Page 128 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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                         competition and give users more affordable options by   that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party ran
                         reducing the cost of ‘mid-range’ wireless packages. To   for re-election in October 2019 with a pledge to lower
                         track progress of reductions, the government will release   wireless tariffs by 25%, claiming this move would save
                         a quarterly price benchmarking report. Supporting the   the average family of four almost CAD1,000 (USD752)
                         directive, Minister Bains  announced  the release  of   a year. One of the big three, Telus recently responded
                         the 2019 Price Comparison Study, which showed that   by introducing its ‘True North Affordability’ pledge to
                         average prices from regional providers (smaller MNOs   cut prices to  below government  targets.  In  another
                         including Freedom Mobile, Videotron, Sasktel, Eastlink   measure to promote greater regional competition and
                         and Ice Wireless) were ‘up to 45%’ lower than the big   lower prices, Minister Bains has also confirmed rules
                         three’s plans, but prices for mid-range plans had ‘not   for the upcoming  (Q4  2020) 3500MHz  5G spectrum
                         moved’. The study also claimed that Canadians have   auction,  reserving 50MHz  for small  and regional
                         been paying more overall compared to consumers in   telecom  companies  within  the  3450MHz-3650MHz
                         other G7 countries and Australia. TeleGeography notes   range. (March 6, 2020)

                         Chile is  implementing  a  new tax  law  that  obliges   legislation  specifies  that  companies  will  be  required
                         overseas providers of OTT and e-commerce services to   to  pay  VAT  for “the  delivery  of  digital  entertainment
                         pay VAT. The 19% VAT rate will apply to all multinational   content, such as videos, music, games and similar, via
                         companies  that  deliver services within Chile without   download,  streaming  or other  technology, including
        Chile            having a physical presence in the country. This includes   texts, magazines, newspapers and books”. Additionally,
                                                                        VAT will apply to overseas firms providing advertising
                         firms  such  as  Airbnb,  Amazon,  HBO  Go,  Netflix  and
                         Spotify. Payments will be made on a quarterly basis.   services, data storage and software services. Transport
                         The  tax  change  is  part  of Chile’s Tax  Modernization   services are a  notable  exception;  while companies
                         bill  which  has  been  signed into  law  by  the country’s   such as Uber will not yet be required to pay VAT, this
                         President, Sebastian Pinera. The president noted that   is  because  Chile’s  parliament is  currently debating
                         the bill is aimed at boosting tax revenues by US$2.2   a separate  bill exclusively focused  on  the  transport
                         billion,  equating  to  around  0.6%  of  Chile’s  GDP.  The   sector. (March 3, 2020)

                         The Ministry  of Information  Technologies  and   successfully auctioned in December 2019 as part
                         Communications  (Ministerio de Tecnologias  de la   of a multi-band spectrum auction
                         Informacion  y las  Comunicaciones,  MinTIC) has   •  3.3GHz-3.8GHz (‘3.5GHz’)
                         invited interested parties to register  their willingness   •  Various millimeter wave (mmWave) bands, starting
        Colombia         to participate in the development of 5G pilot projects   with 24.25GHz-27.5GHz.
                         before 17  March.  In  its  announcement,  the request   (March 110, 2020)
                         namechecks  the health, education,  entertainment,
                         industrial  and tourism  sectors;  businesses  active in   The  Communications  Regulation  Commission
                         these fields are expected to work alongside the country’s   (Comision de Regulacion de Comunicaciones, CRC) has
                         mobile operators to  test  proto-5G applications.   announced that it is reducing the window within which
                         While 5G activity has been quiet in Colombia to date,   number  portability  (NP)  requests  must be processed
                         TeleGeography  notes that  the National Spectrum   from three days to one day from 1 July 2020. The new
                         Agency (Agencia Nacional de Espectro, ANE) did stage   watchdog  – which was  launched  on 3  February  this
                         a public 5G consultation in April 2019, after identifying   year – reduced the portability window with Resolucion
                         the bands under consideration for 5G as follows:  CRC 5929 de 2020. According to CRC data, a total of
                         •  614MHz-698MHz  (‘600MHz’),  which  has  been   22 million fixed and mobile numbers have been ported
                            authorized for mobile use following the country’s   since  the process  was  introduced  in 2011, with 4.3
                            analogue switchover,  which commenced  on 31   million requests processed in 2019 alone.
                            December 2019                               (March 10, 2020)
                         •  698MHz-806MHz     (‘700MHz’),   which   was

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