Page 59 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 59


        Nokia  Announces  New  4G  and  5G  Core  Network  Software  Solutions  for
        Mission Critical Needs of Enterprise Verticals

        Nokia  has  announced  new,  optimized
        Core Network software solutions for the
        field  and  wide  area  network  (FAN/WAN)
        needs of public safety and power utilities,
        expanding  the portfolio range  available
        to large,  mission-critical  enterprises and
        governments, and reflecting Nokia’s deeper
        push  into driving continued  leadership  in
        private  wireless.  Nokia  Core  Enterprise
        Solutions are based on the company’s widely
        deployed Core products and optimized to
        help enterprises take advantage of secure
        carrier grade capabilities and digitalize their
        network infrastructure to realize increased
        automation,  productivity  and  efficiency.
        The addressable market for Core networks
        solutions  in  the  enterprise  FAN/WAN
        private wireless communications space is
        expected to increase 50 percent and reach
        EUR 1.5 billion by 2027 from approximately
        EUR1  billion  today,  according  to  Nokia   adoption  paths  across technology and   network solutions  can reduce  risk  and
        estimates. Nokia Core Enterprise Solutions   application generations. These include use   help  speed  challenging  wide-area private
        are  an  integral  component  of  Nokia’s   of broadband-enhanced  communication   network deployments.” Fran Heeran, SVP &
        private wireless  solution  and  designed   tools for public safety and the introduction   General Manager of Core Networks, Cloud
        for enterprises  and governments that   of  IoT  in  power  utilities.  Ken  Rehbehn,   and Network Services, at Nokia said: “This
        have networking requirements  similar  to   Principal AnalystaCritComm Insights, said:   exciting new evolution of our Core portfolio
        a  communication  service  provider.  These   “A select set of government and business   further enhances Nokia’s leading position
        new  solutions  are  tailored  to  the  specific   operations  provides essential safety,   in private wireless. Nokia Core Enterprise
        mission-critical  network  needs of public   energy, and transportation functionality   Solutions will provide important catalysts
        safety and power  utilities, and include   required for a  safe society and robust   for accelerating  digital transformation
        highly optimized footprint and operational   economic  growth.  These  organizations   for enterprises in public safety and power
        requirements and streamlined deployment   have a unique  requirement  for wide-area   utilities.  They  will  modernize  large  scale
        and  support.  The  solutions,  expected  to   wireless operations  across sweeping   enterprise  networks,  as well as provide
        be  commercially available later this year,   geography  with  secure, ubiquitous, and   important  broadband capabilities and a
        provide  unified  4G  and  5G  data,  voice   high-quality connectivity enabled by private   clear and path to deploying private 5G for
        and   subscriber/device   management   4G and 5G networks. Nokia's pre-integrated,   the WAN.”
        capabilities,  and  create  streamlined  sector-optimized mission-critical  core

        Nokia Scores Belgium Public Safety Drone Deal

        Nokia  won a  contract  to supply  a  drone   Drones and their docking stations are set   alongside details on the whereabouts and
        network platform and 70 units to specialist   to be  positioned in 35 emergency  zones   number of people in the vicinity. Data will
        Belgian  provider  Citymesh,  with  the   across the country, and will  be  able to   be available to emergency services in near
        system set to provide critical aerial data   quickly gather information during the so-  real-time. Citymesh is branding the system
        to  emergency  services.  The  deployment   called  critical  15  minutes  following  an   Sense and has already trialed it in various
        comprises  the Nokia  Drone  Networks   incident.  The  units  will  be  able  to  deliver   settings, including with the Port of Antwerp-
        platform and 70 drone-in-a-box units, which   high-definition,   AI-enhanced   thermal   Bruges,  City  of  Genk,  Brussels  Airport
        the vendor noted was enough to “blanket   imaging to provide insight into elements   Company and a fire brigade in Kortrijk.
        Belgium with a 5G automated drone grid”.   such as smoke plumes and fire parameters,

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