Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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        Action in motion                       region.                              including SoHo (small and home offices)
        Internal and external stakeholders alike are   4.  With respect to the people at Zain, who   and SMEs  segments. Furthermore, the
        at heart of Zain’s sustainability activities.   are the heart of the  organization,  the   company is moving forward in its plans
        Throughout 2019, some of the significant   company  further enhanced  its  Gender   to set up a centralized ICT and Digital
        developments undertaken by Zain and its   Diversity and Inclusion program building   professional  services hub  that serves
        operations include:                    its  Women Empowerment  initiative   Zain’s  operations  and other  business
        1.  Regarding  the universally important   aiming to develop and increase female   entities across  Zain’s  footprint and
          issue of climate change,  Zain became   leadership. Furthermore, Zain launched   beyond. This hub will  provide Cloud
          a member of the GSMA Climate Action   its  WE  ABLE  program  to  promote   and  Cybersecurity  services,  IoT,  Big
          Task Force with the objective to play a   diversity and inclusion in the workplace   Data  and Analytics  as  well  as  a  wider
          more strategic role in addressing the   aiming to become  Disability Inclusive   spectrum of new technologies covering
          company’s environmental  footprint.   by  2022  and became  a  signatory  to   areas  related  to  Artificial  Intelligence,
          By becoming a member of the Carbon   the International Labor  Organization   Blockchain  and  Drone  solutions  to
          Disclosure  Project,  which  provides  a   (ILO)  Global  Business  and  Disability   name a few.  It  is through  these  key
          reporting framework and guidance     Network Charter. Zain firmly believes it   steps that exemplify the efforts that the
          to address climate change,  Zain also   is important that the contributions that   connectivity Zain provides takes a life of
          installed 849 outdoor  (base station/  people  with disabilities can make in   its own, and embodies the true meaning
          power) solutions and 91 small shelters   our workforce and in society in general   of Meaningful  Connectivity, further
          across its operations to reduce carbon   are given ample opportunity to be   accelerating  much needed  systemic
          dioxide  emissions,  while  deploying  25   recognized.                   change.
          solar and hybrid base solutions. These   5.  Moreover,  Zain’s  Youth  (ZY)  8.  The  company also scaled  its Zain
          actions symbolize a firm step by Zain in   Empowerment  Program  plays  an  Group  API,  growing  it  exponentially  in
          the fight against climate change.    instrumental role in empowering youth   products  offered  and customer  usage
        2.  Zain continued  to solidify its  supply   in the  region.  Initiatives launched   in Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia and
          chain process  through  implementing   under ZY include Generation Z; a year-  expanding it during the year to Bahrain,
          initiatives  such  as  the  Supplier  long  graduate  program  in Kuwait that   Iraq and Oman.  The  social ambition
          Assessment Questionnaire; joining up to   enhances  digital and behavioral skills   is to open  some  of Zain’s assets to
          the Supplier Code of Conduct; alignment   preparing  them for future employment   emerging developers  both regionally
          to international best practices through   and contributing  to  society at  large;   and internationally  with the aim  of
          Zain’s ESMP Guidelines; and supporting   Zainiac, an internal e-platform that aims   creating  new  opportunities  for young
          two  audit visits  per year  on selected   to encourage intrapreneurship within the   entrepreneurs to partner with Zain. This
          suppliers on social  and environmental   organization and thereafter support  in   will allow the company to provide their
          criteria.                            the incubation process and developing   services to our customers  therefore
        3.  From  an  economic  perspective, the   the business idea, noting  the initiative   expanding   their   reach   ultimately
          company  has  expanded  its  life-   has received over 700 unique ideas; and   creating shared  value for both the
          enhancing  digital  financial  services   Reverse  Mentoring,  aiming to improve   company  and the entrepreneurs.  One
          available in Jordan and Iraq under the   diversity and inclusion by reducing gaps   relevant  example  that  had  multiple
          Zain Cash brand, to now include Saudi   between younger and senior employees,   benefits,  is  Zain’s  launch  of  the  Zain
          Arabia, under the brand name Tamam,   whereby youth act as a sounding board   Kids application  offering  educational
          an end-to-end  digital microlending   for new product launches and initiatives,   games and videos that can be managed
          platform  offering  micro-loans  to  better  understanding  one  another’s   by parents.
          vulnerable communities in the Kingdom.   perspectives.                 9.  Safeguarding  future  generations
          52% of men, and 35% of women possess   6.  Engaging  with  its  teams  across the   and mitigating  negative impacts of
          a bank account in the Kingdom, though   region,  Zain organized several forums   broadband connectivity is an especially
          among the unbanked population, 86%   to  align  departmental  strategies  important part of Zain’s sustainability
          men and 75% of women own a mobile    and  objectives  with  the  main  aim  of   agenda,  and the company  reinforced
          phone.  Moreover, Zain Kuwait and    sharing best practices and scaling the   its commitment to protecting  children,
          Boubyan Bank announced plans for the   opportunities of Meaningful Connectivity   publishing  a  report  titled “Child Online
          development of the first digital platform   that empower  the  communities Zain   Safety: Minimizing the Risk of Violence,
          for Islamic banking services, marking   serves. Functions  included  Regulatory,   Abuse  and  Exploitation”  online  under
          the  first  digital  partnership  of  this   Digital, Risk Management, Commercial,   the  Broadband  Commission  Working
          nature in the region made between one   Legal, Procurement and Technology.  Group: Child Online Safety.
          of the biggest regional telecom entities.   7.  From a  products  and customer   The above are just a few examples of the
          This encourages  the development of   perspective, Zain launched 5G networks   many initiatives outlined  in the Report.
          digital banking services helping support   in  Kuwait  and  Saudi  Arabia,  expanded   With the MENA region undergoing drastic
          startups and emerging  enterprises   much needed 4G networks across other   changes, Zain’s sustainability agenda will
          and contribute  to the incredible  digital   key  markets  and  continued  to  expand   continuously evolve so that the company
          innovation taking place  across  the   its B2B presence expanding its reach by   remains of value to all our stakeholders.

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