Page 53 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 53



        stc Aims to LEAD the Kuwait Telco and ICT Market

        The Kuwaiti telecom market, known for its pioneering and highly
        developed  5G  infrastructure  market,  boasts  100%  coverage  in
        populated  areas, substantial  data  consumption exceeding  60
        GB  per  user  per  month,  and  a  developing  digital  ecosystem
        encompassing  both  consumer  (devices,  fintech,  gaming,  video,
        insurance)  and  enterprise  ICT services (cloud, IoT, security and
        managed services).

        Kuwait is considered the most competitive telecom market in the
        GCC  region,  featuring  three  global  players,  each  contending  for
        around 1/3 of the market, along with a new MVNO that has been
        operational since 2022. This highly competitive scenario results in
        a challenging market characterized by intensive price competition
        and  inflationary  cost  pressures  that  influence  profitability  for  all
           Throughout  the  past  couple  of  years, stc
           successfully  optimized its operations,

           invested  in  developing the  largest  5G
           network  in Kuwait  and  enhanced  its
           digital  customer  journeys by revamping
           the  frontend BSS  system and  the  digital
           touchpoints to provide its customers with
           an unrivalled experience. stc was also the
           first  operator  in  Kuwait  to  launch  the  full
           5G (standalone  5G),  offering  improved             Miguel Rodriguez
           customer experience in terms of download             General Manager - Corporate Strategy &

           speed and latency, and enabling a broader            Planning
           range of use cases.                                  stc Kuwait

        There has been a surge in demand for telecom and digital services
        in  Kuwait,  further  accelerated  with  the  Covid-19  pandemic. This
        demand includes  competitively  priced voice and  internet  plans,
        connectivity  solutions,  and  innovative  products that  focus on
        digitally transforming business cultures. There is a massive wave
        of demand primarily focused on accelerating  the  path  towards
        digital transformation for most companies, providing the telecom
        and  digital  solutions  sector  with an opportunity  to utilize their
        resources to meet the needs of corporate customers.

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