Page 58 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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        year ago to approximately 1 million devices,
        generating  more  than  40%  of  all  DDoS
        traffic today. The most common malware in
        telecommunication networks was found to
        be a bot malware that scans for vulnerable
        devices, a tactic associated with a variety
        of  IoT  botnets.  There  are  billions  of  IoT
        devices worldwide, ranging  from smart
        refrigerators,  medical sensors,  and smart
        watches; many of which have lax security
        protections. The Threat Intelligence Report
        also  found that  the number  of trojans
        targeting  personal banking information
        in  mobile  devices  has  doubled  to  9%,
        putting millions of users around the world
        at heightened risk of having their personal
        financial  and  credit  card  information   globally  where Nokia NetGuard Endpoint   activity today. A single botnet DDoS attack
        stolen. A trojan is nefarious software code   Security  product  is  deployed.  The  Threat   can involve hundreds of thousands of IoT
        disguised as being safe for use. The report,   Intelligence Report is compiled by experts   devices, representing a significant threat to
        however, did find some encouraging news,   at the Threat Intelligence Center in Canada,   networks globally. To mitigate the risks, it’s
        showing that malware infections in home   the Nokia Cyber Security Center in France;   essential  that service  providers, vendors,
        networks declined from a Covid-high of 3%   the  Nokia Security  Operations  Center  in   and regulators work to develop more robust
        to  1.5%,  close  to  the  pre-pandemic  level   India; and Nokia Deepfield, a part of Nokia   5G network security measures, including
        of  1%,  as  malware  campaigns  targeting   focusing on software applications covering   implementing telco-centric threat detection
        the wave of at-home workers tapered off,   network  analytics  and  DDoS  security.   and response,  as well as robust security
        and  more  people  returned  to  office  work   Hamdy  Farid,  Senior  Vice  President,   practices and awareness at  all  company
        environments. Those findings are based on   Business Applications at Nokia said: “The   levels.”
        data aggregated from monitoring network   key findings in this report underline both the
        traffic  on  more  than  200  million  devices   scale and sophistication of cybercriminal

        Nokia Wins Nationwide 5G RAN Deal with Orange Jordan

        Nokia has been selected by Orange Jordan   RAN equipment from its comprehensive   MIMO  radios  with  support  for  high  RF
        to supply 5G Radio Access Network (RAN)   AirScale  portfolio powered  by its energy-  bandwidth  as  well  as  AirScale  Baseband
        equipment  throughout  the Kingdom  of   efficient ReefShark System on Chip (SoC)   and Dual-band Remote Radio Head (RRH)
        Jordan,  the  company  announced.  The   technology and will replace Orange Jordan’s   products.  In  addition,  Nokia  will  supply
        deal will enable Orange Jordan to provide   entire existing RAN network. Orange Jordan   its  Single RAN solution  that  enables  one
        enhanced connectivity and capacity to its   aims to provide 5G services to 50 percent   base  station  to  run  5G,  4G,  3G,  and  2G
        customers as well as to lay the foundations   of the population within four years followed   technologies  simultaneously,  helping
        supporting the digital transformation of the   by  five  percent  year-on-year  growth.  The   Orange Jordan achieve more efficient site
        country and economy. Nokia will supply 5G   deal includes the latest generation massive   solutions  across  their  network.  Orange
                                                                                 Jordan  will  also  utilize  Nokia’s  NetAct
                                                                                 network management system to enable a
                                                                                 consolidated  network  view for  improved
                                                                                 network  monitoring  and  management.
                                                                                 Nokia  will  also  provide digital  design,
                                                                                 deployment as  well as  technical  support
                                                                                 services. Tommi Uitto, President of Mobile
                                                                                 Networks at  Nokia, said: “5G technology
                                                                                 will  have an evolutionary  impact on the
                                                                                 Kingdom of Jordan stimulating growth and
                                                                                 enabling advanced services for the benefit
                                                                                 of both industries and consumers. We are
                                                                                 delighted  to continue  our long-standing
                                                                                 partnership with Orange Jordan to support
                                                                                 the country’s path to digital transformation.”

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