Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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        First Laparoscopy Using 5G Technology Performed in Moscow

        The first laparoscopy to be performed   laparoscope and 4K camera connected   advice  and  instructions.  “Skolkovo  is  one  of
        in Russia with the use of 5G technology   to  the  5G  network,  an  anesthesiology   several  5G  pilot  zones  in  the  capital  region.
        was  recently  undertaken  in  the   console,  several  additional  cameras   Over  the  past  six  months,  innovators  working
        5G  pilot  zone  located  in  Skolkovo.   and  the  Huawei  5G  multimedia  white   across  these  centers  have  demonstrated  how
        Telecommunications company Beeline,   board.  The  project  was  a  first-hand   fifth  generation  communication  can  be  used
        together with Huawei and GMS Hospital   demonstration  of  the  capabilities  of   in  urban  services,  be  it  for  road  safety  or  in
        partnered  together  to  complete  two   the 5G broadband and its low latency.   the  field  of  entertainment.  Today,  Beeline  has
        such surgical procedures.  The 5G pilot   The operation was conducted with the   demonstrated  how  5G  can  benefit  the  medical
        zone was rolled out in the operational   support  of  remote  medical  experts,   field,”  said  Eduard  Lysenko,  head  of  Moscow
        block  of  the  innovation  center  at   with  relevant  information  exchanged   Department of Information Technology. “Thanks
        Skolkovo,  with  the  support  of  the   via  4K  video  conferencing,  facilitating   to  fifth-generation  communications,  medicine
        Moscow  Department  of  Information   communication between the operating   and  medical  services  are  set  to  reach  new
        Technologies. Thanks to the work of all   surgeon  and  consulting  specialists.   heights, which, in the long run, are expected to
        those  involved,  a  cancer  tumour  was   This  included  the  patient’s  medical   improve quality of life for citizens. As such, the
        successfully removed with the use of a   history,  as  well  as  real-time  expert   Moscow Department of Information Technology
                                                                            will  continue  to  support  research  efforts
                                                                            and  partnerships  concerning  5G,”  he  added.
                                                                            Expectations  are  that  5G  will  be  widely  used
                                                                            across  Russian  healthcare  in  the  future.  New
                                                                            generation networks will enable remote surgical
                                                                            procedures, so that it will no longer be necessary
                                                                            to  transport  a  patient  to  a  specific  clinic  or
                                                                            specialist. Furthermore, 5G makes for more mobile
                                                                            and comfortable operating theaters, thanks to its
                                                                            ability to connect medical equipment wirelessly.
                                                                            Finally,  thanks  to  5G,  remote  consultations  will
                                                                            reduce  the  need  for  travel,  significantly  saving
                                                                            both doctor and patient time. This will have a big
                                                                            impact on medical specialists, who spend more
                                                                            than 70 per cent of their time travelling from one
                                                                            location to another for complex operations.

        Optus Completes 5G Data Call Using 2300MHz Spectrum

        Australian mobile network operator (MNO) Optus claims to have
        successfully  established  an  end-to-end  5G  data  call  using  its
        spectrum in the 2300MHz band, in what it has claims is a world
        first.  Outlining  details  of  the  achievement  in  a  press  release,
        Optus said it had completed the test call in Sydney, working with
        technology partner Ericsson. On the back of the test the MNO was
        keen to highlight that, as it holds frequencies in both the 2300MHz
        and 3500MHz bands, it expects to be able to build ‘a true dual-
        band  5G  network  which  will  ultimately  provide  customers  with
        even more capacity and more coverage on 5G than a single band
        3500MHz  5G  today’.  Commenting  on  the  matter,  Dennis  Wong,
        Optus’ Managing Director Networks, was cited as saying: ‘There   aiming to deploy 2300MHz spectrum for 5G ‘some time during
        is  strong  industry  interest  in  the  use  of  the  2300MHz band  for   2020’, he added that the company is ‘actively pushing forward’
        5G and as the only telecommunications operator in Australia to   with the rollout of 5G services using 3500MHz spectrum. To that
        currently have access to this band in metro capital cities, it’s great   end, Optus confirmed that it now has more than 300 live 5G sites
        to be leading the way with testing and trialing this for future 5G   across  Sydney,  Brisbane,  Perth,  Melbourne,  Adelaide,  Canberra
        deployment.’ Meanwhile, while the executive noted that Optus is   and other ‘key locations’ in NSW, Victoria and Queensland.

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