Page 41 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 41


                                             China Mobile International Partners with Omantel

                                             for Its Third PoP in the Middle East

        Deepening  its  collaboration  within the   cables will be linked to the Muscat PoP to   SmartHub and Datamena and globally to
        Middle East,  China  Mobile International   strengthen CMI’s connectivity and provide   our  infrastructure  in  Djibouti,  Singapore
        (CMI)  has  joined  hands  with  Omantel  to   an alternative path through the Middle East.   and other key hubs. This will bring Oman
        establish its third Point of Presence (PoP)   Sohail Qadir, Vice President,  Wholesale,   into a CMI network that covers China and
        in the region  in the Sultanate  of Oman.   Omantel said, “With the globalization of the   across  six  continents.”  The  partnership
        The  new partnership  leverages Oman’s   telecommunications sector, we are looking   with CMI underscores Oman’s economic
        strategic location and the complementary   at  an  exciting  future  of  our  partnerships   potential and  business-friendly  climate,
        strengths of  CMI  and Omantel  to  enable   and expansion with CMI. Omantel became   as a secure and stable Gulf state. It also
        closer ties  between the Middle East,   the preferred  choice  to help  CMI  take its   reflects  Omantel’s growing  reputation  as
        Africa, Asia and Europe. The new PoP will   strategies forward in part  because of   a trusted global player. With modern high-
        leverage Omantel's  vast  subsea  network   the Sultanate of Oman's  geographical   speed infrastructure and ultra-low-latency
        to provide latency improvement, prevent   location,  policies  that feel  the pulse  of   connectivity, Omantel supports enterprise
        single point failure and connect with other   a  digital future, and an infrastructure   customers and as a state-owned company
        CMI PoPs for resilient connectivity in the   network that enables us to reach further.   and  experienced  in  submarine  industry
        Middle  East  to support increased  global   Forming the backbone of this partnership   helps  major  telecom  service  providers
        connectivity for multinational businesses.   will  be  Omantel's robust  infrastructure,   with  cable  landing  and  terrestrial  fiber
        Omantel has invested in 20 subsea cable   subsea network,  professional  facilities   construction to expand their reach. As the
        systems  covering  120  locations  around   management and access to power.” “In an   Sultanate's  first  and  leading  integrated
        the world. It is also the first and only carrier   era of digitization and global cooperation,   telecommunications  services provider,
        within  the  six  Gulf  Cooperation  Council   CMI and Omantel are coming together to   Omantel capitalizes on ultra-low  latency
        (GCC) countries to land a submarine cable   provide secured and reliable connectivity   networks to enable innovation and digital
        in Europe. The Oman PoP connects to the   for businesses working in GCC countries,   transformation globally. It utilizes Oman's
        Dubai, Fujairah and Djibouti PoPs through   Africa, Europe and beyond,”  said Andrew   geographic  advantage at  the  absolute
        CMI’s SMW-5  and AAE-1 cable system,   Niu, CMI Chief Partnership Officer, “As part   nexus of the east, west, north, and south
        and connect to other APAC cable systems   of our commitment to the GCC region, CMI   to enable its  customers and partners to
        in Singapore, such as SJC and APG going   will  be investing  in  backhaul to  connect   deliver their services with the best possible
        to  Hong Kong. In  the future, more  new   our new  Oman  POP  with  our  PoPs  at   end-user experience.

                                             Cisco Gets SASE with Its Latest SD-WAN Software

        Cisco has  embraced  the secure access   announced  that  advanced  security  was   firewall  and  intrusion  prevention,  to  URL
        service edge  (SASE) model across its   integrated  into Cisco  SD-WAN devices,   filtering. With its latest SD-WAN software,
        latest  SD-WAN  software  release.  Last   from  application-aware  enterprise  customers  can  extend  their  security  to
        year Gartner analysts  coined  the SASE
        term and positioned it as the unification of
        enterprise  access  security  initiatives and
        WAN networking platforms, including SD-
        WAN. With the 17.2 software release, Cisco
        has  blended  its  Cisco  Umbrella  Cloud
        Security  portfolio, which  includes Cisco's
        secure internet  gateway, with its  Viptela-
        based  SD-WAN offering. After cancelling
        the  first  virtualized  edition  of  its  flagship
        event a few weeks ago, Cisco Live is taking
        place this week. At last year's Cisco Live,
        Cisco said it would broaden the security of
        its SD-WAN by combining it with Umbrella.
        At the Cisco Partner Summit 2018, Cisco
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