Page 54 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 54


        automated  optimization.  This  innovation
        system  comprehensively  improves  IPv6
        capabilities in six dimensions: ubiquitous
        connectivity,  ultra-high  bandwidth,
        automation, deterministic quality, low
        latency, and security. IPv6 Enhanced-based
        innovations well meet  industry network
        requirements,  making it possible  to build
        experience-centric  full-service  networks.
        During the workshop, experts from various
        parties  engaged  in  a  lively discussion
        regarding the development of IFIT in-band
        flow measurement and how to guarantee
        the latency of slices in production network
        scenarios. Additionally, they delved into the
        future direction  of network development
        and industry prospects.

        ITU-ARCC  and  Huawei  to  Jointly  Promote  Public-Private  Cybersecurity

        The ITU Arab Regional Cyber Security Cen-  tween the regional cybersecurity organiza-  digital economic ecosystem. Commenting
        ter (ITU-ARCC) and Huawei have signed an   tion ITU-ARCC and global ICT leader Huawei   on the role of the agreement in supporting
        agreement to jointly promote public-private   to promote Arab world cybersecurity knowl-  cybersecurity,  Eng.  Badar  Al  Salehi  said:
        partnerships (PPPs) in cybersecurity. The   edge transfer, sharing of best practices and   "The  cybersecurity  market  is  witnessing
        cooperation agreement was signed by Eng.   capacity building. The agreement seeks to   steady  growth,  reaching  more  than  $270
        Badar Al Salehi, Director General, Oman Na-  strengthen  the collaboration  among Arab   billion, and is expected to reach $600 billion
        tional CERT &Head of the ITU Arab Region-  cybersecurity  experts  to effectively ad-  by 2025. This agreement comes in line with
        al Cybersecurity Centre (ITU-ARCC) repre-  dress threats and incident response in cy-  the Regional Cybersecurity Week launched
        senting ITU-ARCC and Shunli Wang, VP of   berspace. It also aims to nurture an open,   by  the Sultanate last  November, through
        Huawei Middle East & Central Asia during   mutually beneficial and neutral cybersecu-  which we aim to develop the cybersecuri-
        COMEX  2023,  Oman's  official  technology,   rity ecosystem through inclusive public and   ty industry in the Arab countries." Aloysius
        communications,  innovation and digital   private partnerships. Further, both entities   Cheang,  CSO  of  Huawei  Middle  East  &
        transformation  show.  The  signing  of  this   seek to jointly support efforts to establish   central Asia, said: "Cyber defense is truly
        (ToR) marks a new era of cooperation be-  a secure, prosperous and sustainable Arab   a team sport where all stakeholders have
                                                                                 a role in protecting our ICT infrastructure.
                                                                                 Further,  deploying  one  solution  to  fit  all
                                                                                 cybersecurity scenarios is impossible, re-
                                                                                 quiring unified standards and technological
                                                                                 measures covering the whole cybersecurity
                                                                                 ecosystem. With that in mind, we at Huawei
                                                                                 are honored to partner with the ITU-ARCC,
                                                                                 to support its efforts in addressing the cy-
                                                                                 bersecurity challenges by providing secure
                                                                                 and trustworthy products,  solutions, and
                                                                                 services.” The ITU Arab Regional Cyber Se-
                                                                                 curity Center (ITU-ARCC) was established
                                                                                 in December 2012, a joint effort by the In-
                                                                                 ternational Telecommunication Union (ITU)
                                                                                 and the Sultanate of Oman, represented by
                                                                                 the Ministry of Transport, Communications
                                                                                 and Information Technology with a vision
                                                                                 of creating a safer and cooperative cyber-
                                                                                 security  environment  in the  Arab Region
                                                                                 and strengthening the role of ITU in build-
                                                                                 ing confidence and security in the use of

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