Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 37


                                             Alfa  Announces  the  Gradual  Reopening  of  Its

                                             Stores Starting from Dekweneh and Jbeil

        Alfa, managed by Orascom TMT, announces the reopening of its   of coronavirus.  The  Stores will reopen  to customers  from 8am
        flagship Stores in Dekweneh and Jbeil starting today after a forced   to 5pm from Monday to Saturday. Other regional stores will be
        closure for 3 months as a preventive measure against the spread   reopened gradually as part of a comprehensive reopening plan Alfa
                                                               is implementing to ensure full compliance with safety measures
                                                               to preserve the  health of customers and staff.  Internationally
                                                               endorsed safety and social distancing measures will be applied
                                                               in  stores.  In  addition,  a  specified  number  of  customers  will
                                                               be  allowed  to be in the stores at  once  and customers  will  be
                                                               required  to wear a mask.  Alfa will keep  its customers  updated
                                                               on the reopening dates of other regional stores.  For additional
                                                               information, customers can communicate with us via our social
                                                               media platforms on facebook and twitter as well as via the live
                                                               chat service on the Alfa website and mobile application or call the
                                                               111 helpline.

                                             Arthur D. Little Acquires Cutter Consortium and
                                             Presans to Expand Open Consulting Capabilities

        Arthur D. Little (ADL) announced the acqui-  and artificial intelligence, as well as a team   Moreover,  ADL’s  more  than  40  offices  in
        sitions of Cutter Consortium, a business   of fellows (former research and innovation   30 countries has given Cutter an enhanced
        technology  research company based in   executives) with in-depth knowledge in in-  ability to assist its clients worldwide,” says
        the US, and Presans, a leading player in in-  novation, Presans leverages a network of   Karen Coburn, CEO of Cutter Consortium.
        dustrial open innovation based in France.   over 6 million experts worldwide. Presans   “Since its inception at the École Polytech-
        By combining its own expertise with an ex-  provides a variety of high-end open inno-  nique's start-up incubator, Presans has al-
        isting community of independent experts,   vation services, contributing to the accel-  ways engaged with the best experts in the
        ADL expands its consulting ecosystem to   eration of decision-making  and removal   world, mainly to help its customers solve
        establish a next-generation value proposi-  of scientific and technological roadblocks.   complex technical problems,” says Albert
        tion powered by open consulting and open   Presans has worked  for 50+ internation-  Meige, Founder of Presans. “Presans now
        problem solving. Cutter Consortium helps   al industrial groups  and delivered  more   addresses more and more problems at the
        organizations navigate digital disruption   than  100  innovation  projects  in  Europe,   crossroads of strategy consulting and sci-
        of business models and leverage emerg-  the US and the Middle East. “Arthur D. Lit-  entific & technical expertise. The time had
        ing technologies  for competitive advan-  tle applies an ‘open consulting’ and ‘open   therefore come for Presans to strengthen
        tage and mission success. Through its re-  problem solving’ approach and brings the   itself by joining forces with Arthur D Little.
        search, consulting, training, and executive   best global experts to every assignment to   “Together  with  Cutter and Presans, ADL
        education – all delivered by globally recog-  complement  its internal  strengths,”  com-  reinforces its position on digital and infor-
        nized thought leaders – Cutter delivers in-  ments Ignacio García Alves, Chairman and   mation technologies, as well as industrial
        novative solutions to its thousands of cli-  CEO of Arthur D. Little. “We believe the fu-  innovation, particularly  in  breakthrough
        ents worldwide. Cutter’s experts have done   ture is open  consulting.  With the  double   innovation and convergence problem solv-
        the ground-breaking work in areas ranging   acquisition of Cutter and Presans, we are   ing. In addition, through the acquisition of
        from digital architectures to digital tech,   able  to  expand  our  open  consulting  eco-  the technological platform of Presans, ADL
        enterprise  agility  to  data  analytics,  and   system  and open  problem solving capa-  is accelerating its investments in artificial
        digital leadership  to sustainable innova-  bilities, offering access to experts, premi-  intelligence and machine learning to devel-
        tion. At the heart of its business is a mem-  um insight and a differentiated experience   op state-of-the-art offerings for its clients.
        bership service that gives clients valuable   for our clients, in  a  seamless way.”  “The   Cutter Consortium and Presans will  con-
        access  to  its  experts  and  their  insight.   Cutter team felt an  instant synergy with   tinue to operate under their current brands
        Presans is a leading data-driven platform   our colleagues at ADL. We share a focus   with the same management teams, while
        dedicated  to industrial open  innovation   on innovation, which, in ADL’s case, goes   benefiting from ADL’s capabilities, invest-
        and open problem solving. Thanks to cut-  back to its roots, and an emphasis on pro-  ment, and global exposure.
        ting-edge  technology  based on  big data   viding custom, leading-edge  solutions.

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