Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 92


                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        EE Extends 5G to Nine New Locations, Upping Total Coverage to 50

        Mobile  network  operator  (MNO)  EE  has   cities and towns – and expanding our 5G   always deliver the best mobile experience
        announced  the  switch-on  of  its  fifth-  coverage in each place – is helping us to   to our customers.’
        generation  network  in  six  new  cities  and
        three more towns in the United Kingdom,
        noting  that  this  development  means  it  is
        now offering 5G connectivity in a total of
        50 locations across the country. In a press
        release  the  MNO  confirmed  that  the  six
        ‘major’ UK cities of Hull, Leeds, Newcastle,
        Nottingham, Sheffield and Sunderland were
        all now within its network footprint, while
        the  three  new  towns  to  receive  coverage
        were  named  as  Northampton,  Stevenage
        and Wakefield. With the network expansion
        meaning  that  EE  has  achieved  its  self-
        imposed target of offering 5G in at least 45
        towns and cities by the end of 2019, it said
        it has now set a new goal of upping that
        figure to 70 by March 2020. Commenting,
        Marc  Allera,  CEO  of  EE  parent  company
        BT’s consumer division, said: ‘We switched
        on the UK’s first 5G network in May, and
        this is another milestone towards keeping
        our  customers  connected  100%  of  the
        time. We’re leading the way in the UK, with
        4G and 5G coverage in more places than
        any  other  operator.  Adding  5G  to  more

        Orange Luxembourg All Set for 5G, Awaiting Release of Spectrum

        Orange  has  said  it  is  ready  to  launch   lot of disruption in terms of innovation. In   the  17  European  cities  in  which  Orange
        its  5G  network  in  Luxembourg,  after   a very responsible way, we want to make   Group  has  been  trialing  5G  services.  As
        partnering with Ericsson to conduct tests   our customers benefit from the evolutions   previously  reported  by  TeleGeography’s
        in  laboratory  conditions.  New  antennas   of  the  era  of  artificial  intelligence  and   CommsUpdate,  the  government  has
        have been installed and the network can be   the Internet of Things. All this in order to   indicated that allocation of spectrum in the
        switched once the required frequency has   participate in a new form of digital society,’   700MHz and 3.6GHz bands will take place
        been allocated, claims the operator. ‘We are   noted  Orange  Luxembourg  CEO,  Corinne   by mid-2020 at the latest, mostly likely via
        convinced that 5G is a step that will bring a   Loze.  Luxembourg’s  capital  is  one  of   an auction.

        Deutsche Bahn Opens Fiber-Optic Network to Telecoms Operators

        German   railway   company   Deutsche   operators.   DB’s   fiber   infrastructure   a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  DB  Netz,
        Bahn  (DB)  has  opened  up  its  fiber-optic   stretches   18,500km   alongside   its   has been  established  to operate  the new
        network for use by the country’s telecoms   nationwide  rail  network.  DB  broadband,   business.

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