Page 32 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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        of  and  commitment  to  the  Carbon  Disclosure  Project,  which   its vision to create a safer, fairer, more secure internet through a
        provides a reporting framework and guidance to address climate   focus on addressing four fundamental challenges to the adoption
        change.  Zain  Vice-Chairman  and  Group  CEO,  Bader  Al  Kharafi   of public DLT - technology, security, stability, and governance.
        commented,  “We feel a sense  of purpose  in joining  the Hedera   For the vision to deliver impactful results, the network needs to
        Governing  Council, which has  numerous blue chip,  innovation-  be governed  by representatives from a  broad range  of market
        driven  organizations all interested  in driving  the  development   sectors and geographies, each with world-class expertise in their
        of blockchains and the wider DLT space, which we have already   respective industries. Mance Harmon, CEO of Hedera commented,
        noted has phenomenal potential. Council membership provides   “We are delighted to have Zain Group join the Council, given the
        Zain first-hand exposure to cutting-edge and secure technologies   company’s sound track record of innovation, and professionalism
        that drive innovation, e-commerce and B2B across the region.”   in the development and delivery of cutting-edge mobile services
        Al-Kharafi continued, “From our own perspective, the growing list   and applications. We believe the Council will be enriched greatly by
        of new services and applications we have and continue to develop   this first organization to join us from the Middle East region, given
        in areas such  as the Group  API  platform; mobile  money  and   Zain Group’s eight country footprint. We hope Zain will take full
        fintech; e-health; drones; the Internet of Things; and 5G all lend   advantage of the opportunity to immerse itself in hashgraph and
        themselves to further enhancement through blockchain and other   distributed  ledger  technologies  and  gain  first-hand  knowledge
        distributed ledger technologies. Our participation in the Council   of new  technologies  and use  cases developed  on  the  Hedera
        also speaks to another pillar of Zain’s corporate strategy, which   network.” The Hedera  Governing Council’s  members  contribute
        is to collaborate with leading industry players to achieve mutually   technical expertise to manage the technical roadmap, business
        beneficial  outcomes  and  thereby  improve  the  products  and   expertise to advise on business operations, and legal expertise to
        services we can deliver to our customers.” Hedera aims to realize   help navigate the evolving regulatory environment.

        Zain Group Publishes Ninth Annual Sustainability Report, Titled “The Road

        to the Future”

        Zain  Group, the  leading mobile  telecom  innovator  in  eight
        markets across the Middle East and Africa, announces the
        publication of its ninth annual sustainability report, entitled
        “The  Road to the  Future”. Embedding  sustainability in
        every aspect of its business, Zain is dedicated to its digital
        strategy of consistently working towards developing  the
        mobile telecommunications ecosystem centered on a vision
        of inclusive development  that leads to socio-economic
        growth. In this consolidated Group-wide report, the company
        focuses on the concept of providing Meaningful Connectivity
        which triggers systemic change, ultimately creating room for
        development and growth, aiming to address the company’s
        social, economic and environmental impacts. Noteworthy, is
        the FTSE Russell’s inclusion of Zain Group in its FTSE4Good
        Index Series, the world's leading Environmental, Social and
        Corporate  Governance  (ESG)  index,  a  key  indicator  to  help
        investors identify companies that meet globally recognized  the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer and the publication of
        sustainability standards. ‘The  Road  to the  Future” report  this report is testament to our ongoing efforts and resolve.” Al Kharafi
        includes Zain’s key ESG indicators which is primarily based  continued, “FTSE Russell’s inclusion of Zain Group in its FTSE4Good
        on the company’s  sustainability  strategy  and  initiatives,  Index Series reconfirms our commitment to embedding ESG principles
        established on six main pillars with its activities driven by  in every operational aspect of the company.” On her part, Zain Group’s
        the following imperatives: Creating shared value; Promoting  Chief Sustainability Officer, Jennifer Suleiman said, “In an era of rapid
        social innovation; Inclusivity  and leaving no one behind;  change and disruption, having a forward-thinking vision is an essential
        Addressing Sustainable Development Goals; Tackling climate  aspect of our sustainability strategy. At Zain, we welcome the tides of
        change;  and Youth empowerment.  Zain  Vice-Chairman  disruption as they often provide us the chance to evolve in a positive
        and  Group  CEO,  Bader  Al-Kharafi  commented,  “Now  more  manner.” Suleiman  added,  “It  is short-sighted  for a company  not to
        than ever, the need  for a fundamental systemic change  is  consider what the impact of its operations are on the environment and
        central  to the region’s transformation and growth. In our  adjust its way of doing business accordingly. The reason we remain so
        world, digital and technological advancements offer endless  committed to publishing our sustainability reports is to be extremely
        opportunities to not only address negative impacts but  forthcoming of our own experiences in this area, and to inspire others
        create positive ones. Through digitization, our wide range of  to follow suit and have real conversations and implement real solutions
        services, and reach, Zain aims to unlock the possibilities that  in the pursuit of truly sustainable programs.”

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