Page 53 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 53


        CloudWAN is a Catalyst for Future Networking Solutions in the Middle East

        Digital transformation is the  cornerstone
        of economic  growth and innovation
        across the Middle East. However, as digital
        transformation  advances,  enterprise
        services will  pose new requirements on
        data  communication  networks.  First,
        massive  numbers  of  IoT  connections
        demand  ultra-broadband  and ubiquitous
        connectivity.  Second,  enterprise  branch
        services are  gradually moving  to  the
        cloud,  requiring  networks to  provide
        flexible deployment and fast cloudification
        capabilities.  Third,  new  services  need
        to be rolled  out on a large  scale and
        services need  frequent  adjustments,
        requiring  networks  to  be agile, secure,
        and  efficient.  Finally,  video  conferencing
        is becoming commonplace, meaning that
        networks have to  provide deterministic   Middle East & Central Asia Tech Carnival in   and  IPv6  Enhanced  innovation  logic
        experience   assurance.   According   to   Almaty, Kazakhstan, experts from Huawei   and  development,  Mr.  Zhu  Keyi,  Head  of
        the  global  ICT  leader,  Huawei,  as  digital   Enterprise  Router  Domain  and  the  IETF   Huawei  Data  Communication  Standards,
        transformation  continues  to  spread  Internet  Architecture  Board  (IAB),  along   highlighted   Huawei's   continuous
        across industries,  Wide  Area Networks   with representatives from governments,   investment  in  data  communication
        (WANs) have to change,  to embrace   power industries, and oil and gas industries   solution  R&D and its contributions  to
        enterprise  cloudification  and  transform   in  the  Middle East  &  Central Asia  region,   industry development  through  standards
        Internet  Protocol  (IP)-based  production   gathered at  the CloudWAN  Workshop to   work.  The  innovative  IPv6  Enhanced
        networks. According to Gartner, more than   discuss  network standards innovation   solution  lays  a  solid  foundation  for  IP
        half  of  enterprise  IT  spending,  equivalent   and  industry  digital  transformation.  Mr.   networks, provides better connectivity, and
        to  almost  $1.8  trillion,  in  key  market   Wu Lianhe, President of Huawei Enterprise   enables  on-demand addition  of network
        segments will shift to the cloud by 2025.   Router  Domain, told attendees  that  as   functions, delivering the ultimate network-
        These  key  categories  include  application   the  global economy gradually recovers,   service collaboration experience. IETF IAB
        software,   infrastructure  software,  he believes that a new round of scientific   member Wu Qin also introduced Huawei's
        business  process  services and system   and technological revolution and industrial   autonomous  driving  network.  He  shed
        infrastructure  markets.    Furthermore,   transformation  will  gain momentum and   light on Network Digital Map, which serves
        given  the  maturity  of  IP  technologies  —   that digital  technologies  will  develop   as an intelligent cockpit to provide closed-
        such as Service Routing over IPv6 (SRv6)   rapidly.  Intelligent  cloud-networks  have   loop management covering network
        and Flexible Ethernet (FlexE)  —  allied to   been  facilitating the transformation and   planning,  construction,  maintenance,
        the flexible deployment and converged   upgrade  of numerous industries, and   optimization,  and operations  through
        transport  advantages  of  IP  networks,   digitalization has  become  the driving   network perception, analysis,  decision-
        services that used to be carried by multiple   force  for  enterprise  growth.  Looking   making, and topology collection.
        Synchronous  Digital  Hierarchy  (SDH)   ahead,  Huawei  will  continue  to  pursue
        production  networks can now be carried   technological innovation and excellence.  Industry  Digital  Transformation  Innova-
        over  a  single  IP  network,  slashing  Total                           tions and Applications
        Cost  of  Ownership  (TCO)  for  enterprises.   Huawei  Data  Communication  Research  &   Mr.  Bao  Lei,  Chief  Architect  of  Enterprise
        To  address  these  challenges,  Huawei   Standards                      Router Solutions, Huawei shared innovative
        launched  its cutting-edge  CloudWAN   During  the  event,  Zhang  Liang,  Head  of   applications  in the government and
        solution. This solution is a next-generation   Huawei  Data  Communication  Research,   power sectors at the event. He explained
        agile, intelligent, and secure WAN solution   highlighted   Huawei's   breakthroughs   that  IPv6  Enhanced  is  an  IP  network
        based  on  IPv6  Enhanced  —  a  digital   with  fundamental  technologies  in  fields   innovation system oriented to the 5G and
        infrastructure  intelligent  foundation.  The   such  as  software,  hardware,  traffic   cloud era. It includes protocol innovations
        CloudWAN solution uses key technologies   forwarding,  AI,  and  algorithms.  These   such as  network  slicing, in-band flow
        such  as  SRv6,  network  slicing,  intelligent   key  capabilities  deployed on  resource   measurement, and service-driven network,
        cloud-map  algorithm,  and  In-situ  Flow   highlands  help  address  challenges  as  well as  technology  innovations
        Information  Telemetry  (IFIT).  During  the   through  continuous  innovation.    In  terms   represented by network intelligence, such
        Huawei  Network  Summit  held  during  the   of  Huawei's  contributions  to  standards   as  network  analysis,  self-healing, and

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