Page 65 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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        Inmarsat Teams for Satellite IoT

        RBC  Signals  will  use the Inmarsat  global   applications and solutions,  enabling   connectivity, which is where Inmarsat’s
        mobile satellite  network to  drive IoT  and   new levels of flexibility and service   experience, expertise and technology come
        other  data  and communications  services   customization. Where  previous  leasing   into  their own. Our new  agreement  with
        and solutions for customers. RBC Signals   agreements were based on static, pre-set   RBC Signals will  allow  more businesses
        has  signed a  strategic agreement  with   network  connectivity  specifications,  the   to benefit from the efficiency, productivity
        Inmarsat  to use the  UK-based satellite   new partnership will enable RBC Signals to   and sustainability  gains  IoT  enables.
        operator’s global network for the Internet of   adjust dynamically, reallocate and scale up   We look  forward to  working with  RBC
        Things (IoT). The global multi-year leasing   variables such as spectrum, power levels   Signals to  bring  new,  innovative  IoT  and
        agreement  pairs Inmarsat’s worldwide   and geographical reach, according to the   other  data-driven products  and  services
        ELERA  and Global Xpress  satellite   changing connectivity needs of individual   to market.” “Companies  are increasingly
        networks with RBC Signals’ range of new   customers.  “The Internet  of Things   demanding  innovative  connected
        and existing data and IoT applications for   is transforming how businesses and   products and  services, especially  around
        use across multiple verticals, including oil   industries around the world operate,” said   the Internet  of Things,”  said Christopher
        and gas, maritime, agriculture and utilities.   Mike Carter, President, Inmarsat Enterprise.   Richins,  founder  and CEO, RBC Signals.
        RBC Signals  will  incorporate  Inmarsat’s   “The positive impact of IoT depends   “These products  and solutions must
        L-band and Ka-band  networks into its   on reliable, secure and scalable global   have global reach  to perform optimally
                                                                                 and satellite  connectivity  is essential to
                                                                                 meet the needs of enterprises with assets
                                                                                 beyond  the  reach  of  terrestrial  fixed  and
                                                                                 mobile  networks.  IoT, and especially
                                                                                 Industrial  IoT,  is  a  significant  growth
                                                                                 area for RBC Signals. Inmarsat with their
                                                                                 uniquely  positioned  network and global
                                                                                 coverage  is the ideal partner for us to
                                                                                 take advantage of this  opportunity.  “This
                                                                                 partnership will help RBC Signals achieve
                                                                                 our aim  of being a  complete  end-to-end
                                                                                 solution provider  for every  organization
                                                                                 that needs  best-in-class multi-network
                                                                                 solutions. We are proud to announce this
                                                                                 new strategic partnership with Inmarsat at
                                                                                 such an exciting moment in their history,
                                                                                 with the imminent launch of world’s most
                                                                                 advanced  commercial communications
                                                                                 satellite, the new Inmarsat I-6 F1, later this

        FCC Considers Satellite Rule Overhaul

        The Federal Communications Commission   satellite  operators by  requiring them   Chair Jessica  Rosenworcel  endorsed
        (FCC)  proposed  revisions  to  rules  to share information including satellite   the “entrepreneurial activity in our  skies”
        governing  non-geostationary  (GEO)  beam pointing data.  In  addition,  the FCC   and told a meeting the agency “needs to
        satellites, potentially  making  it  easier   will  consider limiting existing spectrum   make changes”  to accommodate this.
        for newcomers  to operate  Low Earth   sharing  mechanisms  to  operators  Rosenworcel noted existing rules were put
        Orbit (LEO)  birds.  A Notice  of Proposed   approved in the same  processing  round.   into place when almost all spacecraft were
        Rulemaking  (NPRM) adopted  today (14   Satellite systems subsequently approved   launched by the government, contributing
        December)  proposes ending  interference   would be required to protect those cleared   to a “first mover advantage”, which the FCC
        protections  granted  to existing operators   earlier. The FCC noted its proposal grants   will consider mitigating. She noted a need
        of non-GEO satellite services. The agency   part of a petition made by SpaceX, which is   to strike a  balance  between  rewarding
        is  seeking public feedback  on  methods   deploying satellites for broadband services   entrepreneurial initiative and encouraging
        to  enable  coordination among  relevant   and backhaul for mobile operators.  FCC   competition.

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