Page 133 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 133


                          Vodafone  and Telekom Romania currently use the   ANCOM’s  action  plan  also  provides for the drafting
                          2100MHz band to provide 3G networks and services,   of a normative act to transpose into national law the
                          while RCS&RDS uses it for both 3G and 4G.     directive on the establishment of the European Code
                          (March 27, 2020)              of Electronic Communications, in order to submit it for
                                                                        adoption in Q1. As part of the ongoing implementation
                          The National Authority for Management and Regulation   of  Infrastructure  Law  No.  159/2016,  the  regulator
                          in Communications (ANCOM) intends  to organize   will also establish orientative tariffs for accessing
                          an  auction of spectrum  in  the 700MHz,  800MHz,   network operators’ poles and approve conditions  for
                          1500MHz,  2600MHz  and  3400MHz-3600MHz  bands   accessing  physical  infrastructure developed  by  local
                          in  the  final  quarter  of  2020,  according  to  the  body’s   public authorities. Furthermore, it intends to review the
                          newly adopted  annual action plan. ANCOM aims   wholesale market  for infrastructure  access services
                          to  finalize  the  tender  documentation  by  the  end  of   and the  market  for broadband  access services, as
                          the third  quarter and will  also  organize a  market   well as revise the authorization regime regarding the
                          consultation  to determine  interest in acquiring  the   provision of electronic communications networks and
                          frequencies.  The  auction,  which  the authority had   services. It will also seek to modify ANCOM decision
                          previously  indicated would take  place in  early  2020,   No.  333/2013  regarding the collection  of statistical
                          has been delayed by a security memorandum signed   data in the field of electronic communications.
                          in 2019 between Romania and the US, and new EU   (March 4, 2020)
                          network security guidelines  released  in January.

                          Russia’s State Commission  for Radio  Frequencies   (SCRF) has  allocated a  400MHz  block of mmWave
                          (SCRF) has  made a  draft proposal  to issue Mobile   5G spectrum in the 24.25GHz-24.65GHz band for an
                          TeleSystems  (MTS)  with 5G test frequencies  in the   indefinite number of users which may include industrial
                          key  3.4GHz-3.8GHz  spectrum  range  in Moscow, and   enterprises  alongside  telecoms  operators. The
        Russia            is expected to finalize the decision at its next meeting   decision,  made at  a  meeting  of  the State Committee
                          on 10  March. The 3.4GHz-3.8GHz  test frequencies,
                                                                        for Emergencies on 17 March 2020, was in response to
                          alongside  37GHz-40GHz  spectrum,  will  be allocated   5G development interest from large companies gauged
                          only  for  three  specific  locations  in  the  capital  (in   via a survey from the Ministry of Digital Development,
                          the  vicinity of the  Radio  Research  Institute and two   Communications  &  Mass  Media,  whilst  the  ministry
                          scientific/medical  institutions)  for  assessment  of   also received  expressions  of interest from regional
                          the impact of 5G on the environment,  according  to   governors regarding deployment of 5G pilot zones in
                          a  document obtained by  RBC.  The planned  tests   Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk  and
                          come  under  the ongoing  agreement  between  MTS   Primorsky. The meeting also confirmed that a previous
                          and Moscow’s Department  of IT.  Note  that to date,   proposal for an auction of frequencies in the 25.25GHz-
                          proposals to free up the 3.4GHz-3.8GHz band for 5G   25.9GHz band is now officially cancelled. The proposed
                          have been blocked because of security/military usage   auction format had involved two regional lots in each
                          of the range. In 2018 – when Russia hosted the FIFA   region of the Russian Federation (with a total of 170
                          men’s World Cup  – MegaFon and Rostelecom  were   lots), but the process had been criticized as inefficient.
                          permitted to carry out 3.4GHz-3.8GHz 5G tests at pilot   The meeting participants also decided to award a block
                          zones in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan until the   of test 5G mmWave spectrum in the 24.65GHz-27.5GHz
                          end  of that  year, but all  subsequent  applications  for   band to New Digital Solutions,  a  joint venture of
                          new test permits have been refused by the authorities.   MegaFon and Rostelecom, for studying 5G capabilities
                          (March 2, 2010) RBC                           using domestically-manufactured equipment/systems
                                                                        in partnership with state corporation Roscosmos.
                          Russia’s State Commission  for Radio  Frequencies   (March 20, 2020) ComNews

                         The  Independent  Communications  Authority  of   the prescribed  license  renewal fee  by the due  date
                         South  Africa (ICASA) will  extend  the validity  of   will  result in expiry of the radio frequency  spectrum
                         existing  frequency  spectrum  licenses  by three   license  immediately  on  the  next calendar  day that
                         months,  due  to South  Africa’s  COVID-19  lockdown.   marks the beginning of the new financial year. In this
        South Africa     The communications  authority said: ‘In  terms of the   regard, ICASA has resolved to grant all radio frequency
                                                                        spectrum license holders an extension to renew their
                         regulations,  the due  date for the renewal of radio
                         frequency  spectrum licenses  is 31 March annually.   licenses  by  no later  than 30  June  2020.’  (March 31,
                         The  regulations further provide that failure to pay   2020)

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