including AT&T, BT and Verizon   a Russian-controlled enclave in Kazakhstan. There will then be
        – are no longer being forthcoming about service dates for that   two launches in January and one in February, to take OneWeb to
        area between 50°N and the North Pole, even though the satellites   its  total  complement of 648  active satellites, including  in-orbit
        now offer 100% coverage there. One BT person said: “It’s a bit too   spares, in its first generation. Two of those planned 2022 launches
        early to say when we will launch services for UK customers, and   are from Kourou, in French Guiana in South America, and one is
        we’re looking to do some lab and customer trials early next year.”   from Baikonur. Meanwhile OneWeb has raised $2.7 billion from
        But that person did not define either “looking to do” or “early next   shareholders  since  it was  rescued  from bankruptcy  by Mittal’s
        year”. But Capacity understands from sources in the industry that   Bharti Global, part of the group that owns Bharti Airtel, and the
        BT is also looking at Starlink, the broadband satellite company   UK  government  in  2020.  They  put an  initial  $500  million each
        owned by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, as an alternative way of delivering   into a successor company. The original OneWeb, which blamed
        fast internet in remote areas. SpaceX showed its lively interest   Covid for its bankruptcy, pre-paid for all satellites and launches,
        in the UK market in July 2021 when it was revealed that there is   leaving the successor free to spend its money elsewhere. Since
        a  third ground  station operating  in UK  territory.  That  is  now in   then Bharti has doubled its stake to $1 billion and others have
        operation on the Isle of Man, though not technically part of the   come into the list  of shareholders,  including  Eutelsat, which is
        UK, in the Irish Sea. This joins two others, in Buckinghamshire and   now the second biggest, outstripping the UK government, along
        Cornwall, both in England. Because low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites   with Softbank, Hughes – part of EchoStar – and Hanwha. Apart
        such as OneWeb’s or Starlink’s are so low, they require ground   from continuing operations, that money is largely earmarked for
        stations every thousand kilometres or so, with more for resilience.   what Mittal told Capacity back in January 2021 was “gen two” –
        The UK regulator, Ofcom, put out on 10 December a statement   the second generation of satellites, due to be in service in 2024-
        that some in the satellite industry are seeing as significant, largely   25. OneWeb also plans that the second generation will have the
        focused on which of many of the new LEO satellite operators have   ability to run positioning services, in competition with the US GPS,
        priority under international rules. OneWeb is trusting that the fact   Europe’s Galileo and Russia’s Glonass. It was that ability, still a
        it had 10% of its satellites in orbit by February 2021 means it has   few years away from reality, that the supporters of OneWeb used
        secured its right to frequency slots over such rivals as SpaceX   to promote the project to sceptical UK politicians and the political
        and Amazon’s Kuiper. Capacity understands that both those US   establishment in 2020. But in the same interview Mittal also said:
        rivals lobbied against OneWeb’s prior claim. The main challenge   “Let’s  say  before Christmas this  year the UK  will  have them in
        for OneWeb has not been getting its satellites in orbit – it already   their homes,” he added. Four days before Christmas, that’s not
        has 358 in service, of a planned total of 648 by mid-2022 – but   happening.
        obtaining and  delivering receivers.  Telecoms  industry  insiders

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