Page 134 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 134


                          Ghana has extended its deadline for citizens to register   The processing  for ID  cards has  been  reportedly
                          and link their details to SIM cards, admitting it will not be   slow  with  some citizens waiting  for hours in  line to
                          able to register all SIMs within the original timeframe.   process  their  details. More time is also required  to
                          In  a  statement,  the  Ministry  of  Communications  and   facilitate diplomats and residents that are abroad. “We
        Ghana             Digitalization has said there was a number of factors   commend all Ghanaians and foreign residents in Ghana
                                                                        for their support in ensuring that through this exercise,
                          to  not  meeting  its  original  March  31  deadline,  a  key
                          one being  people  have  yet  to  obtain their national   we  develop and build a  credible SIM  database  with
                          identity cards.  The SIM  registration order began  on   integrity, which will help address issues of cyber fraud
                          October 1 last year but as of March 17 only 14 million   and promote secure SIM Card based transactions as
                          SIM cards have been linked to Ghana Cards, and over   part of our efforts to digitally transform the economy,
                          7.5 million citizens have yet to obtain their ID cards.   said  Owusu-Ekulful.  Ghana's  decision  to  implement
                          The deadline has been extended to July 31. “It is clear   a national ID card scheme  has seen  pushback  from
                          that the deadline for completion of the registration of   citizens concerned with data privacy.
                          the remaining active SIM cards cannot be met,” said   (March 23, 2022)
                          minister  of  communications  Ursula  Owusu-Ekulful.

                         The  Prime  Minister  Mark  Phillips  has  requested  that   availability,  packet loss  ratio, average throughput,
                         industry  regulator  the  Public  Utilities  Commission   latency  and  jitter.  The  PM  was  quoted  as  saying  in
                         (PUC)  develop  a  set  of  quality  of  service  (QoS)   the missive: ‘The Government of Guyana is extremely
                         benchmarks for operators to abide by, following a string   concerned at numerous reports of poor quality of public
        Guyana           of customer  complaints  regarding internet  services.   telecommunication  services, especially with  respect
                         Local  daily  Demerara  Waves  writes  that  the  PM,  in
                                                                        to fixed and mobile broadband internet services. I am
                         a  letter  to  the  PUC,  asked  that  the  regulator  amend   advised that the institution  of appropriate  technical
                         the  Telecommunications  (Consumer)  Protection   QoS Standards is a necessary part of the solution to
                         Regulations  2020  to  include  QoS requirements for   this issue.’ (April 12, 2022)

                         The telecoms watchdog the Electronic Communications   ten rural areas of the country (nine of which currently
                         Office  of  Iceland  (ECOI)  has  extended  Vodafone   have no 5G access) – covering 90% of the population
                         Iceland’s (Syn’s) 5G concession in the 3600MHz band   in these settlements with minimum downlink  of
                         until  31  March  2023,  following  a  public  consultation   200Mbps – as well as deploy 40 5G transmitters and
        Iceland          on the topic in February.  According to the terms of   provide  5G  to  over  25%  of  the  population.  According
                         the frequency  authorization,  Syn will  embark on an
                                                                        to the approved plan, 5G networks must be built in six
                         ‘extensive’  deployment  project  in  the  forthcoming   settlements before 31 September 2022.
                         twelve  months,  committing  to  build  5G  networks  in   (March 22, 2022)

                         Around  a third of base transceiver stations (BTS)  in   those set by the central government. To address the
                         India  are  connected  to  fiber  networks,  reducing  the   issue, the minister said that the government is creating
                         potential footprint of 5G networks when the technology   a collaborative institutional mechanism for the central
                         is  introduced,  the  Indian  Express  writes,  citing   government, states and local bodies for common RoW,
        India            Telecom  Minister  Ashwini  Vaishnaw.  The  minister   standardization of costs and timelines for approval,
                         told parliament that 793,551 of the roughly 2.3 million
                                                                        and removal of barriers for grant of approvals.
                         BTS  in  service  as  at  1  February  2022  were  fiberized,   (April 11, 2022)
                         equivalent to around 34.5% of the sites. Fiberization of
                         BTS is an important component for the deployment of   Industry watchdog the Telecom Regulatory Authority of
                         5G networks but service providers in India have faced   India (TRAI) has issued a decision clarifying its recent
                         obstacles in connecting the majority of their sites to   tariff order  regarding  pre-paid  plans. The  updated
                         fiber. According to the minister, the main barriers have   wording of the regulator’s order states that for pre-paid
                         been  related to Right of Way (RoW), with providers   plans that renew automatically on the same date each
                         facing high costs, complex processes and delays due   month, if that renewal date is not available the renewal
                         to the failure of state authorities to align RoW rules with   date should instead be the last date of the month. For

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