Page 59 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 59


                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        Inmarsat Eyes Fresh Capabilities As I-6 F1 Satellite Launches

        British  satellite  operator  Inmarsat  has   maritime customers,  as well as new IoT   to maritime and government  customers.
        successfully  launched  its  first  dual-  applications emerging from Elera including   Inmarsat  CEO  Rajeev  Suri notes in a
        payload satellite into orbit. The hybrid L-   in  agritech, transportation  and  utilities.   statement  that  the  Indo  Pacific  region
        and Ka-band satellite —  a  double-decker   With  Elera, as  underpinned  by  the I-6s,   will  especially  benefit  from  the  targeted
        bus-sized system known as I-6 F1 — will   Inmarsat  vows it  will  offer “the fastest   capacity provided by the launch of I-6 F1.
        ensure the continuation  of Inmarsat’s   L-band speeds available to customers, the   Ground  stations in Western  Australia  will
        critical L-band-supported aviation and   smallest  low-cost  terminals and a  more   support  the satellite, which is  expected
        maritime safety  services, while  providing   connected,  sustainable  and safer world”.   to formally enter service in 2023. Notably,
        targeted  capacity  to its  high-speed   In terms  of new applications,  Inmarsat   the I-6s  are  backwards-compatible with
        Global Xpress (GX) network. I-6 F1 is also   urges us  to: Think  commercial  UAVs for   existing Elera and Global Xpress terminals,
        expected  to help Inmarsat  unlock a  new   disaster response and medical deliveries;   enabling current and future customers to
        generation  of capabilities for customers,   autonomous  transport; monitoring of the   benefit  from  new  and  enhanced  service
        including a raft of Internet of Things (IoT)   oceans and  supporting greener energy   capabilities, says Inmarsat. The successful
        applications. Manufactured by Airbus, the   solutions;  intelligence,  surveillance and   I-6 F1 satellite launch  marks the start of
        I-6 F1 satellite on 22 December was ferried   reconnaissance  (ISR);  and industrial and   what  Inmarsat  assures is  a  fully  funded
        into space by a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries   agricultural IoT  connecting  billions  of   technology  roadmap that will see  the
        H-IIA rocket, which lifted off from the JAXA   machines  and devices. Meanwhile, the   launch of a further six satellites by 2024.
        Tanegashima Space  Center  in  Japan.  I-6   Ka-band payload on each I-6 satellite will   US satellite operator Viasat will be able to
        F1 adds to Inmarsat’s existing global fleet   add further depth of capacity to Inmarsat’s   tap into this remarkable satellite capacity —
        of 14 geostationary satellites. A second   current   five-satellite   Global   Xpress   and indeed placement on aircraft and ships
        L-/Ka-band  hybrid satellite, known as   constellation,  which  supports  broadband   worldwide — when it completes its planned
        I-6  F2, is expected to round  out the I-6   cabin connectivity for a  growing list  of   $7.3 billion acquisition of Inmarsat in the
        constellation  next year.  Together, they   airlines (Lufthansa, Qatar  Airways  and   second  half of 2022.  Viasat, meanwhile,
        represent  a step change  in the capacity   Singapore Airlines  to name a few), in   is readying to launch the first of a three-
        of Inmarsat’s L-band satellite services.   addition to  providing mobile connectivity   satellite ViaSat-3 constellation in 2022.
        The  London-headquartered  firm’s  current
        L-band network — recently branded Elera —
        has long supported crew communications
        and safety services  for  aviation  and
        maritime customers, including secure
        voice and  data.  Indeed,  when industry  is
        not grappling with a global pandemic, over
        12,000 aircraft use Inmarsat’s Classic Aero
        service, which is accessible over its prior-
        generation  Inmarsat  I-3  and I-4 satellite
        systems.  And   Inmarsat’s  advanced
        SwiftBroadband-Safety service is provided
        over  its  I-4  constellation.  (Inmarsat’s  I-5
        series  of broadband  satellites comprise
        its  current Global  Xpress constellation.)
        According to Inmarsat, the I-6 F1 satellite
        alone “will provide 50% more capacity than
        the entire I-4 generation of Elera satellites”.
        In  addition to  providing redundancy
        and ultimately  a  replacement  path for
        prior gen  L-band  satellites, the  two  I-6s
        will support new capabilities  including
        advanced safety services for airlines and

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