Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 90


        Nkom to Introduce New Wholesale Broadband Obligation for Telenor Norge

        Norway’s   National   Communications   central access provided at a fixed location   sector.  As  per  the  Nkom’s  proposals,  it
        Authority   (Nasjonal   kommunikas-  for mass-market products), it should now   has directed Telenor to develop a standard
        jonsmyndighet, Nkom) has proposed that   be  required  to  offer  wholesale  wireless   offer  for  wholesale  access  to  its  fixed-
        fixed line incumbent Telenor Norge should   access  due  to  the  telco’s  ongoing  plans   wireless broadband network by 1 February
        be  obliged  to  offer  wholesale  customers   to  decommission  its  copper  network.  In   2020, with the product to be made available
        access  to  its  fixed-wireless  broadband   its  opinion,  extending  wholesale  access   for  order  by  1  March  that  year.  Pursuant
        network.  In  a  press  release  regarding   in  this  fashion  would  ensure  Telenor’s   to the above, the watchdog has called for
        the  matter,  the  Nkom  said  that,  while   wholesale  customers  have  access  to  a   comments on the matter from both Telenor
        acknowledging Telenor is already required   replacement technology as the incumbent   and any other interested parties, setting a
        to give competitors access to its fiber and   moves forward with the phasing out of its   deadline of 19 December for submissions.
        copper infrastructure as per its most recent   copper  network,  and  ensure  competition
        regulatory ruling on market 3b (wholesale   is maintained in the country’s broadband

        Zong  4G Announces  Prepaid                      Leveraging  on  the  award-winning   roaming  service  can  be  activated
                                                         4G  services  in  Pakistan,  Zong
                                                                                        without  cost  by  dialing  the  310
        Data Roaming Bundles for China                   4G,  a  leading  telecommunication   helpline.  “Our  earnest  dedication
                                                         company,  is  now  offering  two   towards  our  customers  is  the
                                                         affordable  data  bundles  to  its   force  behind  our  commitment  to
                                                         valued prepaid customers traveling   providing  an  unmatched  roaming
                                                         to China. Making roaming services   experience for our customers. The
                                                         more   accessible   for   prepaid   launch of these two bundles is in
                                                         customers and providing them with   line with our strategy of providing
                                                         the  best-in-class  communication   our  traveling  customers  with  a
                                                         experience, Zong 4G is committed   seamless experience on Zong 4G’s
                                                         in its quest of transcending borders   widest  and  largest  network.  With
                                                         through  its  ubiquitous  network.   more  customers  traveling  abroad,
                                                         The  prepaid  bundles  not  only   Zong  4G  understands  their  data
                                                         provide the most reasonable data   needs  and  is  hence  empowering
                                                         rates  but  also  provides  access  to   them  with  the  best  possible  4G
                                                         WhatsApp,  Facebook  and  all  the   data  roaming  services,  no  matter
                                                         other  social  media  apps  which   where  they  are,”  said  a  company
                                                         are  normally  blocked  in  China.   spokesperson. Zong 4G is the clear
                                                         Offering  these  benefits  plus  fast   industry-leader  in  4G  roaming
                                                         speed  data  at  a  very  economical   services,  offering  more  than  70
                                                         rate,  prompts  all  users  to  avail   4G  roaming  destinations  to  its
                                                         these  roaming  services.  The   customers.

        Cell C Inks a New Roaming Deal with MTN

        MTN South Africa and Cell C have signed a comprehensive new   MTN  said  in  a  statement  to  shareholders  on  Monday  morning.
        roaming deal, potentially making it more complicated for Telkom   “MTN  looks  forward  to  transparent  engagement  with  relevant
        to pursue an acquisition of Cell C. The new “long-form roaming   stakeholders  regarding  this  important  industry  milestone.”
        and  services  agreement”  will  allow  Cell  C  to  roam  on  MTN’s   The  expanded  deal  with  MTN  was  a  prerequisite  of  a  planned
        network in all areas of the country. Previously, it only had access   recapitalization  of  Cell  C  being  led  by  the  Buffet  Consortium.
        to MTN’s 2G, 3G and 4G network in selected parts of the country.   Cell C has said previously that it hopes to have the Buffet deal
        “This is aligned to MTN’s strategy to further develop the group’s   wrapped up by the end of the year. However, Telkom last week
        wholesale business and will allow both MTN and Cell C to harness   said it is again interested in a possible acquisition of the troubled
        greater  efficiencies  in  providing  telecommunications  services,   company. This is despite Telkom CEO Sipho Maseko having said
        while supporting a more sustainable and competitive industry,”   previously that he is no longer interested in a deal.

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