Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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        solution or can ever indeed be future proof.   expenditure,  improve service  quality and   and transformation,  the  lines between
        So now is the right time to focus on being   responsiveness through automation, scale   business and technology  functions are
        'future-ready,  establishing new  business   digital aspects of the business efficiently   blurring,  and the expectations  of IT  are
        models  to deal with current and future   and drive business innovation with emerg-  shifting,  leading  many  organizations to
        challenges. To accelerate business results,   ing tech. Cloud Computing enables CapEx   reimagine  the role of technology and
        for today's B2B companies, organizations   (Capital Expenditure) savings as business-  rethink traditional  operating  models and
        should adopt a model that recommends a   es  no  longer need to  invest  in  costly  in-  organizational structures. To maximize
        shift in focus to three key dimensions, all   frastructure. When it comes to cloud ROI,   the value of technology  investments,
        infused with intelligence, namely efficien-  comparing  capital  expenses  (CapEx) to   companies  must  operate  with agility,
        cies, experiences, and innovation.   operational  expenses  (OpEx)  reveals the   predict and respond  to customer and
                                             Cloud is a great way to switch IT spend-  employee needs, remain competitive,
        The path  to  becoming  future-ready   ing to a pay-as-you-go model and reduce   and drive shareholder  value, companies
        is  not necessarily  linear.  Even stable   CapEx costs, as well as reap other benefits.  should  fuse together  separate business
        organizations can accelerate their journeys                              and technology  strategies into  a  single
        by  moving up more  than  one  maturity                                  unified  strategy.  This  can  require  a  new
        level. Adding intelligence to the journey by   To accelerate  business   approach  that enables  business  and
        applying a strategic approach to advancing   results,  for today's B2B   technology  functions to partner  and co-
        the operating model and transforming the   companies,  organizations     create new sources  of value, including
        business through  technology,  processes,                                data, agility, speed,  transparency, and
        and people.                             should  adopt  a  model          digital experiences. With technology
                                                that  recommends  a shift        as the catalyst, organizations have
        Companies  can gain a competitive                                        the opportunity to either  disrupt and
        advantage and agility  by  being future-  in focus  to three key         transform—or fall behind.
        ready.  The journey  begins  here  and now.   dimensions,  all infused
        Within the last  decade,  the emphasis                                   Augment human talent with technology
        on being  future-ready has shifted  to   with  intelligence,  namely     By fostering a human-machine workforce
        coincide  with the rise in digitalization.   efficiencies,  experiences,   where technology  helps people  (not  the
        From  automation,  big  data  to  artificial   and innovation.           other way around). The workforce will then
        intelligence  (AI) technology, businesses                                be able to engage in more creative and crit-
        that  embraced  digitalization are better                                ical thinking, which is the unique approach
        equipped  to deal with the potential   Reimagining the Role of Technology  to discovering new sources of value. More
        challenges of the future.            Today, we live in a dynamic and turbulent   than one-third (34%) of future-ready firms
                                             global community.  The wave of mega-  have implemented a  large-scale agile
        A flexible operational model—an optimum   trends,  including  rapid  change  in  workforce strategy.  As  a  result,  they  can
        blend of  interdisciplinary  teams  and on-  globalization and technological advances,   tap into ecosystem partners  to mobilize
        demand technologies that function across   is  creating new  market forces. The   people with special skills as needed.
        a large ecosystem of partners—is required   technology  service  industry has  grown
        to be  future-ready.  The  objective is to   quickly,  but the decade  ahead is  likely  to   Conclusion
        deliver excellent business outcomes on a   see even more growth as companies of all   Companies must be quick to market with
        large scale from anywhere, at any time.  kinds recognize the imperative of digital   agile, disruptive  solutions so they  can
                                             transformation. For any organization   continually  understand  what customers
        Here are a  few  solutions  for future   to survive and prosper  in such an   need. Technology operating model agility
        readiness.                           environment,  innovation is imperative. A   remains to be imperative. As technology
                                             pool of Technology services addressing the   and business leaders consider the
        ICT  as  a  Service  for Enterprises  –  shift   different needs of enterprises in the future.   immense  task  of creating  an ecosystem
        from CapEx to OpEx                   It's time to turbocharge the operations by   in which co-creation and innovation thrive,
        With  everything in business,  the ultimate   reviewing  existing  practices  that may no   they can begin both by reimagining what
        question is always, "What's the bottom line   longer serve the business. Enterprises may   technology  can do for the business and
        here? What is this going to cost us?"   need to start integrating new processes to   viewing  technology  as  an opportunity to
                                             reap  the  exponential  benefits  that  cloud   enable  business  disruption  and create
         Traditionally, companies  relied on  in-  computing, and AI has to offer.  sustainable  competitive advantage. To
        house  models for data  centers  that  re-                               achieve enterprise agility, businesses
        quired  a huge  CapEx investment as they   Innovation for value creation  optimize how they organize and structure
        purchased  space,  equipment,  software,   The service industry  addressing B2B  is   technology  work and operate.  At the
        and a workforce  to run  and maintain ev-  future proof since customers can change   intersection  of these  two dimensions
        erything. Hence, Cloud  provides oppor-  the service  every year.  As technology   is enterprise  agility, where businesses
        tunities to reduce capital and operational   becomes the catalyst for business strategy   behave in a more agile manner.

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