Page 111 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        Industry watchdog the Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority   Maximum  price  for data services,  meanwhile,  was  lowered  to
        (ATRA) has set price ceilings for voice calls and data services,   AFN110 per GB, down from AFN250. The official went on to note
        Ariana  News  writes,  citing  ATRA  spokesperson  Jalal  Shams.   that the ATRA is working on improving service quality for voice
        According  to  the  official,  the  price  ceiling  for  calls  was  set  at   calls  and  data  services.  To  address  the  issue,  the  regulator  is
        AFN2.2 (USD0.025) per minute, with charging calculated based   looking into distributing  additional spectrum  or reorganizing
        on  30-second  increments,  down  from  60  seconds  previously.   existing spectrum usage. (May 22, 2023)


        The  latest  research  published  by  the  Telecommunications   of  any  outstanding  charges,  including  early  termination  fees.
        Regulatory  Authority  (TRA)  shows  download  speeds  on  5G   Billing Transparency and Accuracy: in which licensed operators
        networks  in  Bahrain  reached  a  peak  of  3.2Gbps  in  2022,  a   are committed to providing  consumers  with transparent  tariff
        significant  increase  on  the  1.3Gbps  offered  by  operators  when   information and accurate billing and shall implement measures to
        5G was launched in the Kingdom in 2019. The TRA’s 2022 quality   ensure that billing information is error-free across all subscriptions
        of service (QoS) audit found  the  average  5G download  speed   and billing methods, giving consumers confidence in the accuracy
        achieved by the Kingdom’s three mobile network operators (MNOs)   of their bills. Tele-sales, Value-Added Services, and Multi-Factor
        – Batelco, stc and Zain – increased from 721.1Mbps in 2021 to   Authentications: Licensed operators shall only be promoting their
        900.9Mbps last year, while average uplink throughput rose from   telecommunications services and products in a fair, transparent,
        76.2Mbps to 111.4Mbps. Furthermore, the regulator highlighted   accurate, and responsible way. Key terms and conditions, including
        that 4G network average downlink speeds have more than doubled   tariffs, contract terms, and termination conditions, will be clearly
                                                               communicated. Additionally, consumers will have direct access
        since 2020, rising from 84.7Mbps in 2020 to 266.3Mbps in 2022.  of these groundbreaking undertaking solidifies Bahrain's leadership  Draft
        The QoS survey was conducted between 30 October 2022 and 18   to view their service subscriptions, manage value-added services,
        January 2023. (June 9, 2023)       device installment plans, and track data usage. Service Quality
                                                               Levels: where if  a  consumer  experiences  a  service or product
        The Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA) is proud to   quality level that falls below the promised standards and the issue
        announce a significant milestone in enhancing consumer protection   is  not  resolved within  a  reasonable  timeframe, consumers  will
        and empowering consumers. On Monday, May 22, 2023, a historic   have the right to terminate their service contracts without incurring
        signing ceremony was held where the CEOs of all licensed operators   early termination charges. This provision ensures that consumers
        were  present  and  signed  the  undertaking.  This  collaborative   receive the quality of service they have been promised. The TRA
        effort  marks  a  groundbreaking  achievement,  making  Bahrain   commends  the CEOs  and management  teams of all  licensed
        the first country in the region to implement consumer protection   operators for their commitment to consumer protection and for
        measures through an undertaking. Effective September 1, 2023,   signing this undertaking. Their dedication to improving consumer
        the new undertaking will introduce five main consumer protection   experiences sets a positive example for the telecommunications
        measures. The Contract Summary: where licensed operators will   industry in Bahrain and the wider region. Philip Marnick, General
        provide  consumers  with a concise  document  along  with their   Director of the TRA, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "The signing
        service contracts, summarizing the key terms and conditions of
        the services they are subscribing to. Contract Termination and   in  prioritizing  consumer  protection.  We  commend  the  licensed
        End of Contract Notifications: consumers will receive an end-of-  operators for their commitment to empowering consumers. This
        contract notification when their service contracts end, which will   initiative will elevate consumer experiences and reinforce Bahrain's
        specify the date on which the contract will end. Furthermore, if a   position as a regional leader." Sh. Abdulla bin Humood AlKhalifa,
        consumer requests to terminate a service, they will be informed   the Director of Consumer and Communications, added, "Bahrain

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