Page 129 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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                         Congolese  telecoms  watchdog  the Regulatory   backbone  network in the DRC,  and announced  in
                         Authority of Post and Telecommunications (Autorite de   November 2019 that it had completed construction of
                         Regulation des Postes et Telecom, ARPTC) has issued   the first overland fiber link connecting East and West
                         a license to Liquid Telecom for the construction of a   Africa,  spanning  from Muanda on  the  west coast of
        Congo            second  submarine  cable  landing  station.  The move   the DRC  to  Dar  es  Salaam  in  Tanzania,  via  Zambia.
                         is  expected  to  end the Congolese Society of  Post   In  a  related  development,  meanwhile,  Agence  Ecofin
                         and Telecommunication’s  (Societe  Congolaise  des   reports that the DRC’s telecoms ministry met this week
                         Postes et Telecommunications,  SCPT’s) monopoly   with the  Regional  African  Satellite  Communication
                         on the sector  and provide redundancy  after damage   Organization (Rascom) regarding  potential  measures
                         to the West Africa Cable System (WACS)  – the only   to improve the nation’s  access to international
                         submarine cable that currently lands in the Democratic   connectivity. Rascom DG Mamadou Sarr noted that the
                         Republic  of Congo  (DRC) – earlier this year caused   DRC currently only uses Rascom for satellite TV, adding
                         a  nationwide  internet  slowdown. Liquid is  expected   that the organization could offer more and ‘support it in
                         to connect  the DRC to Google’s  Equiano cable.   its digital transition’.
                         Liquid  Telecom  currently  operates  an  terrestrial  fiber   (March 11, 2020)

                         French  telecoms  regulator Arcep put plans for a   and gatherings for 15 days to help stem the spread of
                         5G spectrum  auction  on hold,  noting  the COVID-19   the virus.  Spectrum  in the 3.4GHz  to 3.8GHz  bands
                         (coronavirus) outbreak  made it  impossible to  press   was  due  to  be auctioned  in  blocks of 10MHz,  with
                         ahead with the sale, scheduled to take place in April. An   the regulator last month stating all four major French
        France           Arcep representative told Mobile World Live “logistical   operators  had  also  qualified  for  a  fixed-price  sale  of
                         reasons”  around  virus containment  measures in
                                                                        50MHz blocks, which was due to be allocated at the
                         France had caused the process to be put on ice for the   same time as spectrum  won in the  bidding  process.
                         time being. The regulator  must  now “study different   Seeking  to encourage  commercial 5G launches  this
                         postponement scenarios and be ready to organize the   year, Arcep originally aimed to issue the spectrum by
                         auctions  when  we know more.” The  decision  comes   June at the latest. The nation expected the sum raised
                         after French president Emmanuel Macron on 16 March   by  the  auction  and  fixed-price  allocation  to  raise  at
                         ordered residents to abstain from non-essential travel   least €2.2 billion. (March 17, 2020)

                         The  National  Media  &  Infocommunications  Authority   2×5MHz  in  the 2100MHz  band and  1×50MHz  in  the
                         (Nemzeti Media-  es Hirkozlesi Hatosag,  NMHH)   3600MHz band. There were no bidders for a 2600MHz
                         completed  the country’s  5G  spectrum  auction,  with   (1×15MHz)  block also on offer.  The  usage  rights of
                         Magyar  Telekom,  Telenor  Hungary  and  Vodafone   the acquired frequencies will expire uniformly in 2035.
        Hungary          Hungary spending a total of HUF128.49 billion (USD397   Licenses  in  the  3600MHz  and  2100MHz  bands  have
                                                                        immediate validity – with Hungary aiming to support
                         million) on 700MHz, 2100MHz and 3600MHz licenses in
                         a highly competitive bidding contest. A preliminary bid   3.5GHz-3.6GHz  5G  launches  and  capacity  increases
                         stage on 11 March showed that demand outstripped   for existing mobile  networks. 700MHz  concessions
                         availability  for the frequencies  on offer,  particularly   will not become valid until 6 September 2020, due to
                         regarding  the  700MHz  band,  prompting  the  NMHH   the ongoing process of transferring the 700MHz range
                         to proceed to a  secondary auction. Magyar Telekom   – the ‘second digital dividend’ – from digital terrestrial
                         won 2×10MHz in the 700MHz band, 2×10MHz in the   television (DTT) to mobile broadband usage to support
                         2100MHz band and 1×120MHz in the 3600MHz band.   5G development, TeleGeography notes.  Licenses  will
                         Telenor  Hungary acquired  2×5MHz  in the 700MHz   be  extendable  for  a  further  five  years  without  any
                         band and 1×140MHz in the 3600MHz band. Vodafone   additional one-off payment.
                         Hungary  received 2×10MHz  in  the 700MHz  band,   (March 27, 2020)

                         Telecoms   watchdog  the  Post  and   Telecom  in possession of 4G permits. The planned allocations
                         Administration  (PTA, or Post-og Fjarskiptastofnun   in the 3.6GHz band are as follows:
                         [PFS])  has  concluded  its  public consultation  on the   •  Siminn: block B3600 (3500MHz-3600MHz)
                         award of 5G spectrum  in the country, revealing  its   •  Nova: block C3600 (3600MHz-3700MHz)
        Iceland          plans to award 5G frequencies  to three  operators  –   •  Vodafone  Iceland  (Syn):  block  D3600  (3700MHz-
                         Siminn, Nova and Vodafone Iceland (Syn) – currently
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