Page 124 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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        expressed by different forums. A questionnaire seeking input from   Committee  encourages  and solicits feedback  from all  stake-
        all stakeholders will be posted on Pakistan Telecommunication   holders including general public during the consultation process.
        Authority (PTA) website. A tentative schedule  for consultation   (March 3, 2020)
        process will  also  be posted on PTA  website, accordingly.  The

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        Mohammed     Al-Tamimi,  Governor  of  Saudi  Arabia's  The Communications and Information Technology Commission
        Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC)   (CITC) announced  the extension  of the competition  to  license
        handed  over the license  for  Internet  of Things  Virtual Network   new mobile virtual  network operators  (MVNOs)  to  provide
        Operator (IoT-VNO)  to Dawiyat  Integrated  Telecommunications   services in Saudi Arabia. The competition was initially launched
        &  Information  Technology  Co.  and  MachinesTalk  Co.,  on  the   in January 14, 2020 with a deadline in May, which has now been
        sidelines of the 3rd Saudi International Exhibition & Conference   extended to August 10, 2020. According to CITC, the licensing of
        for Internet of Things in Riyadh on March 8-10, 2020. The license   new MVNOs aims to further enhance the business environment,
        allows leasing or acquiring the data bandwidth from the mobile   promote competition  in  the market, and  foster the adoption of
        telecom operator on a whole sale basis from the infrastructure   international  best  practices  across the industry.  “The licensing
        service provider, with no need for frequency spectrum or wireless   of new MVNOs will enhance innovation in the services provision
        networks, according to a CITC statement. The statement added   and make more  options available to  telecommunications  and
        that the license will enable companies to offer IoT services, as   information technology end users in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the
        well  other services including  smart  meters services within the   licenses are expected to generate new jobs in this vital sector of
        power grid, and IoT solutions in transport, logistics services, and   the Kingdom’s economy,” CITC said in a statement. CITC further
        smart cities. It also noted that it will help service providers adopt   emphasized that the competition follows the findings of a public
        top-notch global technologies, upgrade the telecommunications   consultation released earlier this year, as well as market studies.
        market and lure investments. In 2018, the Saudi telecom regulator   (March 21, 2020)
        offered licenses  for IoT-VNO  services for public  and private
        service providers, Argaam reported. (March 9, 2020)


        BTK  delegation participated  under  the chairmanship  of its   during the discussions on the “Digital Future of Europe”, which
        Chairman Ömer Abdullah Karagözoğlu in the BEREC first meeting   was announced by the Commission on February 19, 2020, and
        of 2020, where Turkey has the  observer status.  Speaking  at   revealed  the  European  approach  and strategies  regarding
        the Independent  Regulator  Group (IRG)  General Assembly BTK   digital sectors and services, in  order to make the most  of the
        Chairman shared his  opinions  and  evaluations  regarding the   opportunities offered by the digital economy, He stated that digital
        financial situation of IRG and its financial plans for 2021-2025   markets should be subject to appropriate competition rules and
        and the activities to be carried out in 2020. In the BEREC General   effective control. BTK President noted that if the competition is not
        Assembly, where the agenda of Europe in this field is discussed in   established, some major platforms can reach a dominant market
        the light of the EU's electronic communications sector regulations   position, and this will be an obstacle to both the well-being of
        and perspective, BEREC expert working groups interconnection,   consumers and the entry of new players, and it is critical to make
        5G, end user,  roaming, communication  services within  the   preliminary  arrangements  for ensuring  market justice in this
        EU,  geographical surveys  and  network setup, open internet   framework. On the second day of the meeting, within the scope of
        Guidelines (BEREC Guidelines), which are prepared by discussing   the agenda item on the sharing of experience on topics of strategic
        reports on issues such as the management of number resources   importance of the BEREC General Assembly, the RTR President
        and “Very High Capacity Networks-VHCNs”, were introduced. In   of the Austrian Administration  made a  presentation  about the
        the  meeting,  evaluations were also made about  BEREC's 2021   5G tender that will be held in the country at 700/1500/2100 MHz
        business plan and strategy. The meeting also discussed on the   bands, and the experiences  were shared with  the participants.
        contributions  and duties  of BEREC and regulatory authorities   During  the meetings,  contacts  with the European  counterparts
        under the Digital Services Act (DSA), whose work is being carried   were made by BTK President and evaluations were made on the
        out by  the Commission. BTK  President  shared his evaluations   agenda. (March 6, 2020)

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