Page 162 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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                         2020 for a commercial switch-on, though it noted that   a total of 90MHz in the 3.5GHz band for TWD45.675
                         it  is  still  considering  pricing  models  for subscribers.   billion (USD1.5 billion), and 600MHz in the 28GHz band
                         Meanwhile, the report notes that – according to NCC   for TWD618 million. Subsequently, in March 2020 the
                         Chief Secretary  Hsiao  Chi-hong  –  the cellco  has   cellco at selected Nokia to oversee its 5G radio network
                         already deployed 5G-enabled  base stations  across   deployment in the Central and Southern Region of the
                         the  country’s  six  special  municipalities:  Taipei,  New   country, while another  vendor, Ericsson,  announced
                         Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung,  Tainan and Kaohsiung.   it had been contracted ‘to provide the 5G platform to
                         Chunghwa  emerged as  the biggest  spender  in  the   support [Chunghwa’s] future network’.
                         frequency sale that closed in January 2020, securing   (June 4, 2020)

                         MTN  Uganda  has  confirmed  that  it  has  completed   concession  for a  further twelve  years, effective  from
                         its license  renewal,  which  was  agreed  in March  this   1  July.  MTN  is  Uganda’s  largest  cellular  operator  by
                         year after lengthy  negotiations  with the  government.   subscribers,  accounting  for around  50% of all  users.
                         The  cellco  is  paying  USD100  million  to  extend  its   (June 16, 2020)

                         The National Commission for  State Regulation  of   decision (No. 270) requires approval from the Ministry
                         Communications  &  Informatization  (NCCIR/NKRZI)   of Justice. Earlier in the month the NCCIR was forced
                         issued a decision on 14 July 2020 to cut the unified   to cancel a similar decision (issued in May) to cut the
                         wholesale mobile termination  rate (MTR) and long-  termination rates, after the Ministry refused to register
                         distance  voice  call  termination  rate  from  UAH0.12   it. The NCCIR’s latest decision brings forward the date
         Ukraine         (USD0.0044)  to  UAH0.08  per  minute  from  1  October   of effectiveness  by  three months from its  original
                         2020.  As  published on the watchdog’s  website, the   proposal of January 2021. (June 16, 2020)

                         British  telecoms  regulator  Ofcom  has  published   will  be  in December  2022 in Salisbury, and in June
                         a  consultation seeking  views on its  plan to defer   2023 in a further 117 exchange areas. The watchdog’s
                         a  decision on proposals to  remove copper  wire   WFTMR consultation had clarified too that the aim of
                         regulations until after it publishes its final decisions in   the copper retirement proposals is designed to promote
        United           its Wholesale Fixed Telecoms Market Review (WFTMR).   fiber  investment  by  shifting  the  focus  of  regulation
                         Having originally set out its proposed policy on copper
                                                                        from copper to fiber, and to support the migration to
        Kingdom          retirement as part of the published in January this year,   fiber services. An important aspect of those proposals
                         Ofcom said that instead,  it  will now canvas  WFTMR   included a period of regulatory transition after which,
                         consultation  opinion  on a  revised proposal to wait   when Openreach has completed ultrafast coverage of
                         until  after  it  makes  its  final  decisions  in  the  WFTMR   an exchange area, Ofcom would lift the existing charge
                         statement to consider how to define the circumstances   control on the anchor  copper  service. However, the
                         in which premises can be excluded from the definition   regulator has  noted that  there  may  be ‘very  limited
                         of  a  completed  ultrafast  exchange  area.  Based  on   circumstances’  in which Openreach may  not be able
                         the regulator  proposals at  the start  of the year and   to connect some premises in an exchange area with
                         Openreach’s announced plans, it anticipates that the   ultrafast services, ‘despite all reasonable efforts’.
                         earliest that the copper charge control will be removed   (June 26, 2020)

                         The Federal Communications  Commission (FCC)   awarded a total of $32.5 million. Below are the recent
                         has  approved its  13th  and 14th  sets  of COVID-19   awards for New York organizations. Association  to
                         telehealth  program  applications,  expending  the  total   Benefit  Children—Children’s  Mobile  Mental  Health
                         $200 million in funds provided by the CARES Act. Since   Clinic in New York, New York, was awarded $174,270
        United           the  first  set  of  awards  were  announced  on  April  16,   for laptop computers,  tablets, smartphones,  and
                                                                        videoconferencing  equipment  and software for the
                         2020, the applications of 536  providers in 47  states
        States           plus Washington,  D.C.,  and Guam  were approved.   remote treatment of mental health conditions, including
                         Specifically,  74  New  York  State  organizations  were   a  range  of  pediatric  conditions,  such  as  anxiety  and

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