Page 66 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 66


        Inmarsat Launches World’s Most Sophisticated Commercial Comms Sat

        When it comes to mobile satellite commu-  company’s fully funded  technology road-  of the I-4s, matching customer demand as
        nication, Inmarsat tops the list. The British   map. The most sophisticated commercial   and where it is needed. They also add fur-
        satellite company  has now launched  its   communications  satellite  ever launched,   ther depth  in Inmarsat’s global coverage
        first Inmarsat-6 satellite, I-6 F1, by Mitsub-  I-6 F1 is comparable in size to a London   for even greater assurance to  customers
        ishi Heavy Industries (MHI) from the JAXA   double-decker bus, with a deployed solar   of the redundancy  and resilience of In-
        Tanegashima Space Center in Japan. What   arrays ‘wingspan’ similar to a Boeing 767   marsat’s  world-leading L-band  network.
        makes the Inmarsat-6s (I-6) interesting is   and a 9-meter-wide L-band reflector that   The GX6 payloads hosted on the I-6s add
        that  it  delivers an enhanced  platform for   will be deployed over the coming days. The   targeted high capacity to Inmarsat’s high-
        those looking to  embrace  the next wave   satellite will then be raised to geostation-  speed GX network, ensuring it continues to
        of world-changing technologies  that  EL-  ary  orbit  (GEO)  approximately  36,000km   support  the growing need  of commercial
        ERA enables, including the rapidly growing   above the Earth via its all-electric propul-  and government customers for data, par-
        Industrial IoT  satellite  connectivity  (IIOT)   sion system and then undergo a thorough   ticularly in congested regions or hotspots
        market segment, by providing dramatically   and extensive testing program. I-6 F1 will   where it is needed most. The launch of the
        increased network capacity and resilience.   enter  service in 2023.  Ground stations   I-6s is further evidence of the momentum
        According  to  Verified  Market  Research,   in Western Australia  will  support  I-6  F1.   underpinning  Inmarsat’s business and
        the  global satellite communication mar-  According  to Rajeev Suri,  CEO  of Inmar-  technology  leadership in global  mobili-
        ket size was valued at US$65.68 Billion in   sat,  the launch marks  Inmarsat’s  newest   ty communications. I-6  plays an integral
        2020 and is projected to reach US$131.68   technological leap forward as they main-  role in the reliable GEO infrastructure that
        Billion by  2028.  Some  companies are al-  tain its strong commercial momentum and   underpins  Inmarsat  ORCHESTRA – the
        ready building their own satellites with the   sector  leadership. The  satellite extends   world’s  first  network  that  will  combine
        hopes of providing better communication   Inmarsat’s  world-leading  mobile satellite   GEO, highly elliptical orbit (HEO), low Earth
        and connectivity for their services. For In-  communications  services for customers   orbit (LEO), and terrestrial 5G into one har-
        dustrial IoT services like applications in-  and partners, especially in the Indo-Pacif-  monious solution.
        volving remote assets,  regular  reporting   ic region.  The I-6  satellites  demonstrate
        to headquarters is  key.  The new  satellite   Inmarsat’s ongoing investment and com-
        enables everything from shipping contain-  mitment to its global leadership in L-band
        ers to smart bulldozers to make regular   satellite services to 2040 and beyond for
        reports  back to  their base of operational   the  benefit  of  mobility  customers  world-
        status.  Compared to  previous satellites,   wide. These  new  capabilities from the
        this is the first-ever hybrid L- and Ka-band   I-6s mean greater capacity and coverage,
        satellites, incorporating increased capac-  greater speeds, and a greater portfolio of
        ity  and new technological  advances for   innovative connectivity solutions  for EL-
        ELERA’s transformational L-band services   ERA and Global Xpress (GX) networks. The
        alongside  additional Global Xpress (GX)   I-6 satellites, like all Inmarsat ELERA and
        high-speed broadband capacity. The new   GX spacecraft,  are backward-compatible
        satellite adds to an existing global fleet of   with existing terminals, ensuring that cur-
        14  geostationary  satellites  to  extend In-  rent and future customers will continue to
        marsat’s commitment to mission-critical   benefit from new advances. The I-6s also
        services while enabling a new generation   substantially increase the effective capac-
        of pioneering technologies to connect and   ity of the network available to ELERA cus-
        sustain the world. The launch is the first of   tomers with double the beams, 50% more
        seven planned for Inmarsat by 2024 in the   spectrum per beam, and double the power

        Telefonica Uses Intelsat Satellite to Boost Mobile Connectivity

        Telefonica  Deutschland,  which provides   difficult  to  supply.  The  geographically   from Intelsat  provides guaranteed data
        services under  the brand  name O2,  has   or  topographically  challenging areas   transmission rates  of 50Mbps,  thereby
        revealed that  it  is  now using  satellite   cannot be connected  using traditional   enabling customers to receive not only 2G
        connections  from Intelsat at mobile   technologies  such as  radio relay  or   GSM but also 4G LTE connectivity.
        phone  locations in regions  that  are   fiber-optics.  The  satellite  connection

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