Page 60 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 60


        Nokia and du Deliver Residential Broadband Services Over Fixed-Wireless


        Nokia   announced   that   du,   from   Emirates   Integrated   undoubtedly enjoy the benefits of high-speed internet connectivity
        Telecommunication Company (EITC), is deploying Nokia’s Multi-  within indoor environments.” Rima Manna, Vice President, Middle
        Access Gateway (MAG) to provide broadband services to residential   East Market Unit at Nokia MEA, said: “Fixed-wireless access is
        and business users over 4G/5G fixed-wireless access (FWA), in   becoming  a game-changer  for bringing  innovative broadband
        addition to mobile services. du is leveraging the Nokia FastMile 5G   services to residential and business users. Nokia is committed to
        gateways, MAG, and Nokia professional services. Fixed-wireless   helping mobile and converged operators develop new applications
        broadband is emerging as one of the most significant use cases   and revenue streams with FWA. This exciting new initiative takes
        of 5G and will enable du to add new revenue streams with Gigabit   our long-lasting relationship with du to the next level.”
        speeds  and low latency  delivery for innovative and immersive
        broadband  applications.  The  Nokia  MAG  leverages  its  7750
        Service Routers (SR) to efficiently deliver broadband services over
        fiber and/or fixed-wireless access technologies. It allows du to
        efficiently offload fixed-wireless broadband traffic from its mobile
        core network and improve service scalability, subscriber coverage
        and time to market. Saleem AlBlooshi, Chief Technology Officer, du,
        said: “Fixed-wireless access is a vital and highly effective initiative,
        enabling  us to provide cutting-edge  use  cases such  as smart
        home and IoT solutions to our valued subscribers. As a trailblazer
        in this domain, du takes immense pride in being the first in the
        MEA region to implement this ground-breaking solution. du’s long-
        standing collaboration with Nokia has been fruitful, and this latest
        initiative will propel us to develop even more innovative use cases,
        ultimately elevating the user experience for our subscribers who will

        Nokia and VNPT Bring 10G Broadband to Vietnam

        Nokia announced the first deployment of 10G fiber broadband in   Moving  to  a  multi-gig  network  will  help  VNPT  differentiate  its
        Vietnam with operator Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications   services  and  maintain  its  leadership  position.  With  this  new
        (VNPT).  The  initial  rollout  will  connect  10,000  homes  and   technology, VNPT will be able to offer customers a full choice of
        businesses  in  the  8  largest  provinces  of  the  country.  Nokia  is   speeds up to 10 Gb/s on the existing platform without the need
        providing  fiber  access  nodes  for  the  operator’s  exchanges  and   for construction work to lay new fiber. Mr. Dang Anh Son, CEO at
        fiber modems for end users’ premises. Fiber broadband is being   VNPT Net Corporation, said: “This project is our first step towards
        rolled out rapidly in Vietnam. In September 2021, the country’s   high-class FTTx services which meet our residential and business
        Ministry  of  Information  and  Communications  launched  the   customers’ demand for higher bandwidth and service quality using
        National Digital Transformation Program with the goal that fiber   the latest generation XGS-PON. Next step, VNPT will work with
        internet infrastructure should cover 80 percent of households and   Nokia to deploy cloud-based network management systems for
        100 percent of communes by 2025. According to Global Data’s   the XGS-PON and enhance customer experiences through digital
        Vietnam Telecom Operators Country Intelligent Report, VNPT is   transformation solutions.” Rubén Morón Flores, Head of Market
        the market leader with 39.5% of the market in 2022. As well as   Unit Vietnam at Nokia, said: “We are proud to have been selected
        home  internet,  the  operator  offers  mobile  and  pay-tv  services.   by VNPT for this important milestone of bringing 10G broadband
                                                               to the country for the first time. The APAC region is the largest in
                                                               the world for fiber broadband. Our multi-gig and multi-PON solution
                                                               provides for incredible flexibility and scale. Vietnam has ambitious
                                                               plans  and  we’re  delighted  to  be  part  of  them.”  Nokia  7360-FX
                                                               Lightspan series access node (OLT) Nokia 7360-FX Lightspan is a
                                                               high-capacity access node for massive scale fiber rollouts. Usually
                                                               located in telecom central office, it connects thousands of users
                                                               via optical fiber, aggregates their broadband traffic and sends it
                                                               deeper in the network. The fiber access node supports multiple
                                                               fiber  technologies  including  GPON,  XGS-PON,  25GS-PON  and
                                                               Point-to-Point Ethernet to deliver a wide range of services with the
                                                               best fit technology.

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