Page 89 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 89


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        Altice, Morgan Stanley Create Portuguese Fiber Wholesaler

        Altice  Europe  has  announced  that  its   assets in Portugal including fiber-to-the-  in  the  context  of  our  Portuguese  tower
        subsidiary  PT  Portugal  (trading  as  MEO)   home (FTTH) infrastructure and dark fiber;   transaction  in  2018,  now  continues  with
        has  signed  an  agreement  with  Morgan   the telco’s FTTH networks currently pass   a transformational fiber project. Following
        Stanley  Infrastructure  Partners  to  create   around four million Portuguese homes with   this transaction, Altice Europe has obtained
        a nationwide fiber wholesaler in Portugal.   fiber. The company seeks to sell wholesale   cash proceeds in excess of EUR5.7 billion
        MEO  will  sell  a  minority  equity  stake  of   services  to  all  domestic  operators  at   through  the  transformational  SFR  FTTH
        49.99% in a new company – Altice Portugal   the  same  financial  terms.  Patrick  Drahi,   transaction  [in  France]  and  the  various
        FTTH  –  based  on  an  enterprise  value  of   founder  of  Altice,  commented:  ‘I  am  very   tower  sales  and  partnerships  announced
        EUR4.63 billion (USD5.15 billion). The new   pleased that our partnership with Morgan   in 2018. Altice’s portfolio of infrastructure
        company  comprises  of  all  MEO’s  fiber   Stanley  Infrastructure  Partners,  initiated   assets continues to grow.’

        Windstream Wholesale Signs Its Largest Core Transport Deal

        Windstream  Wholesale  says  that  it  has  executed  the  largest   its U.S. presence, Windstream Wholesale has had a sharp focus on
        agreement in its history for core transport. The client was termed “a   international opportunities in recent months. In June, the company
        major hyperscale” entity but was not identified in the press release.   established a presence in the MDC data center in El Paso, TX. The
        The capacity will enable the client to interconnect data centers in   data  center  is  located  at  network  crossing  points  between  the
        key cities in the United States, the company says. “Our flexibility   United States and Mexico. In January, Windstream Wholesale said
        and customer-tailored routes coupled with our unique domestic   that it had signed an agreement to use Telxius to connect with
        network density in Tiers 1, 2 and 3 cities have positioned us as the   the Marea and Brusa Cable Station Landing in Virginia Beach, VA.
        ‘go-to’ provider for international carriers, content providers, fiber   The move was designed to increase its international connectivity.
        operators and others needing domestic diversity and redundancy,”   Telxius  is  the  telecommunications  infrastructure  company  of
        Joe Scattareggia, the executive vice president for Wholesale Sales   Telefónica Group. The day before, Windstream Wholesale said that
        at Windstream, said in a press release. “Our Wholesale business   it would use existing long-haul fiber to expand its core network by
        has been on a steady growth trajectory for some time. Hitting our   more than 200 miles to Montreal, Canada.
        single highest month of capacity sold is a great accomplishment
        and reflects the inflection point of marketplace bandwidth demand
        and our network solutions designed to meet this demand.” The
        deal, according to the announcement made today, “combined with
        additional wave capacity contracted in October, and represents
        5.7 terabits of capacity – the most sold in any single month at
        Windstream Wholesale.” Windstream Wholesale utilizes multiple
        network platforms including a nationwide IP network, a proprietary
        cloud core architecture and a local and long-haul fiber network
        spanning approximately 150,000 miles. In addition to building up

        ICASA Probes MTN and Cell C Roaming Tie Up

        The    Independent   Communications   which provided 3G and 4G services to Cell   question  of  whether  any  agreement  that
        Authority  of  South  Africa  (ICASA)  said  it   C customers outside of main metro areas.   pertains  to  a  regulated  service  or  use  of
        will investigate the new expanded roaming   Cell  C  said  the  new  roaming  agreement   a  licensed  resource  (such  as  spectrum)
        agreement between MTN and Cell C. The   adheres  to  all  applicable  legal  and   requires  approval  or  triggers  regulatory
        industry  regulator  confirmed  that  it  has   regulatory requirements, adding that Cell C   compliance requirements is one which the
        been informed of the roaming agreement   and MTN will maintain their spectrum and   authority  can  never  leave  to  the  parties
        by the parties. The new deal builds on an   each  party  will  use  its  own  frequencies.   alone to determine.
        existing  roaming  deal  dating  from  2018,   ICASA  CEO  Willington  Ngwepe  said  the
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