Page 23 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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• Mubader, an IoT and AI tool providing events and activities that can accelerate relevant Oman-based technology startups
data to support in the management and product conceptualization, prototyping, across five technological verticals:
care for livestock, testing and deployment of solutions to 5G, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity,
• Pixel Tech, a subscription- based tool Oman and Omantel-centric challenges. Customer Experience Technology, and
that allows sellers in the GCC to easily Commenting on this, HH Al Sayyida Ghada Big Data. CDO & MP of Brinc MENA, Yasin
set up digital stores and sell their Jaifar Al Said, Senior Manager Omantel Aboudaoud, stated: “We are always on
products online Innovation Labs said: “The Omantel the path of empowering Game-Changers
•, a platform that connects Innovation Labs aim to put Omantel at venture, especially during these uncertain
patients with clinics and therapists. the heart of Oman’s technology start-up times. We believe that global economics
The selected startups will have access ecosystem and to apply our resources to now recognizes the role and the value of
to local, regional and global networks of boost entrepreneurial growth, knowledge innovation, technology, and connectivity to
mentors, technology, perks, guidance for sharing, collaboration and economic secure business continuity and economic
successful geographical expansion, and development. We want to support and tap growth. We will enable Omani Game
potential investment opportunities offered into new ideas and technologies, stay ahead Changers to flourish by providing extensive
by Omantel, OTF, and Brinc. Startups of the curve and drive local innovation. guidance to de-risk their ventures and
will also receive a free working space at Our ambition is to leverage Omantel’s ensure that they play an active role
the Omantel Innovation Labs located in expertise, partnerships, reach, and access in solving local, regional, and global
the Omantel headquarters in Muscat. to technology to contribute to Oman’s challenges. We are thrilled to collaborate
In addition to the accelerator, Omantel Vision 2040 and promote innovation and with Omantel to transform the region into
Innovation Labs will organize, participate entrepreneurship in new and emerging one of the leading tech telecommunication
in, and host multiple activities to support technology.” The key focus of the program startup hubs."
Omantel’s internal innovation agenda by is to cultivate entrepreneurial skills among
providing systematic spaces, approaches, the youth and accelerate the growth of
Zain Kuwait Resolute 5G Investment Delivers
Business Success
Zain Kuwait's 5G traffic currently accounts growth of 4% and 13% year-over-year in Q2
for more than 40% of its total wireless 2021. This is an outstanding achievement
traffic, ranking the operator as number one especially when there is no population
in GCC countries in terms of 5G offload ratio. dividend and the expatriate population
Zain Kuwait is one of the leading telecom in country has been continuously
operators in MENA and has been at the decreasing. Zain's 5G development
forefront of innovation for years as the first leads the Kuwait telecom market, and its
operator to launch commercial 5G services business success has been a result of
in the Middle East. From the 5G service its overall strategic objective to provide
development and business achievements first-class 5G services for users in Kuwait.
of Zain Kuwait, it is clear that the focus Zain Kuwait has firmly invested in 5G for
on 5G development brings business the fastest network construction with the
success to operators. Zain Kuwait started widest coverage, building a foundation for
deployment of 5G networks in 2018. After user experience Network coverage is the
two years of continuous development, 5G basis for user experience. Zain started 5G
services have entered a period of high C-band construction in 2018. In Q3 2019, it networks in Kuwait. In the commercial
growth. Users are continuing to develop completed coverage of major urban areas. release phase, Zain provided the most
rapidly, and the proportion of 5G traffic has By early 2020, it achieved 1:1 construction extensive 5G coverage and best services
also been increasing continuously. This ratio with its LTE network. Focusing on fast owing to its focus on network construction.
has resulted in positive revenue and profit and value-based network construction, Within six months of the commercial
growth for the operator. Zain Kuwait has Zain Kuwait was able to quickly exploit the launch, Zain reached 100% coverage,
achieved the 5G subscriber penetration benefits of enhanced 5G network coverage. forming the first-mover advantage of 5G
ratio of 23%, and the average DOU of its 5G Leading the network construction lays networks for itself. User experience is
subscribers is five times higher than that the foundation for creating 5G business the key In leading 5G experience targets
of its 4G subscribers. Zain Kuwait's mobile advantages. For instance, Zain was to drive network experience leadership
network also recorded revenue and profit the first operator to commercialize 5G With the goal of providing a first-class 5G
23 NOV-DEC 2021