Page 27 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 27


                                             Move Your Business Online with “eSuite” from


        There’s  no doubt  that  owning a  physical   fully customizable solution, with localized   Commenting  on the launch,  Hoodly's
        retail shop is  not enough  to grow your   payment methods,”  commented Abdulla   co-founder  Sebastian Wussler  said, “We
        business  and reach  all  your potential   Danish, Batelco’s  A/General  Manager   are pleased  to announce  our strategic
        customers.  Breaking  the   physical  Enterprise. Merchants can manage their   partnership with  Batelco.  Hoodly  will  be
        barriers  and establishing  an online  store   account through a user-friendly dashboard   fully integrated in Batelco’s digital business
        is  essential  for  today’s  businesses.  To   with bi-lingual store administration. Other   services and be distributed  exclusively
        help merchants  create online stores,   interesting features include  managing   through Batelco in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
        Batelco launched an eCommerce platform   inventory for each product, setting up your   Together  we  enable entrepreneurs and
        “Batelco eSuite” powered  by Hoodly, a   own domain name, a  built-in tax  tool to   SME’s  to  get their business  online easily
        multi-channel  commerce   ecosystem  make compliance simple, and much more.   and  in  less  than  five  minutes."  The  good
        designed  to help sellers start, run,  and   Shoppers browsing products on the online   news is  that  Batelco is  offering  a  full-
        grow  their business.  “Batelco  eSuite”   store  will  find  local  payment  methods   featured,  three-month  free  trial period.
        enables merchants to create online stores   from  Bahrain  based providers, such as   Following  that, should  customers  decide
        within minutes  through  few easy steps;   Tap payments, allowing a  seamless   to continue using the service, they will only
        signing up, listing items  with photos,   payment and delivery experience for users.   be charged BD9.900 per month.
        prices,  and quantities, and their ready to
        sell, without any paperwork or set-up fees.
        Merchants  don’t need  to hire developers
        to set-up the store, the platform is user-
        friendly  and provides  clear  instructions.
        The  online store is  mobile  optimized,
        meaning customers will have a consistent
        shopping experience whether they’re using
        a browser on their laptop or their mobiles.
        “We at Batelco pay great attention to the
        SME  segment as it is an important pillar
        in  Bahrain’s  economy.  We  proactively
        deliver solutions that support SME growth,
        helping  them  to  operate  more  efficiently.
        Earlier  this  year, we  launched  “Business
        in a Box”, a package that offers a full set
        of technology tools for SMEs, and now to
        complement  our growing portfolio, we’re
        offering a solution that allows merchants
        to sell online. “Batelco eSuite” provides a

                                             DISH  and  Cisco  Partner  to  Drive  Wireless

                                             Disruption and Innovation for Enterprises

        DISH Wireless and Cisco have announced   the United States’ first smart 5G network.   and DISH  are disrupting  the mobile  and
        a  multi-layered agreement  to  accelerate   This open  and secure network allows   enterprise  markets by  launching cloud-
        5G  services in  the United States.  The   DISH to customize solutions  and enable   powered 5G services in record time through
        partnership  is  designed  to  enable  enterprise-driven slices of its  network   innovative  technologies,  fostering new
        businesses  to capitalize on DISH’s  5G   to  meet  the  needs  of  specific  industry   application  development  and improving
        network and application  infrastructure to   verticals. Unique  to DISH’s network,   the overall  customer experience,”  said
        support new hybrid work models. Together   this  customized  approach will  grant   Chuck Robbins, Chairman and CEO, Cisco.
        with Cisco, DISH will unlock the value and   enterprises across industries the access to   “Together, we  look forward to helping
        benefit  of  5G  for  businesses  by  building   rapidly reap the full benefits of 5G. “Cisco   businesses  across industries  transform

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